Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Laureate Online Education
the e-learning partner of
The University of Liverpool

Courses Master of Business Administration - MBA
Master of Science in IT - MSc in IT
Master of Science in Information Systems Management - ISM

About The University of Liverpool Online Higher Education

Since 1881, The University of Liverpool has been delivering quality academic programmes. For the past five years 3,000 working professionals from more than 120 countries have been harvesting the benefits of this prestigious UK-accredited establishment in the comfort of their own homes. Proving that it's not where you are, it's where you want to be.

The main reasons that our students choose to study with us are:
1. Flexibility – both in the wide choice of electives and the ability to fit studying into life
2. Accessibility – no physical attendance required for classes or exams
3. Reputation – one of the world's top ten online higher education institutions
4. International – the students, instructors and staff combine to offer a truly global perspective
5. Collaborative learning – with experienced professionals as your classmates
6. Applicable knowledge – to apply to workplace issues immediately
7. No lost income – ability to continue working
8. Small class sizes – maximum 20
9. Personal support – from first inquiry to post-graduation
10. Networking – classmates form a pool of expert peers

The University of Liverpool

The University of Liverpool is internationally recognised for excellence in teaching, research and innovation. It is one of the most highly respected higher education institutions in the UK.

It is a member of the elite Russell Group, which includes Oxford and Cambridge. In partnership with Laureate Online Education it launched the first truly international online Masters programme in 1999.

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