Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

State Medical University

Address 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd, 400131, Russia
Tel No. +7-8442-38.30.28
Fax No. +7-8442-40.81.40
Tel No. for English language speakers +7-8442-38.53.55
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of General Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry/Stomatology
  • Pharmaceutical Faculty
  • Faculty of Pediatrics
  • Faculty of Biomedicine
  • Faculty of Social Work and Clinical Psychology
  • Faculty of Post-Diploma Probation
  • Faculty of Continues Education
  • Preparatory Programme for International Students
  • Scientific Research Institute of Pharmacology
  • Volgograd Research Institute for Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, Russian Academy for Medical Sciences
  • Acupuncture Center
  • Central Research Laboratory
  • Type courses Full-time
    Language of instruction Russian, English
    Length courses Preparatory Programme - 1 year
    Faculty of General Medicine - 6 years
    Faculty of Stomatology / Dentistry - 5 year
    Pharmaceutical Faculty - 5 years
    Faculty of Pediatrics - 6 years
    Post-Diploma Training - 1 - 5 years
    Date of commencement September, 1
    Post-Diploma Training - during the year
    Class size Groups - up to 7 students
    Individual Post-Diploma Training
    Accommodation Available (dormitory)
    Fees For fees structure, please, contact the Contract office, Volgograd State Medical University at telephone number ++7-8442-38.30.63, fax: ++7-8442-38.30.28
    Admission requirements Notary verified copy of Higher, Secondary or Further Secondary Education Certificate with a list of subjects studied and marks got; Doctor's Certificate testifying to the absence of medical contra indications for training in Russia as well AIDS test results; all papers should be legalized at an Embassy of Russia.
    Student profile Ratio of National / Overseas students: 6/1
    Ratio of Men/Women: 1/2
    No age limits
    Contact for application Popov Sergey V.
    Director of the Contract office, VolSMU
    Tel: +7-8442-38.30.63; +7-8442-38.30.28
    Fax: +7-8442-38.30.28;


    Volgograd (the former Stalingrad) is a southern city, the average temperature in summer is + 26C and in winter - 9C. Volgograd is situated on the bank of the Volga, one of the largest rivers in Europe. The population of Volgograd is over one million. The flight time from Moscow to Volgograd is approximately 1 hour.

    For more than 40 years foreign students from over 100 countries have been training at the Volgograd Sate Medical University. At present 700 foreigners and 3500 citizens of Russia study at the University. The University has been included into the WHO's List of World medical schools. Due to this recognition the graduates of the University receive the right to work in any country in the world after passing a national examination for that country.

    4 educational buildings, 5 multi-profile hospitals for 7000 patients, experimental research laboratories, a computer center, and comfortable dormitories are at the disposal of the University. Today the staff of the University includes 3 academicians of the National Academy for Medical Sciences, 93 professors, 125 assistant professors, and 831 faculty members.


    Duration of education program is 6 years. Duration of practical training is 18 weeks.


    NATURAL SCIENCES (447 hours): Physics with Higher Mathematics and Informatics (Medical); General and Bioorganic Chemistry.

    MEDICO-BIOLOGICAL SUBJECTS (1787 hours): Biology, Genetics, Ecology; Biological Chemistry; Human Anatomy; Histology, Embryology, Cytology; Normal Physiology; Microbiology, Virology, Immunology; Pharmacology; Pathological Anatomy; Sectional Course; Pathological Physiology.

    GENERAL CLINICAL SUBJECTS (2988 hours): General Care of Therapeutical Patients; Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases; Internal Diseases; Phtysiopulmonology; Physiotherapy; Professional Diseases; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Polyclinical Training; General Care of Patients (in Surgery); Surgical Diseases; Pediatric Surgery; General Surgery, Anesthesiology; Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy; Resuscitation and Intensive Therapy; Urology; Stomatology; Traumatology and Orthopedics; Oncology; Pediatrics.

