General Economics Department
First level - a four-year full-time Bachelor Degree Program at the General Economics Department aims to convey a broad knowledge of economics and business studies. Graduates are awarded a Bachelor Degree with qualification of "Economist".
Second level - 2 year full-time Masters Degree Program - students will gain professional skills focusing on their chosen field. This may be completed at one of the Academy's Departments.
The Department of National Economy trains professionals in the areas of Labour Economics and Sociology. The Department majors are Labour Economics and Sociology, Corporate Management, Personnel Management, National Economy and Strategic Planning.
The Department of Finance trains professionals in the area of Finance and Credit. Students can major in Banking, Financial Management, Insurance, Operations with Securities, Financial Accounting and Analysis.
The Department of Taxation trains professionals in the area of Finance and Credit majoring in Taxation, Economics and Tax Legislation.
The Department of Marketing trains professionals in the areas of Marketing and Public Relations.
The Department of Business Administration trains professionals in the area of Labour Economics, Business Practice, National Economy, Finance and Credit, Accounting and Auditing.
Students may also opt for a 5-year Graduate Degree program at one of the following departments:
Engineering Economics Department trains professionals for different areas of Engineering and Hospitality Students may specialise in Technologies of Food Processing, or in Machinery and Equipment for Trade and Public Catering. They can opt for Economics and Management of Hospitality Industries -Hotels, Restaurants, and Tourism businesses.
Another option offered by the Department is to major in Economics and Management in Urban Development or in the Real Estate.
The Commodity Expertise and Trade Department trains experts in Foodstuffs and Manufactured Goods for trade Enterprises, Customs Offices, committees of Consumers' Rights Protection, and Businesses.
The Department of Economics & Mathematics trains specialists in applying mathematical methods to economic analyses. Students can major in Mathematical Methods Risk Analysis, in developing Mathematical Economic Methods or Mathematical Methods of Social Research.
The Information Technologies Department trains professionals in the area of Information Systems in Economics.
The Humanitarian Women's Department enrols female students to be trained in the area of Labour Economics and Sociology. The program combines the long-standing Russian tradition of the "Institute of Noble Young Ladies" with innovative international methods in teaching economics and humanities. It aims to promote female graduates to top managerial positions within government organisations and businesses.
The Foreign Economic Relations Department trains specialists in the areas of Global Economies and international economic co-operation.
The Preparatory Department offers its services to prospective applicants from Moscow schools. At a special preparatory course the students study Mathematics, Russian and Foreign Languages. They are also trained in Economics and general subjects.
All Plekhanov Bachelor Degree students, along with the holders of institutes' diplomas may join a 2-year program to receive a Master Degree in Economics.
The international dimension of the Academy is represented by the International Business School (IBS) which offers foreign students a variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs in English as the language of instruction. IBS students can major in Finance&Credit, Marketing, Hospitality Management, and Business Administration. IBS has established partnerships with over 20 European universities, where on the basis of adjusting and matching syllabi and curricula, students' grades and degrees are transferable and meet both Russian and European academic standards.
Proof of the high standard of the IBS tuition is not only the state diploma of the Russian Academy of Economics, bus also the diplomas awarded by partner universities in the Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain and France.
Director: Olga V. Saguinova
Contact person for international students: Natalia Kapotina
Office 649
36 Stremyanny per., Moscow, 113054, Russia
Tel: (095) 237 8517, 236 4741, 958 2620
fax: (095) 237 9518, 958 2832
Student body: 350 students
Staff: 70
Majoring in:
Bachelor of Economics, Finance&Credit, Marketing, Hospitality Management
Major fields of research:
Services Marketing, Quality in Education, Financial Strategy, Economic Integration.
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