Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Foreign Graduate Legal Studies: Master of Laws Programs
Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Address 11075 East Blvd. Room 261, Cleveland, Ohio, OH 44106-7148, USA
Tel. No. 00 1 216/368-2083
Fax No. 00 1 216/368-2086
Admission E-mail address
Course titles LL.M. in United States & Global Legal Studies
LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law
LL.M. in International Business Law (on campus and online)
LL.M. in International Criminal Law
University year start date Mid-August of each year
Admission requirements Law degree from a foreign country (LL.B.); TOEFL test 90 or IELTS 6.5.
Student accommodation Law students live in apartments near the campus

About the LL.M. - Master of Laws Programs

LL.M. - Master of Laws Programs:

The Master of Laws (LL.M.) degrees are a one-year, full-time program, designed to give graduates of foreign law schools an opportunity to study the United States legal system and international law and trade, and to become truly capable lawyers in the 21st century’s global economy. Our LL.M. students have access to 170 Juris Doctor (J.D.) courses, as well as courses specifically designed for the needs of LL.M. students. Our students, who have come from 70 countries, form a close-knit community and become involved in law school activities with J.D. classmates. LL.M. students benefit from individual attention and guidance in a family atmosphere. We offer three LL.M. degrees and the Summer Language and Law Institute.

LL.M. in United States & Global Legal Studies — General LL.M. program with a focus on United States legal research, writing, and analytical methods with a flexible curriculum to meet each individual student’s career goals. Students may earn certificates of concentration in several areas of law.

LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law — Focus on the doctrine and policy of United States intellectual property law, including patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets.

LL.M. in International Business Law — Focus on academic analysis and practical applications of United States business law as applied to international transactions. The degree is offered on campus and online. LL.M. in International Criminal Law – Focus on national security law, international humanitarian law, and international criminal law as applied to international tribunals or national courts.

Summer Language and Law Institute – Open to any foreign legal professional or international student, this intensive four-week training in Legal English introduces students to the U.S. legal system. In some cases, completion of the Language and Law Institute will be a requirement for admission to our LL.M. degree programs.

About Cleveland

Cleveland is a wonderful place to study law—a major international legal center that is centrally located for easy travel and is rich in culture and world-famous institutions (such as the Cleveland Clinic and the Cleveland Orchestra). It is a welcoming and a very affordable city to live in.

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