Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

English Language Foundation

Address 7 Herbert Place, Dublin 2, Ireland
Telephone +353 1 662 2802
Fax +353 1 661 4786

About the School

The Dublin English Language Foundation is a small friendly school which aims to make each student's stay a memorable experience. It is dedicated to maintaining the highest quality in all aspects of the services it offers: from teaching, cultural and social programmes to the family accommodation and school facilities.

The school is an elegant 3-storey Georgian building located in the prestigious 2nd district of Dublin, within a 10 minute walk from the city centre. The building has recently been refurbished to provide students with six spacious classrooms, a learning resources centre and a common room. Students can also enjoy a pleasant garden at the front of the school.

The school offers spacious, well-equipped classrooms and a self-access resources centre which includes:
  • multi-media language learning workstations pre-loaded with the latest EFL software
  • a library offering a wide range of text books and reference material for all levels
  • recorded material on video and audio cassette
  • television and video equipment

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