Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics
St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics

Address St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics, 44 Lermontovsky Ave. St .Petersburg 190103 Russia
Tel. No. +7 (812) 4498177; +7(921) 9942216
Fax No. +7(812)3130243
E-mail address
Courses in the Russian language Bachelor's Degree Courses
  • Law enforcement
  • Civil law
  • International law
  • Social law
  • Advocacy
  • Advertising and public relations Advertising and public relations in commerce
  • Advertising and public relations in SMU
  • Psychology of management
  • Psychological counseling
  • Scientific discipline of documentation and documentary provision of management
  • Linguistics
  • Translation and translation studies
  • Publishing
  • Social work Social work manager
  • Museology and protection of objects of cultural and natural heritage
  • Cultural tourism and excursion activities
  • Tourism Technology and organization of tour operator's and agent's services
  • Technology and organization of hotel services
  • Technology and organization of tour services
  • Hotel business
  • Service in fashion and beauty industry
  • Commerce
  • Commerce in real estate
  • Commerce in services
  • Economics Accounting, analysis and auditing
  • Finances and credit
  • Enterprise and organization economy
  • Management Logistics
  • Human resources management
  • Industrial management
  • Small business management
  • Marketing
  • Financial management
  • Governmental and municipal management Regional management
  • Information security
  • Applied computer science in economics
  • Applied computer science in management

  • Master's Degree Courses
  • Advocacy
  • Organizational psychology
  • Translation and translation studies in professional communication
  • Commercial activity in goods and services market
  • Marketing management of commercial enterprise
  • Technological systems for tourism industry service (teaching on Russian language)
  • Technological systems for tourism industry service (teaching in English language)
  • Economics
  • Financial management
  • International Financial Management (teaching on Russian language)
  • International Financial Management (teaching in English language)
  • Management
  • Strategic management
  • Government and local self-government
  • Strategic marketing
  • Organization of business activity
  • Crisis management
  • Applied computer science
  • Courses in the English language Bachelor's Degree Courses
  • Finances and credit
  • International Financial Management

  • Master's Degree Courses
  • International Financial Management
  • Type of course Full-time, Part-time, Distance Learning
    Length of course Bachelor's Degree Course 4 years
    Master's Degree Course 2 years
    Date of commencement Autumn semester – September 1
    Spring semester – February (second week)
    Class size From 10 to 30 depending on the course
    Student accommodation Accommodation is available at the student's residence for all foreign students
    Fees Different depending on the programme. The information on cost and fees is available upon request
    Admission requirements For Bachelor's, Engineer's and Master's degrees – Russian language, level B1 (Threshold) TORFL (Test of Russian as a Foreign Language) is required.
    For pre-university training programs – no Russian is required.
    For summer-school programs – fluent English is required.
    Student profile 1. Ratio of National / Overseas students 95/5 %
    2. Ratio of Men / Women 40/60 %
    3. Age range 17-30 years old
    Contact details for application Maria Kuznetsova, Tatiana Avetikian
    Adress: 44 Lermontovsky Ave. St .Petersburg 190103 Russia
    Tel .+7 (812) 4498177, +7(921) 9942216 (mob); tel/fax +7(812)3130243

    Degree Courses

    Bachelor's Degree Courses in Russian

    Bachelor's Degree Course Lines


    Form of Teaching/Learning

    Institutions and Chairs


    Law enforcement

    ull-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Law Enforcement Management

    Civil law

    Chair in Civil Law and Process

    International law

    Chair in Labor Law and Social Welfare

    Social law

    Chair in Constitutional and International Law


    031600.62 Advertising and public relations

    Advertising and public relations in commerce

    ull-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Marketing and Social Communications

    Advertising and public relations in SMU

    030300.62 Psychology

    Psychology of management

    ull-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in philosophy, sociology and psychology

    Psychological counseling

    034700.62 Scientific discipline of documentation and archivistics

    Scientific discipline of documentation and documentary provision of management

    ull-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology

    035700.62 Linguistics

    Translation and translation studies

    full-time, face-to-face/remote

    Chair in Foreign Languages

    035000.62 Publishing


    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Marketing and Social Communications

    040400.62 Social work

    Social work manager

    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in philosophy, sociology and psychology

