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Serbia and Montenegro

Structure of Educational System
Pre-higher Education System
Higher Education System
Administrative structure of higher education  
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition


Types of higher education institutions:

Univerzitet (University)

Fakultet (Faculty)

Umetnicke akademije (Art academies)

Više Škole (Post-Secondary Schools)

School leaving and higher education credentials:

Diploma o polozenom maturskom ispitu

Diploma o polozenom zavrsnom ispitu

Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi

Diploma Višeg Obrazovanja

Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja

Magistar Nauka

Doktor Nauka


School education:

In Serbia : Primary (compulsory) education lasts for eight years, starting at 7 years old, and is divided into two cycles, each one lasting four years. Prior to these cycles, a preparatory educational period of one year is mandatory.  Secondary education is provided in high schools. The certificate awarded at the end is the Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi. Secondary vocational schools offer both general and vocational (practical and theoretical) education for direct entry in the world of work and further education. The vocational qualification is acquired at the level of first form and second form, then third and fourth form and specialization after secondary education lasting for one year.     In Montenegro: Primary (compulsory) education is extended to nine years. It is extended downwards, children starting primary school one year earlier. More exactly, the children who by the end of the calendar year turn six shall enrol at primary schools. In the future nine-year primary education will be divided into three cycle, each one lasting three years. Secondary education: Instead of the existing High School courses (natural-science; social-language; study of philology and mathematics), a general High School is proposed, where one part of the curriculum would be devoted to a general-educational core and another to elective subjects. Schooling in High Schools lasts for four years, from the age of 15 to 18.      The curricula in Serbia and Montenegro are adopted by the Ministers of Education with the prior consent of the Education Councils of both Republics.

Higher education:

Higher education in Serbia includes university education (faculties and art academies) and non-university education (post-secondary schools) where courses last no less than two years and no more than three years. Universities in Serbia organize art and educational work, as well as other activities, in compliance with the law and its statutes. The faculty is an educational and art institution which includes basic studies, specialized studies, magisterial studies and doctoral studies. The basic studies last between four and six academic years. Specialized studies last between one and two academic years and magisterial studies last for two academic years. Doctoral studies last for three years. Faculties carry out independently, or in cooperation with another organization, their basic, applied and development research in function of educational activity development.     There is one university in Montenegro, comprising 15 faculties, 48 study programmes and 4 research institutes. In October 2004, the first private faculty was opened in Montenegro. In the academic year 2005/2006 three other private faculties enrolled their first generation of students. The Ministry of Education and Science is responsible for overall educational and scientific policy in Montegro. Reforms of higher education began in 2001, supported by Tempus and UNESCO-CEPES programmes. The new law on Higher Education, which was made in accordance with the objectives of the Bologna Declaration, was adopted on October 28, 2003 after signing the Bologna Declaration in Berlin on September 18, 2003 and the University of Montenegro adopted its new statute in April 2004.

Main laws/decrees governing higher education:

Decree: Law on Higher Education Year: 2005

Decree: Law on Higher Education - Montenegro Year: 2003

Academic year:

Classes from: Oct to: Jul

Languages of instruction: Serbian

Stages of studies:

Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):

Non-university level:

Post-secondary higher schools (Više Škole) in Serbia  offer programmes in technical subjects, paramedical sciences and other vocations. They usually last from two to three academic years and lead to a Diploma (Diploma Višeg Obrazovanja) with a professional title (senior nurse, senior medical technician, economist, senior designer, transport engineer, senior physiotherapist, etc.).

University level studies:

University level first stage: Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja:

Universities and specialized institutes offer programmes that last between four and six years and lead to a Diploma (Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja). Students who are awarded this degree are also awarded a professional title in various scientific and artistic fields (e.g. mechanical engineer, economist, medical doctor).    In Montenegro, undergraduate studies at most faculties of the University of Montenegro last for three years. Candidates who have completed adequate four-year secondary education can enrol in the fist year of studies. Tuition fees can either be paid from the budget or the student pays for them. The Government of Montenegro determines the number of students to be enrolled in the first year, as well as the tuition fee for self-financed students. The selection of the candidates is based on two cumulative criteria : the results obtained in secondary school (school leaving exam) and those obtained at the entrance exam (for faculties of arts).

University level second stage: Magistar Nauka:

The Master's Degree programme lasts for at least two years. Upon successful completion of the course work and the defence of a thesis, candidates are awarded a Magistar Nauka.    In Montenegro, Specialist studies last for one academic year (2 semesters) and posgraduate studies for two academic years (4 semesters) after completion of adequate undergraduate studies. Students are allowed to take their Master's thesis after they have passed all the exams of the postgraduate curriculum. After defending their Master's thesis in public, students are conferred the academic title of Master of Science or Master of Arts in a particular field.

