Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Digital Media Arts College

Address 3785 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, FL 33431, United States of America
Phone: (+001) 561-391-1148
in USA (866)255-DMAC (3622)
Institutional control: Private for-profit
Setting: Located in a regional city
Enrollment: Undergraduate: 95
Graduate: 25
International: 15
Admissions office: Director of Admissions
Christina Wheeler
Financial aid office: Financial Aid Officer
Lisa De Simone
Phone: (+001)561-391-1148
Cost of attendance (full year): Undergraduate: $17,500
Room & board: $7,000
Financial aid: Grants offered: Yes
Scholarships offered: Yes
Loans offered: Yes
Most popular areas of study: 1. BFA, Computer Animation
2. BFA, Graphic Design
3. MFA, Special Effects Animation
4. MFA, Graphic Design
Course titles Animation and Graphic Design

About Digital Media Arts College

Experience the making of a digital artist at Digital Media Arts College, and earn your Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) or Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree in computer/special effects animation or graphic design. Here at DMAC you learn alongside other artists just like you in an environment designed by our staff of accomplished artists. The curriculum allows you to optimize your skills in traditional arts and computer design simultaneously beginning with the first semester.

Why do students choose DMAC?
1. Accelerated Bachelor and Master of Fine Arts Degrees

  • three-year BFA in computer arts, computer animation or graphic design
  • one-and-a-half-year MFA, special effects animation or graphic design
  • location in beautiful Boca Raton, Florida, a half mile from the beach-water sports, superb parks, an average temperature of 78 degrees F, exquisite cultural venues and world-famous shopping
2. Accessible quality facilities
  • state-of-the-art labs-equipment provides the optimum creative environment and labs include the latest PC/Xeon and Mac technology with digital flat panels and Apple Cinema displays.
  • no sharing-availability of one computer per student
  • no waiting-design on the computer the first semester and develop and apply skills immediately.
  • always available-labs are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
3. Accessible quality faculty
  • optimum access-DMAC is an exclusive college with small class size and a low student-to-teacher ratio.
  • industry experience-faculty have industry experience, which they incorporate into instruction and guidance in their classes, at companies such as Sega.
  • expert knowledge transfer-faculty have the highest academic credentials achievable.

Admissions Guidelines
DMAC has a rolling admissions policy with three full academic semesters in fall, spring and summer. Undergraduate admissions requirements include a high school degree or GED (English transcripts required), a personal statement and a minimum TOEFL score of 500 (173 CBT). For graduate admission, students must submit a high school degree or GED (English transcripts), an undergraduate degree (English transcripts), a personal statement, an art portfolio and a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (213 CBT).

International Programs and Services
DMAC is truly a global community; most of the faculty and staff are bilingual, and some speak as many as five languages. A separate foreign student organization does not exist, but we consider our entire college one community with interesting and rewarding global influences. DMAC's Office of International Student Services is available to assist all students with the necessary paperwork to manage the transition. The director of student services provides assistance with adjustment to life at DMAC for all students. In addition, DMAC has agreements with local rental apartment providers in the immediate vicinity of the college. A housing advisor assists students and families with housing selection and roommate assignments.

Request For Further Information

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