Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Phoenix College

Address 1202 W Thomas Rd Phoenix, Arizona 85013 United States of America
Tel. No. (+1 602) 285-7500
Fax No. (+1 602) 285-7813
Admission E-mail address
Contact for application
Total No. of students
Course titles Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping  Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, & Treatmt.  Architectural Drafting  Banking and Financial Support Services  Buildng/Home/Construction Inspection/Inspector  Business Admin. & Management, General  Child Care Services Manager  Civil Engineering Technology/Technician  Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician  Court Reporter  Criminal Justice/Police Science  Dental Assisting/Assistant  Dental Hygiene/Hygienist  Electrical, Electronic & Communications Engineer  Electrical/Electronics Drafting & Electrical/Elec.  Emergency Medical Technology/Tech. (Paramedic)  Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary  Fashion Merchandising  Fire Science/Fire-fighting  Forensic Science and Technology  General Marketing Operations  General Studies  Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator, General  Health Information/Medical Records Technology  Inst. Food Workers & Administrators, General  Interior Design  Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary  Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies  Management Information Systems, General  Medical/Clinical Assistant  Medical Administrative Assistant/Secretary  Mental & Social Health Services/Allied Professions  Nursing-Registered Nurse Training (RN/ASN/BSN/MSN)  Office Management and Supervision  Paralegal/Legal Assistant  Real Estate  Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, OtherTravel Services Marketing Operations  Vocational Home Economics, Other
Undergraduate and Graduate TOEFL Required

About Phoenix College

Phoenix College will be an exemplary educational institution, caring, innovative, and creative. It will be responsive to its diverse community, offering supportive environments for student’s success, promoting lifelong learning.

Phoenix College is a comprehensive community college responsive to the changing needs of the community and individuals pursuing academic, occupational, developmental, and personal enrichment goals.

Institutional Control:

Located within 15 miles of a major urban area

Request For Further Information

Please fill in the information below and your request will be submitted to the university.

Your first name*
Your last name*
Your e-mail address*
Re-type your e-mail address*
Your phone No. (with dialing codes)
Your fax No.
Address 1
Address 2
Postal code
Country of residence* (where you live)
Existing qualifications*
Work experience
Level of study desired*
Programme(s) you are interested in*
Expected enrollment date*
Additional information

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