    MEDICO-PROPHYLACTIC SUBJECTS (288 hours): Epidemiology; General Hygiene; Social Medicine, Public Health Administration, Economics, Principles of Automatization.

    CLINICAL SUBJECTS (1077 hours): Radiodiagnostics and Radiotherapy; Infectious Diseases; Dermatology and Venereology; Neurology and Neurosurgery; Psychiatry, Narcology; Otorhinolaryngology; Ophthalmology; Forensic Medicine; Therapeutic Physical Training and Medical Monitoring; Endocrinology; Clinical Pharmacology; Medical Genetics.


    Duration of education program is 5 years. Duration of practical training is 10 weeks.

    HUMANITARIAN AND SOCIAL ECONOMIC SUBJECTS - 1166 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    NATURAL SCIENCES - 340 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    MEDICO-BIOLOGICAL SUBJECTS - 1581 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    GENERAL CLINICAL SUBJECTS - 1255 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    MEDICO-PROPHYLACTIC˙0 SUBJECTS - 158 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    STOMATOLOGICAL SUBJECTS - 2607 hours. Propedeutics of Stomatologic Diseases; Conservative Dentistry; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Prosthodontics; Course of Material Study; Dentistry of Children; Preventive Dentistry.


    Duration of education program is 6 years. Duration of practical training is 16 weeks.

    HUMANITARIAN AND SOCIAL ECONOMIC SUBJECTS - 1155 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    NATURAL SCIENCES - 450 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    MEDICO-BIOLOGICAL SUBJECTS - 1738 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    SPECIAL CLINICAL SUBJECTS (1132 hours): Radiodiagnostics and Radiotherapy; Therapeutic Physical Training and Medical Monitoring; Infectious Diseases; Dermatology and Venereology; Neurology and Neurosurgery; Medical Genetics; Clinical Pharmacology; Psychiatry, Narcology; Otorhinolaryngology; Ophthalmology; Forensic Medicine.

    MEDICO-PROPHYLACTIC SUBJECTS - 402 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    CLINICAL SUBJECTS (3299 hours): General Care of Therapeutical Patients; Propaedeutics of Interna l Diseases; Internal Diseases, General Physiotherapy; Endocrinology; Professional Diseases; Phtysiopulmonology; Childhood Phtysiopulmonology with Clinical Immunology; General Care of Patients (in Surgery); General Surgery, Anesthesiology, Resuscitation; Operative Surgery; Surgical Diseases; Urology; Stomatology; Traumatology and Orthopedics; Obstetrics and Gynecology; General Care of Children; Propedeutics of Children Diseases with Healthy Child Course; Children Diseases with General Physiotherapy and Endocrinology; Polyclinic Pediatrics; Children Infectious Diseases; Pediatric Surgery with Orthopedics and Resuscitation; Oncology.


    Duration of education program is 5 years. Duration of practical training is 31 weeks.

    HUMANITARIAN AND SOCIAL ECONOMIC SUBJECTS - 1160 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    NATURAL SCIENCES - 1327 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    MEDICO-BIOLOGICAL SUBJECTS - 659 hours. List of subjects is the same as for the Faculty of General Medicine.

    PROFESSIONAL TRAINING (1797 hours): Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Toxicological Chemistry; Technology of Medicinal Forms; Pharmaceutical Administration and Economics; Medical Study of Merchandise; Pharmacognosy; Pharmacology; Clinical Pharmacology; General Hygiene; The First Trephysicianal Aid.

    Post-Diploma Training (Internship, Specialized Training in Medicine, Post-Graduate Course, Probation) lasts for 1 - 5 years in specialties:

    Allergology and Immunology Asthma. Allergosis. Allergodermatosis. Regulation of immunologic disorders. Pseudoallergia. Allergens. Serous diseases. Food allergy. Diets. Allergy from insects. Eosinophilia of lungs. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosos. Exogenous allergic alveolitis. Atopic dermatitis. Urticaria. Angioneurotic edema. Immu- notherapy. Immunomodulation. Immunostimulation. Immunosupression. Immunoadaptation.