    072300.62 Museology and protection of objects of cultural and natural heritage

    Cultural tourism and excursion activities

    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Entrepreneurship and Tourism

    100400.62 Tourism

    Technology and organization of tour operator's and agent's services

    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Entrepreneurship and Tourism

    Technology and organization of hotel services

    Technology and organization of tour services

    100100.62 Hotel business

    Hotel business

    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Entrepreneurship and Tourism

    100100.62 Service

    Service in fashion and beauty industry

    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Entrepreneurship and Tourism

    100700.62 Trade (commerce)


    Marketing in banking

    Marketing in services

    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Marketing and Social Communications


    Commerce in real estate

    Commerce in service

    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Entrepreneurship and Tourism

    080100.62 Economics

    Accounting, analysis and auditing

    distance learning

    Chair in Finances and Accounting

    Finances and credit

    Enterprise and organization economy

    080200.62 Management


    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote, distance learning

    Chair in Management and Governmental and Municipal Management

    Human resources management

    Industrial management

    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote, distance learning

    Chair in Economic Theory and Enterprise Economy

    Small business management


    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote, distance learning

    Chair in Marketing and Social Communications

    Financial management

    Chair in Finances and Accounting

    081100.62 Governmental and municipal management

    Regional management

    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Management and Governmental and Municipal Management

    230700.62 Applied computer science

    Applied computer science in economics

    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Information Technologies and Mathematics

    Applied computer science in management

    090900.62 Information security

    no profile

    full-time, face-to-face/remote, remote

    Chair in Information Technologies and Mathematics

    05100.62 Teachers education

    Foreign language

    full-time, face-to-face/remote

    Chair in Foreign Languages

    Master's Degree Courses in Russian

    Master's Degree Course Lines

    Master's Degree Programs

    Form of Teaching/Learning

    Institutions and Chairs



    full-time, remote,

    Juridical Institute

    030300.68 Psychology

    Organizational psychology

    full-time, remote,

    Chair in Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology

    035700.68 Linguistics

    Translation and translation studies in professional communication

    full-time, remote,

    Chair in Foreign Languages

    100700.68 Trade (commerce)

    Commercial activity in goods and services market

    full-time, remote,

    Chair in Entrepreneurship and Tourism

    Marketing management of commercial enterprise

    full-time, remote,

    Chair in Marketing and Social Communications

    100400.68 Tourism

    Technological systems for tourism industry service (teaching on Russian language)

    full-time, remote,

    Chair in Entrepreneurship and Tourism

    Technological systems for tourism industry service (teaching in English language)

    full-time, remote

    080100.68 Economics

    Financial management

    full-time, remote,
    face-to-face/remote, distance learning

    Chair in Finances and Accounting

    International Financial Management (teaching on Russian language)

    full-time, remote,

    Chair in Finances and Accounting

    International Financial Management (teaching in English language)

    full-time, remote

    080200.68 Management

    Strategic management

    full-time, remote,
    face-to-face/remote, distance learning

    Chair in Management and Governmental and Municipal Management

    Government and local self-government

    Strategic marketing

    full-time, remote,
    face-to-face/remote, distance learning

    Chair in Marketing and Social Communications

    Organization of business activity

    full-time, remote ,
    face-to-face/remote, distance learning

    Chair in Economic Theory and Enterprise Economy

    Crisis management

    230700.68 Applied computer science

    Applied computer science

    full-time, remote,
    face-to-face/remote, distance learning

    Chair in Information Technologies and Mathematics

    Bachelor's Degree Courses in English

    Bachelor's Degree Course Lines


    Form of Teaching/Learning

    Institutions and Chairs

    080100.62 Economics

    Finances and credit

    full-time (part time on Russian language, 50% in English language)

    Institute of International programs

    080200.62 Management

    International Financial Management

    full-time (part time on Russian language, 50% in English language)

    Institute of International programs

    Master's Degree Courses in Englis

    Form of Teaching/Learning

    Institutions and Chairs

    080100.68 Economics

    International Financial Management (teaching in English language)

    full-time, remote,
    face-to-face/remote, distance learning

    Institute of International programs


    About Saint Petersburg University of Management and Economics

    The History of the Saint Petersburg University of Management and Economics goes back to December 27, 1990, when a training center “Professional”was established. Based on this Center, the institution of higher education “Higher School of Managers” was established and incorporated as a legal entity on October 11, 1994. In 2011the institution obtained University Status (Certificate of State Accreditation BBNo.000894 from 24.03.2011).

