Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Pratt Institute

Address 200 Willoughby Ave.,  Brooklyn, New York 11205, United States of America
Tel. No. (+1 718) 636-3669
Fax No. (+1 718) 636-3670
Admission E-mail address
Contact for application
Total No. of students
Course titles Architectural Urban Design and Planning Architecture (BArch, BA/BS, MArch, MA/MS, PhD) Art History, Criticism and Conservation Art Teacher Education Art Therapy/ Therapist Arts Management Building/ Construction Finishing/ Mgmt./Inspection Business, Mgmt., Mktg., & Related Support Services Cinematography and Film/ Video ProductionCity/ Urban, Community and Regional Planning Commercial and Advertising Art Dance and Movement Therapy/ Therapist Drawing Education, Other Fashion/Apparel Design Fine/Studio Arts, General Industrial Design Interior Design Journalism Lib. Art & Sci., Gen. Stud. & Human., Oth. Library Science, Othe rLibrary Science/ Librarianship Painting Photography Sculpture Secondary Education and Teaching
Undergraduate and Graduate TOEFL 500

About Pratt Intitute

Pratt Institute attracts highly motivated, talented students from a variety of backgrounds. Applications are welcome from all qualified students, regardless of age, sex, religion, race, color, creed, national origin, or handicap. The Admissions Committee bases its decisions on a careful review of all credentials submitted by the applicant. Although admission standards at Pratt are high, extraordinary talent may sometimes offset a lower grade point average or test score. If a student is not accepted, this decision is neither a negative reflection on the student’s chances for successful completion of similar studies at another institution, nor does it preclude the student's eventual admission to the Institute.

Request For Further Information

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Address 1
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Postal code
Country of residence* (where you live)
Existing qualifications*
Work experience
Level of study desired*
Programme(s) you are interested in*
Expected enrollment date*
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