Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University

Address Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, 59/1 Gagarina Street, Ryazan 390005, Russia
Tel. No. +7 (4912) 46 03 03
Fax No. +7 (4912) 46 04 35
E-mail address
Rector Prof. Victor Gurov
  • Radio Engineering and Telecommunication;
  • Electronics;
  • Automation and Information Technologies in Management;
  • Computer Science;
  • Engineering and Economics;
  • Humanitarian Institute;
  • Extramural
  • Type of course Full-time undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses leading to B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees
    Length of course Preparatory Course: one year - two semesters
    B.Sc. Program: 4 years - eight semesters
    M.Sc. Program: 2 years - four semesters
    Ph.D. degree Program: 3 years.
    Date of commencement Academic year / Fall semester: The 1st of September – the end of January
    Spring semester: first week of February – the end of July
    Preparatory courses: the 1st of October – the end of June
    Class size From 10 to 30 depending on the course
    Student accommodation University Hostel places are available for all foreign students.
    Fees in Russian rubles Faculty of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications
    140400 - Power and Electrical Engineering - 56 000
    210400 - Radiotechnics - 56 000
    210700 - Telecommunications - 56 000

    Faculty of Electronics
    210100 - Electronics and Nanoelectronics - 56 000
    240100 - Chemistry - 56 000

    Faculty of Automation and Information Technology in Management
    071002 - Graphics - 56 000
    200100 - Instrumentation - 56 000
    201000 - Biotechnical Systems and Technologies - 56 000
    220400 - Management and Computer Science in Technical Systems - 31 900
    220700 - Automation of Technological Processes and Productions - 56 000
    230400 - Information Systems and Technologies - 56 000

    Faculty of Computer Science
    010500 - Mathematical Software and Management in Information Systems - 31 900
    211000 - Design and Technology of Electronic Utilities - 56 000
    230100 - Computer Science and Engineering - 56 000
    231000 - Applied Engineering - 56 000

    Engineering Economics Faculty
    010400 - Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - 31 900
    080100 - Economics - 30 100
    080200 - Management - 30 100
    081100 - State and Municipal Management - 30 100
    221700 - Standardization and Certification - 31 900
    080500 – Business Informatics - 30 100

    Humanities Institute
    040400 - Social work - 30 100
    080400 - Human Resource Management - 30 100

    Master's Programs
    080100 - Economy - 35 300
    080500 - Management - 35 300
    081100 - State and Municipal Management - 35 300
    200100 - Instrumentation - 63 850
    201000 - Biotechnical Systems and Technologies - 63 850
    210100 - Electronics and Nanoelectronics - 63 850
    210400 - Radiotechnics - 63 850
    210700 - Telecommunications - 63 850
    211000 - Design and Technology of Electronic Utilities - 63 850
    220400 - Management in Technical Systems - 37 100
    220700 - Automation of Technological Processes and Productions - 63 850
    221400 - Quality Management - 35 300
    221700 - Standardization and Certification - 37 100
    230100 - Computer Science and Engineering - 63 850
    230400 - Information Systems and Technologies - 63 850
    230700 - Applied Computer Science - 35 300
    231000 - Applied Engineering - 63 850
    Student grants / Financial assistance Free education for students under the Ministry of Education letter of referral.
    Admission requirements For undergraduate courses: Secondary School Graduation Certificate and Unified State Examinations with good results in Mathematics, Russian and the discipline depending upon the course.

    For graduate programs: B.Sc. degree with official transcripts. For postgraduate programs M.Sc., Dipl.Ing. or its equivalent with excellent grades in the official transcripts.

    All classes are presented in Russian. Foreign students have the opportunity to learn Russian language at the preparatory courses.
    Student profile National/Overseas students: approx. 6 000 Russian students / 150 international students
    Men/Women: 60 / 40 %
    Age range: 16-28 years at undergraduate courses, 20-35 years at graduate and postgraduate Programs.
    Contact details for application The Center of International Communications
    Baranova Marina – Head of the Center of International Communications
    390005,Russia, Ryazan, Gagarina Street, 59/1, room 304a
    Tel: +7(4912)46-04-35


    Faculty of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication
    Areas of Study: Power and Electrical Engineering; Radiotechnics; Telecommunications
    The Dean of the Faculty – associated Prof. Filimonov Boris

    Faculty of Electronics
    Areas of Study: Electronics and Nanoelectronics; Chemistry
    The Dean of the Faculty – associated Prof. Vereschagin Nikolai

    Faculty of Automation and Information Technologies in Management
    Areas of Study: Graphics; Instrumentation; Biotechnical Systems and Technologies; Management and Computer Science in Technical Systems; Automation of Technological Processes and Productions; Information Systems and Technologies.
    The Dean of the Faculty– associated Prof. Borisov Alexander

    Faculty of Computer Science
    Areas of Study: Mathematical Software and Management in Information Systems; Design and Technology of Electronic Utilities; Computer Science and Engineering; Applied Engineering.
    The Dean of the Faculty – Prof. Pilkin Alexander

    Faculty of Engineering and Economics
    Areas of Study: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; Economics; Management; State and Municipal Management; Standardization and Certification; Business Informatics.
    The Dean of the Faculty – associated Prof. Evdokimova Elena

    Humanitarian Institute
    Areas of Study: Social work; Human Resource Management
    The Dean of the Faculty – Prof. Demidov Sergey

    Extramural Faculty
    Areas of Study: Chemical technology
    The Dean of the Faculty – associated Prof. Kozlov Vladimir

    Request For Further Information

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