Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Moscow State University
of Food Production (MSUFP)

Address 11, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, 125080, Russia
Tel. No. (+7 095) 158 7269, 158 1171 - Vice-President of Academic Affairs
(+7 095) 158 7230 - Foreign Affairs Department
Fax No. (+7 095)158 0371
E-mail address
President-Rector Academic, Professor Viacheslav I. Tuzhilkin
Institutes & Faculties INSTITUTES:
Technology and Production Management;
Equipment, Automation and Information Technologies;
Economics and Business Management.

Humanities and Social Sciences;
Foreign Students' Affairs;
Admissions Tutorial Center;
Part-time Education;
Professional Advancement and Retraining of Specialists
Programmes Technology of Foods
Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Technological Machines and Equipment
Information Technology and Computer Engineering
Thermoengineering Automation and Control
Metrology, Standardisation and Certification
Information Systems in Economics
Accounting and Auditing
Industrial Economics and Management
Type, Length and Cost of Programmes
  • Russian language course - 1500 USD
  • Bachelor in Engineering and Technologies- 4 years - 2000 USD.
  • Engineering specialities- duration of studies - 5 years.
  • Master in Engineering and Technology (Technology of Foods). Duration of studies -2 years after having earned a Bachelor's Degree - 2500 USD.
  • Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science (Engineering/Biology/Chemistry) Duration: Candidate of Science - 3 years - 3000 USD, Doctor of Science - 2 years (after having earned a Candidate's of Science Degree) - 3500 USD.
  • Date of commencement 1 September
    Class size 25 students
    Accommodation The University has a comfortable student hall of residence
    Admission requirements Secondary education Certificate
    Medical Certificate
    Language of Training: Russian
    Student profile
  • The student body is over 6000 students. There are 20 foreign students
  • Men / Women: 4500/2300
  • Contact for application Professor Svetlana E. Traubenberg
    Vice-President of Academic Affairs

    Professor Euvgeniy A. Prokofiev
    Dean of Foreign Students' Affairs

    About the Institutes and Faculties

    The Institute of Technology and Production Management


    > Bachelor in Engineering and Technologies (Technology of Foods); Bachelor in Engineering and Technologies (Chemical Technology and Biotechnology). Duration of studies - 4 years.

    ^ Engineering specialties: Technology of Bread. Confectionery and Pasta Goods; Technology of Grain Storage and Processing; Technology of Fermentation Processes and Wine Making; Technology of Fats; Technology of Canning and Food Concentrates; Technology of Sugary Substances; Technology of Public Catering Foods;

    Technology of Baby and Functional Foods; Biotechnology; Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources; Standardisation and Certification (in the Food Industry). Duration of studies - 5 years.


    > Master in Engineering and Technology (Technology of Foods). Duration of studies -2 years after having earned a Bachelor's Degree.

    > Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science (Engineering) in specialities:

    Technology of Bread, Confectioner}' and Pasta Goods; Technology of Grain and Legume Foods and Mixed Feed; Pre-processing and Storage of Plant-growing Products; Technology of Sugar and Sugary Substances; Technology of Hard and Soft Drinks; Technology of Biologically Active Substances; Biotechnology Technology of Fats, Ester Oils and Perfume Cosmetic Products.

    ^ Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science (Biology/Chemistry) in specialties:

    Bioorganic Chemistry, Chemistry of Natural and Physiologically Active Substances; Biochemistry; Biotechnology.

    Duration: Candidate of Science - 3 years, Doctor of Science - 2 years (after having earned a Candidate's of Science Degree).

    The Institute of Equipment, Automation and Information Technologies


    > Bachelor in Engineering and Technologies in the fields of: Technological

    Machines and Equipment; Information Technology and Computer Engineering Thermoengineering Automation and Control; Metrology, Standardisation and Certification. Duration of studies - 4 years.

    > Engineer in specialties: Machines and Apparatuses for Food Enterprises; Computer-Aided Systems for Data Processing and Control; Containers and Packaging; Heat Technology Power Engineering; Servicing and Operating of Material-Handling and Technological Equipment (in the Food Industry); Safety of Technological Processes and Production (in the Food Industry); Food Engineering of Small-Sized Enterprises; Control and Information Technologies in Engineering Systems; Automation of Technological Processes and Enterprises (in the Food Industry). Duration of studies - 5 years.


    Master in Engineering and Technologies (Technological Machines and Equipment). Duration of studies - 2 years after laving earned a Bachelor's Degree.

    > Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science in specialties: Machines and Equipment; Automation of Technological Processes and Enterprises; Processes and Apparatuses for Food Enterprises.

    Duration: Candidate of Science - 3 years, Doctor of Science - 2 years (after having earned a Candidate's of Science Degree).

    The Institute of Economics and Business Management

    Graduates: > Bachelor in Commerce.

    > Economist in specialties: Information Systems in Economics; Accounting and Auditing.

    > Economist-Manager in the specialty of Economics and Management at an Enterprise (in the Food Industry)

    > Marketologist in the specialty of Marketing.

    > Businessman in the specialty of Commerce.

    Duration of studies: Bachelor - 4 years, Specialist - 5 years.


    > Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science in specialties: Economics and Management of National Economy; Political Economy; Economic Sociology.

    Duration: Candidate of Science - 3 years, Doctor of Science - 2 years (after having earned a Candidate's of Science Degree).

    The Faculty of Professional Advancement and Retraining of Specialists (FPARS)

    The Faculty carries out retraining, upgrading and special courses for teachers and specialists from food processing, enterprises of the AIC on the basis of the syllabi intended for the 72-, not less than 100- and not less than 500- hour duration of the course with issuing state graduation documents. Various forms of upgrading and training specialists, such as short-term workshops and conferences, individual programs on special orders, seminars and courses of lectures at enterprises and elite programs have been offered. More than 70 programs have been developed and realised at the FPARS.

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