    Fields of Research
    Diagnosis and treatment of asthma, allergic disorders and dermatosises.

    Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Anesthesiology. Resuscitation. Intensive therapy. Mastering the methods of pain releif. Practical work in operating rooms, resuscitation and intensive therapy rooms.

    Fields of Research
    Prognosing of results of anesthesiologic resuscitation agression in the cases of critical states of patients.

    Conservative Dentistry
    Mastering the new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of stomatologic diseases. Diseases of the parodontium and mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Fields of Research Treatment and prophylaxis of main stomatologic diseases.

    Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of dermatosises. Age peculiarities of a course of the diseases. Genodermatosises. Venereal diseases. Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of skin and venereal diseases. Principles of treatment and prophylaxis of skin and venereal diseases. Practical work at departments.

    Fields of Research
    Therapy of allergic dermatosises, neurodermatosises, treatment and diagnosis of chlamidios.

    Diseases of hypothalamohypophysial system, the thyroid gland, adrenal glands. Obesity. Diabetes mellitus. Emergent states in endocrinology. Mastering the methods of examination, diagnosis and treatment.

    Methods of examintaions. Diseases of the esophagus, the stomach, the duodenum, the small intestine. Diseases of the liver, the gallbladder, biliary pathways and the pancreas. Tumors of digestive organs. Emergency states in gastroenterology. Mastering the methods of examination, diagnosis and treatment.

    Fields of Research
    Actual problems in hepatology.

    General Stomatology
    Conservative Dentistry (endodontia, paradontology). Operative dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. Prosthetic dentistry (implantation). Pedodontics with prophylaxis of stomatologic diseases. Orthodontia and children's dental prosthetic.

    Fields of Research
    Prophylaxis and treatment of main stomatologic diseases.

    Infectious Diseases
    Hepatology. Intestinal infections. Viral infections. AIDS and diseases associated with AIDS. Helmintology. Tropical infections. Adults suffering from children's infections. Practical work in hospitals and polyclinics.

    Fields of Research
    New methods of treatment of virus hepatitis.

    Internal Diseases
    Pulmonology. Cardiology. Electrocardiography. Gastroenterology. Medical Parasitology. Nephrology. Phthisiology. Endocrinology. Rheumatology. Hematology. Hepatology. Infectious diseases. Clinical pharmacology. Medical statistics. Bibliography. Geriatrics and gerontology. Medical genetics. Clinical biochemistry. Hemotransfusiology. Temporary and complete invalidity examination.

    Fields of Research
    Psychophysiologic research in diagnosis of internal diseases. New methods of immunologic and biochemical diagnosis of rheumatic diseases. Chronotherapy of internal diseases.

    Propedeutics of nervous diseases. Methods of examination. Vascular diseases of the nervous system. Infectious diseases of the nervous system. Traumas of the nervous system. Tumors and parasitogenic injuries of the nervous system. Demyelinative disea- ses. Hereditary diseases of the nervous system. Epilepsy. Neurosises and borderline states. Diseases of the vegetative nervous system. Neurology for children. Neuroophthalmology. Practical work in clinics.

    Fields of Research
    Painful and vegetative syndromes of inorganic genesis.

    Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Organization of obstetric and gynecologic care. Clinical picture of labor. Pathology of pregnancy. Physiology and pathology of postnatal period. Physiology and pathology of a newborn period. Gynecologic diseases. Gynecologic endocrinology. Tumors of a female sexual system. Resuscitation and intensive therapy in obs- tetrics and gynecology. Modern methods of diagnosis and therapy of gynecologic diseases. Practical work at clinical departments.

    Fields of Research
    Infectious complicatious in obstetrics and gynecology, anomaly of labor activity.

    Oncologic gastroenterology. Carcinoma of the lung and organs of the mediastinum. Modern diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors. Combined treatment of malignant tumors. Rehabilitation of oncologic patients.

