Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Moscow University of Design
named after Sergei Stroganov

Address 9 Volokolamskoje Shosse, Moscow 125080, Russia
Tel. No. +7/095/158 70 71
Fax No. +7/095/158 69 27; +7/095/158 68 59
E-mail address
Rector Prof. Alexander A. Dubrovin
  • Faculty of Industrial Art
  • Faculty of Monumental-Decorative
    and Applied Art
  • Faculty of Interior and Equipment
  • Type of course Full-time
    Length of course 6 years
    Date of commencement 1st September
    Accommodation Available
    Fees 2000 USD per annum
    Admission requirements In the first year of the University citizens of Russia are admitted if they have secondary education and the artistic training at the level of the art-school (college) or a secondary school with the bias for art. Persons are admitted after tests according to the summed marks on a number of subjects: Drawing (nude figure), Painting (Still-life), Composition (according to the selected specialty), plus two general education subjects - Russian (Russian Literature) and History of Russia.
    Students from foreign countries pay 2.000 USD a year and are admitted if they have Russian language fluency.
    Student profile Russian citizens, citizens of the Union of Independent States (former USSR), also South-East Europe, Latin America, China, Vietnam, South Korea
    Most students are aged 18-30
    Contact for application Teaching Department
    Tel/Fax: +7/095/158 26 05

    Faculty of Industrial Art

    Communicative Design
    Engineering Provision of Design

    Industrial Design, Graphic Design

    Basic academic disciplines:
    Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, History of Arts

    Major fields of research:
    History and Theory of Industrial Design and Graphic Design, Environment Design.

    Faculty of Interior and Equipment

    Interior Design
    Furniture Design
    Textile Design
    Theory and History of Art

    Interior Design, Furniture Design, Textile Design, Theory and History of Decorative Art and Design

    Basic academic disciplines:
    Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, History of Arts

    Major fields of research:
    History and Theory of Applied Art and Interior Design

    Faculty of Monumental-Decorative and Applied Art

    Monumental-Decorative Painting
    Monumental-Decorative Sculpture
    Restoration of Monumental Painting

    Monumental-Decorative Art

    Basic academic disciplines:
    Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, History of Arts

    Major fields of research:
    History and Theory of Monumental-Decorative Art

    Chairs: Glass

    Decorative and Applied Art

    Basic academic disciplines:
    Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, History of Arts

    Major fields of research:
    History and Theory of Decorative and Applied Art

    Request For Further Information

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    Your phone No. (with dialing codes)
    Your fax No.
    Address 1
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    Postal code
    Country of residence* (where you live)
    Existing qualifications*
    Work experience
    Expected enrollment date*
    Additional information

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