    Now the St.Petersburg University of Management and Economics is an innovative dynamically developing university which is active in integration into a unified world education and research space. The University has 7 schools; there are also several research and training centers. 58 Departments handle teaching in more than 80 fields of specialization and professions. 9 regional institutes and 2 missions of Saint-Petersburg University of Management and Economics cover the entire country from Kaliningrad to Magadan. The University has introduced a modern education quality assurance system – received a Certificate of Conformity of Quality Management System to GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO) and a Certificate of Conformity to international quality standards IQNet.

    The University is especially focused on students' research which initiates the innovative development of Russian economy. As of the date of this writing, they have been responsible for over 1,000 publications in scientific books and journals. Our students' research has won over 500 various awards and certificates of merit.

    The goal of the University today is integration into the European and worldwide educational community. Students at the University are granted degrees at two levels, according to the Bologna declaration (Bachelor's and Master's). 40 of the professors at the Saint-Petersburg University of Management and Economics are full or corresponding members of Russian and foreign Academies, 200 have national degrees above Ph.D., and 690 have Ph.D. degrees. Honorary Professors elected by the Academic Board from the leading personalities of global scientific and cultural communities, business and politics greatly contribute to the education process. Academicians of Russian Academy of Sciences and Nobel laureates including from foreign universities act as scientific leaders and consultants at the University's Departments. St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics is the member of the International Association of Universities.The University has partnerships with more than 80 largest universities in Europe, America, Asia and Australia.

    All important events of the University are covered by “Manager” newspaper. the University also publishes the “Economics and Management”, “Sociology and Law”, “Proceedings” journals included in the list of editions recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science's Supreme Attestation Commission.

    A study resort complex is located among the Tzars' residences of Pavlovsk and Tzarskoye Selo. The University continuously invests in social infrastructure. The complex has comfortable living quarters for one and two students per room, a concert hall, athletic complex, library, laundry, sauna, cantina and kitchen, WI-FI Internet access. Everything is done to provide the environment for adequate rest, engaging entertainment and comfortable preparation for study.

    From the day the University was founded, it is led by the tireless President, Viktor Gnevko – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Distinguished Professional Educator of the Russian Federation, Distinguished Scientist of the Russian Federation.


    Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
    Director: Evgeniy Torgunakov
    Chairs: Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology, Marketing and Social Communications, Foreign Languages

    Economics, Management and Information Technologies
    Director: Brusakova Irina
    Chairs: Economic Theory and Enterprise Economy, Management and Governmental and Municipal Management, Finances and Accounting, Information Technologies and Mathematics

    Director: Oleg Grevtsov
    Chairs: Constitutional and International Law, Labor Law and Social Welfare, Theory and History of State and Law, Law Enforcement Management, Administrative Law and Process

    International Programs
    Director: Anna Rumyantseva,

    Major Fields of Research

    Innovative development of regions and corporate structures; Business structure management under reformation of Russian economy; Research of economic growth factors in the National economy; Sociology of management, social structure, social institutions and processes Issues of cross-cultural communications in modern world; Social psychology, development psychology, acmeology; State-legal protection of citizens' rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in RF and Legal regulation of labor protection; Tourism and Ecology

    Outstanding Achievements of the Academic Staff to Date

    28 monographs
    226 papers published in Russian and foreign journal
    24 research and practice conferences among them the International Conference «The Role of Education in Fostering Political and Legal Culture»
    74 research and practice seminars
    Grant of the Altay Regional Fund for Education and Science Support
    Grant of the Russian Humanities Research Fund


    15 building for training, 120 000 sq.m, 60 computer classroms


    - Number of volumes 526477
    - Number of periodical subscriptions 479
    - Access to electronic networks (please specify)

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    Your phone No. (with dialing codes)
    Your fax No.
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    Postal code
    Country of residence* (where you live)
    Existing qualifications*
    Work experience
    Expected enrollment date*
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