Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Moscow State University
of Printing Arts

Rector Professor Tsyganenko Alexandr Maximowich
Address 2a, Prianishnikova Street, 127750 Moscow, Russia
Tel. No. +(7) 095 976 40 88
Mrs. Fedotowa 0lga Sergeevna
Fax No. +(7) 095 976 06 35
E-mail address
Degree courses/length
  • graphic arts technology - 5 years
  • printing machines and automatic complexes - 5 years
  • control and information science in technical systems - 5 years
  • automatic information processing and control systems/ automation and control - 5.5/ 4 years
  • publishing and editing - 5 years
  • bibliography - 5 years
  • economics and management at the printing industry enterprise - 5 years
  • accounting and audit - 5 years
  • graphics - 5 years
  • container and packaging - 5 years
  • Date of commencement 1st September
    Accommodation Student accommodation is available at a comfortable hostel
    Fees The fee comes to 1700-2200 USD per year (for overseas and national students)
    Financial assistance The national students, who will top good or excellent marks in al1 subjects, will get the student grants monthly. The fee for the excellent students may be reduced
    Admission requirements
  • Knowledge within the framework of secondary school
  • Fluency in the Russian language
  • Student profile
  • The ratio of national / overseas students is 20:1
  • Ratio of men/women 1:1
  • Age range is 18-50 years
  • Contact for application Savitskaya Svetlana Ivanovna

    About the University

    The Moscow University of Printing Arts is over 65 years old. Back in 1930 Moscow Institute of Graphic Arts was established on the basis of the two faculties of graphic arts: Moscow and Leningrad Highest State Art and Technical Workshops. In 1941 the Institute for Editing and Publishing was attached to the university. The growth of the printing industry in the 1950s created a demand to reinforce training and retraining of qualified personnel. This promoted the development of the university. The university grew into one of the largest higher educatio-nal establishments in the country. The number of students and teachers increased, and the profiles of the specialties were defined more precisely.

    The year of 1961 saw the establishing of the Division for Improving Professional Skills.

    In 1965 the branch of the Institute was established in Leningrad, which is the St. Petersburg Affiliated Institute of Moscow State University of' Printing Arts now. The year of 1970 saw the establishing of Preparatory Faculty and Faculty for Improving Professional Skills for those employed in the printing industry. The Qualification Councils of the National High Attestation Commission, which awards degrees of Doctor or Candidate of Science, have been active at the univer-sity since 1965.

    In 1987 a publishing house, intended mainly to meet the requirements of the stu-dy process and research work at the institute, appeared within the framework of Moscow Institute of Graphic Arts.

    In recent years some production units have been established as well. Gradual transformation and extension of duties of the Institute have led to the change in its status: in 1992 it was reorganized to become an Academy, and in 1997 it became the University of Printing Arts.

    Outstanding Achievements of the Academic Staff

    About 6000 students study at the university today, Over 400 teachers take care of the study process using new and most effective methods of teaching. Among them 65 persons are Doctors of Science, 227 persons are readers and Candidate of Science, 292 persons have academic ranks and degrees.

    Research Programmes

    The university as a scientific institution is carrying out many research programmes in the following directions:

  • effectiveness rise of the printing machinery on the basis of advanced tech-nical solutions, progressive service methods and control systems with corn-puter support
  • improvement of printing technology, reprography and printing plates production by using of new materials, computing machinery, optical and laser systems
  • working out organizational and economic matters regarding the effectiveness of the print production
  • working out social and economic problems relating to the improvement of the book trade
  • working out the scientific basis of the publishing and book trade management
  • working out the theory and practice of artistic-technical design of printing products as well as the editing of popular literature related to it

  • Special Departmental Resources

    The university disposes of the libraries with a teaching stock of about 2 million copies, which are available for students free of charge and include scien-tific and teaching literature, reference books, normative and technical docu-mentation, dissertations on different kinds of information carriers; as well as of the up-to-date research and technical capabilities, which inclu-de computer classes, teaching laboratories with modern printing machinery of brand name vendors, such as Heidelberg, Stahl, Bacher, Greta£-Macbeth, DuPont and others.

    Request For Further Information

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