University level third stage: Doktor Nauka:

The Doctorate of Science or Doktor Nauka is the highest academic degree. It is obtained through independent research and does not require structured course work of any kind. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of published research papers and their ability to write and defend a doctoral dissertation.   In Montenegro, Doctoral studies last for three academic years (six semesters). A person who has the academic title of Master of Science or Master of Arts can enrol in Doctoral studies. The procedure for obtaining the topic for a doctoral dissertation and choosing a mentor and the committtee for the assessment and defence of a doctoral dissertation implies a mandatory consent of the University Senate. Students can take their doctoral thesis after they have passed all the exams in the curriculum of doctoral studies. After defending their doctoral thesis in public, students are conferred the academic title of Ph.D.

Teacher education:

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers

Pre-school teachers are trained for two years in specialized post-secondary schools or in universities for two years or at the Faculty in Niksic (Montenegro). Primary school teachers of Arts and Music are trained in post-secondary art schools (for arts and music). Primary school teachers (grades 1-4) are trained at a teacher training college (Više Škole) for four years. Grades 5-8 teachers must complete a four-year programme in Faculties of Philology, Philosophy and Sciences and Mathematics in the relevant study groups.

Training of secondary school teachers

Secondary-school teachers are trained in arts or science faculties. Courses last for four years. Starting in the second year, candidates follow classes in education and teaching methodology in addition to classes in their majors. During the first semester of the last year they may teach in a classroom.

Training of higher education teachers

Assistants, docents, faculty professors, regular professors and extraordinary professors are recruited among graduates, postgraduates and holders of a 'Doktor Nauka' (Doctor of Science) degree in relevant fields of higher education and research. A 'Doktor Nauka' degree is the mandatory condition for promotion to the highest positions. Further specialization for all teachers is required by law.


Administration & co-ordination:

Responsible authorities:

Ministarstvo prosvjete i sporta Republike Srbije (Ministry of Education and Sport of the Republic of Serbia)

Head: Slobodan Vuksanović, Minister

Nemanjina 24
11000 Beograd
Serbia and Montenegro

Tel: +381(11) 3666357

Fax: +381(11) 3616491


Ministarstvo prosvjete i nauke Republike Crne Gore (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Montenegro)

Head: Slobodan Backović, Minister

Administrative officer: Slobodanka Koprivica, Deputy Minister, Higher Education and Science

Rimski trg bb
81000 Podgorica
Serbia and Montenegro

Tel: +381(81) 234538

Fax: +381(81) 234539


Conference of the Universities of Serbia (CONUS)

Head: Dejan Popovic, President

Studentski trg , 1
11000 Belgrade
Serbia and Montenegro

Tel: +381(11) 635153



Admission to non university higher education studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi

For entry to: All programmes

Admission to university-level studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi

For entry to: All programmes

Numerus clausus/restrictions: A numerus clausus operates in some universities.

Other admission requirements: Entrance examination.

Foreign students admission

Entry regulations: Foreign candidates should possess an entry visa, a health certificate and proof of financial resources.

Recognition of studies & qualifications:

Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):

Directorate for International Education, Cultural and Sport Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro

Administrative officer: Danica Bajic

Kneza Milosa 24-26
11000 Beograd
Serbia and Montenegro

Tel: +381(11) 3616333 (ext. 8744)

Fax: +381(11) 3618030



Services provided & students dealt with: Information, documentation, advisory services to decision makers, liaison with international networks, preparation of agreements.

ENIC Centre Serbia

Head: Miomira Medaković, Legal Assistant

Administrative officer: Mirko Ozegović

Nemanjina 22-26
11000 Beograd
Serbia and Montenegro

Tel: +381(11) 3631457/ 3616607

Fax: +381(11) 3616514



Deals with credential recognition for entry to: Profession

ENIC of Montenegro

Head: Vanja Srdanovc Drljevic, Manager

Ministry of Education and Science
Serbia and Montenegro

Tel: +381(81) 265024

Fax: +381(81) 265014

EMail: vanja_srdanovic@cg.yu

Deals with credential recognition for entry to: Profession

Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies

Name of agreement: Council of Europe-UNESCO Joint Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region (Lisbon Convention)

Year of signature: 1997

Name of agreement: International Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees in the Arab and European States Bordering on the Mediterranean

Year of signature: 1976

Name of agreement: UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the Europe Region

Year of signature: 1979


Student expenses and financial aid

Student costs:

Home students tuition fees: Minimum: 30000 (New Yugoslavian Dinar)

Maximum: 100000 (New Yugoslavian Dinar)

Foreign students tuition fees: Minimum: 1000 (Euro)

Maximum: 3000 (Euro)


Usual grading system in secondary school

Full Description: A 1-5 grading scale is used, with 2 as a passing grade.

Highest on scale: 5

Pass/fail level: 2

Lowest on scale: 1

Main grading system used by higher education institutions

Full Description: A 5-10 grading scale is used, with 6 as a pass level.

Highest on scale: 10

Pass/fail level: 6/5

Lowest on scale: 5


Data for academic year: 2005-2006

Source: IAU from Serbian ENIC, Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, 2006 and Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro, 2006

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