Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

inlingua Cheltenham

Address Rodney Lodge, Rodney Road, Cheltenham, GL50 1HX, England
Tel. No. +44 1242 250493
Fax No. +44 1242 250495
E-mail address
Course director Business Centre
Peter Hayes
Main School
Colin Leek
Course Titles Business Centre Programmes

a. Crash Intensity Programme (CIP one to one) 30 lessons
b. Crash Intensity Programme (CIP one to one) 35
c. Crash Intensity Programme (CIP one to one) 40
d. Crash Intensity Programme (CIP one to one) 45
e. Professional Skills Programme (PSP mini group) 30
f. Professional Skills Programme (PSP mini group) 40
g. Professional Skills Programme Combi (PSP 30 plus CIP 10)
h. Crash Intensity Programme Combi (CIP 30/PSP 10 or CIP 20/PSP 20)
i. Business Skills programme (Marketing, Project Management, Presentation etc)
j. Residential CIP and PSP programmes during the summer of 2005. New for 2005

Main School

k. Language Skills Programme (LSP) 30 lessons
l. Language Skills Programme (LSP) 20
m. IELTS 30
n. IELTS 20
o. Language Skills Programmes Combi (LSP 20 or 30 plus one to one)
p. Junior Vacation Programme (11-16)
q. Premiership Football Vacation programme (11-16) New for 2005
r. Foundation Degree programme (up to year 2 of an undergraduate degree)
s. Nursing and placement programme for overseas nurses
t. Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)
u. Cert TESOL (Teacher Training)
v. Dip TESOL (Teacher Training)
w. Foundation Certificate for Teachers of Business English (LCCIFCTBE)
x. Refresher Teacher Training course for overseas teachers of English
y. EU Training programmes such Leonardo da Vinci/Phare/Comenius
z. Work Experience and Work Placement
Type of courses Type of courses:

Courses a, b, c and d are one to one courses
Courses e and f are mini group (max 5 persons per class)
Course g, h, i and j are mini group and one to one
Course k, l, m and n are group courses (max 10 persons per class)
Course o is a group and one to one course (max 10 persons per class)
Course p and q are summer vacation programmes with activities for 11-16 year olds
Courses r, s, t, u, v, w and x are all full time courses of various lengths
Course y is a full time course with Work Experience
Course z can be combined with a course or taken separately
Length of courses Business Centre - minimum 1 week, no max
Main School - minimum 2 weeks no maximum
Level of courses all levels EXCEPT complete beginners
Course (k) above minimum level Intermediate
Examinations offered Cambridge Exams PET, FCE, CAE and CPE
*with supervised self study
Class size Business Centre Mini Groups - 5
Main School - 10 students
Date of commencement Every Monday
Accommodation Excellent host family accommodation, with half board Monday to Friday and full board at weekends
For business people, executive host families or hotel accommodation
Admission requirements All students must have at least an elementary level of English
All business centre clients must be business or professional people
The minimum age for entry into the Main School is 16 years
Student profile Business Centre
All our clients are middle to top managers mostly from Western European countries. They come from all types of industrial and service backgrounds and from all sizes of company. Typically they need English for their work and very often for very specific purposes.
Main School
Most students are aimed between 22 and 40 years of age, and come from all over the world. Reasons for learning English vary - for work, to go on to Higher Education, to improve work prospects, hobby etc.
Contact person for application David Arrowsmith

About the courses

Business Centre Programmes

Crash Intensity Programme

At inlingua Cheltenham, we understand that no two clients have exactly the same needs and it is therefore impossible for two courses to be identical.

We design a new and specific programme for every one of our Crash Intensity Programme (CIP) clients in order to guarantee its relevance to your requirements.

inlingua Cheltenham will design the course to suit you.

Courses are programmed by a team of specialised trainers in conjunction with the Director of Studies. Together they will guide you and monitor your progress throughout.

The minimum length of the Crash Intensity Programme is one week. We do recommend, however, that you come for a minimum of 2 weeks to ensure the maximum return from your investment.

