Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

State University

Address 350040 Russia, Krasnodar region, c. Krasnodar, Ul. Stavropolskaya
Tel. No. +7 8612 699528, +7 8612 699534
Fax No. +7 8612 699534, +7 8612 699517
E-mail address
Rector Academician Vladimir Andreyevich Babeshko, Dr. Sc. (Phys&Math), Professor
Faculties Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
Physics and Technology
History, Sociology and International Relations
Romance-Germanic Philology
Art and Design
Social-Pedagogic Institute
Type of course Full-time, Part-time, Correspondence
Length of course Depends on a programme followed. Complete course resulting in State Certificate of Higher Education lasts 5 years (Specialist's program). Bachelor's degree - 4 years, Master's degree - 5-6 years, doctoral program (postgraduate courses) is 3 years
Date of commencement Usually 1st September
Class size Depends on a subject taught (e.g. for languages 5-10 students, for lectures and conferences up to 100)
Accommodation Available both with families and in the University hostel
Fees in USD General fee is approximately 900 - 1500
postgraduate program - 2600 - 3000 a year
undergraduate program - 1700 - 1900 a year
Full 10-month Russian language preparatory course:
900 for each student if there are several students in a group 250 a month if a student wants to have private lessons (or 3.5 per hour). Dormitory - 200 per year (one placing)
Financial assistance State fellowship available only for Russian citizens
Admission requirements
  • copy of a certificate on secondary education - for undergraduate programs
  • a copy of Higher Education Certificate or MA/MSc Degree or Specialist diploma - for postraduate programs (a copy of PhD diploma - for Doctor's programs)
  • a medical certificate with AIDS-test
  • a copy of passport
  • a completed contract with the university
  • Russian Language test for applicants to the faculties (no test for Preparatory course or any Russian Language courses)
  • Student profile
  • Ratio of National / Overseas students: 20,000/200
  • Ratio of Men / Women 40%/60%
  • Age range: 16 - 45
  • Contact for application Anatoly V. Pinkachenko
    Director General of Dept. for Foreign Relations
    Stavropolskaya str., 149, 350040 Krasnodar, Russia
    tel/ fax: +7 8612-699-534

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