Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
University of Strathclyde

Address Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
University of Strathclyde
100 Montrose Street
Glasgow G4 0LZ
United Kingdom
Tel. No. +44 (0) 141 548 3308/4096
Fax No. +44 (0) 141 552 2879
E-mail address
Programmes MSc/PGDip in Marine Technology
MSc/PGDip in Marine Engineering
MSc/PGDip in Technical Management of Ship Operations
MPhil, PhD
Type of courses Full-time
Length of course The normal duration of the taught MSc course is twelve months; and nine months for PGDip. Some candidates with lower qualifications may be required to undertake additional modules.

Postgraduate degrees can be obtained purely through research work. The minimum duration is 12 months for MSc by research and 3 years for PhD, full time.
Date of commencement Beginning October each year Application deadlines: There is no formal closing date for applications, but early application is advised (preferably by 31 March).
Accommodation The University of Strathclyde has a Campus Village within a short walking distance from the Department. Over 1,440 students live in the University's campus village in the heart of the John Anderson Campus. A further 400 live in University accommodation within close walking distance of the Campus. The Accommodation Unit also keeps a list of private sector rented accommodation, and this can be consulted at the office of the Residence and Catering Services.
Fees Full-time home (including all EU) students £3,400 Overseas students £12,600.
Student grants/
Financial Assistance
There are some studentships from UK EPSRC for home students. Partial studentships may be available for students from other EU nations.

There are a limited number of BG/British Chevening scholarships for overseas students (mainly for those from the Indian subcontinent). If you think you are eligible for any of these scholarships and you are not given an application form, please request one from the Registry or contact us. Some students from EU applying for PGDip study may be eligible for fees-only support from SAAS. Please consult their website for your eligibility.
Admission requirements English Language Requirement
Most students whose mother tongue is not English will be required to prove that they have sufficient fluency in English. The normal standard required is IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 600 or TOEFL 250 (computer-based test). Students who obtained their first degree taught in English and those from certain countries may be exempt from this requirement. Applicants who have marginally lower scores of the above tests may be required to attend one or more modules of the pre-session English course offered by Strathclyde University's English Language Teaching Division (ELTD).

MSc/PGDip in Marine Technology
The normal qualification for MSc course is a BEng with second class Honours or better. Marginally lower qualifications will be considered for PGDip. PGDip candidates who perform well in the taught classes may be considered for transfer to MSc degree course, if so wished. Overseas applicants and unconventional qualifications will be judged on a case-by-case basis. Students with a Diploma from some approved overseas institutions (for example Norwegian Høgskolen) may be admitted into a specially designed two-year course.

MSc/PGDip in Marine Engineering
The normal qualification for MSc course is a BEng with second class Honours or better. Marginally lower qualifications will be considered for PGDip. PGDip candidates who perform well in the taught classes may be considered for transfer to MSc degree course, if so wished. Overseas applicants and unconventional qualifications will be judged on a case-by-case basis. Applicants with sea-going experience are invited to specify their experience relevant to the course. Students with a Diploma from some approved overseas institutions (for example Norwegian Høgskolen) may be admitted into a specially designed two-year course.

MSc/PGDip/PGCert in Technical Management of Ship Operations
The normal qualification for MSc course is a BEng with second class Honours or better. Additionally candidates with Master's Certificate or Chief Engineer's Certificate with substantial seagoing experience at a senior level will also be considered for the MSc course. Marginally lower qualifications will be considered for PGDip and PGCert. PGDip candidates who perform well in the taught classes may be considered for transfer to MSc degree course, if so wished.

Overseas applicants and unconventional qualifications will be judged on a case-by-case basis. Applicants with sea-going experience are invited to specify their experience relevant to the course. Students with a Diploma from some approved overseas institutions (for example Norwegian Høgskolen) may be admitted into a specially designed two-year course.
Student Profile 1.Countries of origin (number): 15
2. Ratio Men/Women: 10-1
3. Age Range: 25 - 40
4. Average Age: 28
5. Average Work Experience: 3 years
Contact person Prof. S. Huang
Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Universities of Strathclyde
100 Montrose Street
Glasgow G4 0LZ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 141 548 3308/4096
Fax: +44 141 552 2879
Email: Email:

The Programmes

MSc/PGDip in Marine Technology

The course is designed to give graduates an opportunity to specialise in any combination of a wide range of areas in Marine Technology, including advanced naval architecture, safety management, hydrodynamics, structural reliability and offshore engineering. Operating within the EPSRC-supported postgraduate training programme of Strathclyde University's Engineering Faculty, the course allows students to come into contact with those in other engineering courses and thus develop multidisciplinary interests and skills.

The main objectives of the course are:

1. To produce high-calibre engineers trained to postgraduate level and well-versed in advanced engineering in Marine Technology and related fields.
2. To offer able and mature practising engineers a full- or part-time programme to enhance their qualifications and skills.

MSc/PGDip in Marine Engineering
This course is designed to give graduates an opportunity to expand their knowledge and research skill in Marine Engineering which deals with on-board machinery and equipment such as engines, propulsion equipment, generators, electrical systems, cargo handling gear and control systems.

The main objectives of the course are:

1. To produce graduates of high calibre with in-depth knowledge in Marine Engineering capable of making significant contributions to the industry.
2. To provide graduate engineers of related disciplines an opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge in Marine Engineering.
3. To provide sea-going engineers an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and expand their experience for design, supervision and management roles.

MSc/PGDip in Technical Management of Ship Operations

This course is designed to give graduate engineers and well-qualified sea-going personnel with sufficient experience an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills required for technical ship management. The course allows students to come into contact with those in other branches of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and thus develop multidisciplinary interests and skills. The course contents include subjects a deep understanding of which is essential for effective and efficient management of ships and fleets. These include Ship Management, Inspection and Survey, Safety and Risk Management, Regulatory Framework, Waterborne Transportation Systems.

The main objectives of the course are:

1. To produce graduates of high calibre with in-depth knowledge in ship operations capable of making significant contributions to the industry as technical superintendents.
2. To provide graduate naval architects with a deeper understanding of shipping industry and ship operations.
3. To provide graduate engineers of related disciplines an opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge in ship operations.

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME)

Teaching is based at Strathclyde's John Anderson Campus in the city centre of Glasgow, within easy reach of public transport from all over Glasgow and the West of Scotland. Research activities are based at the John Anderson Campus and at Kelvin Hydrodynamics Laboratory, located at the West of Scotland Science Park, in the north west of the city.

The Department's top priority is “to produce graduates who possess an ample and balanced supply of competence, confidence and communication skills whilst instilling in students professional ethos and zest for life-long learning”. With these qualities, our graduates can take up challenging careers and make positive contributions to their chosen parts of the marine industries. This is achieved through a balance of scholarship, innovative teaching and applied research. The performance of our graduates working in diverse areas of the industry has amply justified this policy.

The Department is a friendly place to study. Since it is relatively small (compared to other Engineering departments), and self-contained in its own building, students will quickly get to know the staff, and vice versa. As a result the atmosphere is good, and there are plenty of people who can help with any difficulties our students may face, both with academic and with non-academic matters.

NAME currently enjoys a worldwide reputation as a leading institution of teaching and research in maritime engineering.

Request For Further Information

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