Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

University of North London
The Centre for Leisure and Tourism

Address The International Office
236-250 Holloway Road
London, N7 6PP, England
Tel. No. +44 (0) 171 973 4804
Fax No. +44 (0) 171 753 5015
E-mail address
Courses BA Leisure and Tourism
BA Hospitality Management
Type of course Full-time or part-time
Length of courses Full time: 3-4 years
Part Time: 4-6 years
Part Time (Hospitality Management: 5-6 years
Date of Commencement 20 September 1999
Cost/Fees £6,600 per year
Cost of living for one year: £7,000
Accommodation Guaranteed accommodation in halls of residence available for international students who accept their offer by the beginning of August.
Class size 40
Student grants/
financial assistance
Admission requirements
  • Pass in European/International Baccalaureate with minimum grade 4 in all six subjects.
  • IELTS 5.5 or equivalent
  • EU/Overseas students 1/16
    Men/Women 1/1
    Age range 18 to 50
    Contact person
    for application
    Ms Cinzia Bellotti
    International Officer - Europe
    Course director Tony Curson

    Course/Program description

    Leisure and Tourism
    Leisure and Tourism Management is taken as a single honours degree and is taught by the UK business team for research in leisure and tourism. The course provides management education for those seeking a career in this area. It also develops the management skills needed in all types of business. If you have sufficient competency in French, Spanish or German, you are encouraged to apply for the International award with opportunities for a dual diploma through study at a University in Spain, France or Germany.

    There is a one year paid work placement which may be taken in the UK or abroad. Exemptions may be granted for those students with appropriate prior work experience.

    This degree will equip you for management level careers with tour operators, travel companies, tourist boards, government leisure and tourism departments etc.

    If you have prior academic or work based qualifications, you may be granted exemption from part of the course on an individual basis.

    Hospitality Management
    Hospitality Management is taken as a single honours degree or combined with another subject. It has a business based course with applications across all sectors of the UK hotel and catering industry.

    You will work on a range of ‘live’ problem-solving exercises with the major hotel and catering employers in London and our Training Restaurant.

    The third year of the single honours is spent on paid work placement in UK or abroad. Placement is optional on combined awards.

    The course is assessed by a mixture of coursework and examinations.

    Recent graduates have taken posts with organisations including Hilton International, Forte UK and Hotels International.

    If you have prior academic or work based qualifications you may be granted exemption from part of the course on an individual basis.

    Request For Further Information

    Your first name*
    Your last name*
    Your e-mail address*
    Re-type your e-mail address*
    Your phone No. (with dialing codes)
    Your fax No.
    Address 1
    Address 2
    Postal code
    Country of residence* (where you live)
    Existing qualifications*
    Work experience
    Expected enrollment date*
    Additional information

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