These courses can be directed towards your requirements at a particular time or can be a continuation of a course you are currently already following in your own country. You should always remember that any course you take in England will be more effective if you can continue some form of study when you return home.

The Crash Intensity Programme is one of the most popular courses at inlingua Cheltenham and we are pleased to welcome clients from a wide range of different client companies, from small family businesses to some of the best-known multi-national companies in the world. Our client list also includes professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds: doctors, lawyers, accountants, architects, bankers, Red Cross volunteers and politicians are just some of the types of client that take CIP courses at inlingua Cheltenham.

So whether you are looking for a general refresher, or a programme to train you for a very specialised use, you should seriously consider an intensive programme at inlingua Cheltenham.

Professional Skills Programme

For clients who need to specialise more than on a general programme, but who still want a group dynamic, we are pleased to offer our Professional Skills Programmes.

With a maximum of just 5 participants per group, you can be sure that you will receive plenty of personal attention and, at the same time, enjoy a more tailored course than is possible on courses with larger classes. While concentrating on English for Professional Purposes, using inlingua's own Accelerated Professional Programme, the course will take into account the basic language and professional requirements of all the participants.

We offer programmes of both 30 x 45 minutes per week (PSP/30) and 40 x 45 minutes per week (PSP/40). The main difference between the two courses is that the PSP/40 programme offers the possibility of participating in realistic role play situations, presentation and negotiating skills in the last two afternoon lessons.

PSP Combi, CIP Combi

The CIP Combi combines a CIP/30 programme with 10 lessons per week in a mini-group. This allows you to follow a specialised 1-1 programme and combine it with 2 lessons per day in a small group.

As your last two lessons in the day is likely to combine with other people from our PSP/40 course, it is probable that many of these mini-group lessons will include role play situations, presentations etc.

The PSP Combi combines a PSP/30 programme with 10 lessons per week of 1-1 lessons.

This is a very cost effective way to have the best of mini-group and 1-1 training. Make quick progress with your language skills in the mini-group and then concentrate on your own more specific needs in the 1-1 lessons.

Main School Programmes

Language Skills Programme

This is our main all-year-round group programme for adults. At inlingua Cheltenham we recognise that, although General English is still extremely important, General English alone no longer meets the needs of the majority of people who are learning English.

Our Language Skills Programme therefore allows you to combine General English with English for more specific purposes. The course combines General English in the morning lessons with different subjects called "options" in the afternoon lessons. Students at a pre-intermediate level or above can choose from a variety of options. Lower level students will concentrate on General English until they reach a level at which they can begin to specialise.

On the Language Skills Programme, General English can be combined with:

* Business English
* Exam preparation
* Writing skills
* Communication skills
* Study skills
* Culture
* ... and a variety of other options, depending on the needs of the students:

IELTS 20 and 30

Courses designed to cover IELTS preparation, course materials and examination practice. Students should have an pre intermediate level of language to start these courses.

Junior Vacation and Premiership Football

Five week complete package programme at Dean Close School for 11-16 year olds. Four week complete package junior vacation Premiership Football programme in July and August. The premiership club in question is Blackburn Rovers

Foundation Degree programme

Includes a Foundation programme, plus if required year one and two of a degree programme at selected universities. Full time courses starts in September.

Nursing and placement programme

This is a sandwich course including work in registered nursing homes, NMC registration and placement on adaptation course for eventual employment within the NHS. Only for qualified nurses from overseas.

Certified Accounting Technician

Accounting course and examination that is equivalent to ACCA part 1. Full time course starts in September.


Main qualifications for those native or overseas teachers who want to train as Teachers of English


Business English course which can be taken anytime but most popular after the Cert TESOL.

Refresher Teacher Training course for overseas Teachers of English

During the year we offer tow and four week methodology and language development programmes for overseas teachers.

Work Experience and Placement

Available throughout the year for any length of time from 3 weeks upwards.

EU Training programmes

inlingua has vast experience in offering programmes courses through Leonardo da Vinci, Phare and Comenius. Looking for partners.


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