    Fields of Research
    Modern diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors.

    Operative Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery
    Anesthesiology. Tooth extraction. Odontogenic inflammatory proscesses (periodontics, periostitis, osteomyelitis, abscesses and phlegmons). Lymphadenitis. Pericironitis. Odontogenic sinusitis. Specific inflammatory processes of maxillofacial area: actinomycosis, tuberculosis, AIDS, etc. Salivary gland disorders and disfunctions, principles of surgical treatment. Injures of maxillofacial area. Specific features of gunshot wounds. Civil injuries, complications, principles of surgical treatment of facial wounds. Neuridentistry. Disorders of the temoromandibular joint. Periodontal diseases. Principles of the periodontal surgery. Implantology. Main types of maxillofacial neoplasms. Odontogenic and benign tumors. Reconstructive surgery of maxillofacial area. Esthetic surgery.

    Fields of Research
    Pyo-inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area.

    Clinical refraction. Inflammatory diseases of eyes. Pathology of oculomotor apparatus. Traumas of the eye and orbit. Pathology of optical medium. Glaucomas. Vascular pathology of the eye. Tumors of organs of vision and the orbit. Emergent states in ophthalmology. Microsurgery of the eye. Laser surgery of the anterior segment and the fundus of the eye.

    Fields of Research
    Hemocirculation in pathogenesis of diseases of the eye. New methods of diagnosis and pathogenetically based methods of treatment of vascular pathology of the eye. Orthodontia Methods of examination for children and adults with maxillofacial anomalies and deformities. Methods of treatment of anomalies and deformities by fixed and removable apparatuses. Treatment of children's maxillofacial congenital pathologies and hereditary diseases. Prosthetics of dental defects and dental line for children and juveniles.

    Fields of Research
    Prophylaxis and treatment of children's congenital and gained maxillofacial pathology.

    Orthopedics and Traumatology
    Qualified and specialized treatment for patients suffering from orthopedic and traumatologic diseases arthrosises, arthritises, vertebtal osteochondrosises, scoliosises, tumors of the bones. Congenital deformities of the neck, vertebral column, thorax and limbs. Open and closed injuries of bones and joints of vertebral column, limbs and pelvis. Endoprosthetics of major joints. Treatment of injuries and diseases of humeral and knee joints with the help of arthroscopic technique.

    Fields of Research
    Operative treatment of pathology of major joints.

    Mastering the modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic disorders of the ear, nose, throat. Specific inflammatory and oncologic diseases and traumas of the ear, nose, throat. Surgical practice at clinical departments. Emergency medical treatment. Plastic operations of organs of the ear, nose, throat.

    Fields of Research
    Inflammatory diseases of the ear, nose, throat.

    Pathological Anatomy
    Mastering the new methods of macroscopic diagnosis using autopsy material, methods of micro and electronic examination of autopsy material.

    Fields of Research
    Morphologic organization of the central nervous system in the case of stress.

    General pediatrics. Children's cardiology. Nephro- and gastroenterology. Perinatology - pecularities of early adaptation of children with antenatal and intranatal injuries. Perinatal neurology, prophylaxis and treatment of different neurologic disor- ders for children of early age. Primary resuscitation for new-born infants. Infusional, respiratory and metabolic intensive therapy for infants of postnatal period. Monitoring of the state of the fetus and new-born infants.

    Fields of Research
    Children's and juveniles' hemodynamic disorders in the case of disturbances of vascular tension.

    Conservative dentistry for children. Operative dentistry for children. Prophylaxis of stomatologic diseases. Orthodontia and prosthodontia for children.

    Fields of Research
    Prophylaxis and treatment of children's congenital and acquired pathology of maxillofacial area.

    Study of theoretic bases of phthisiology. Methods of diagnosis of tuberculosis. Clinical picture of tuberculosis of respiratory organs and its extrapulmonary forms. Prophylaxis and treatment of tuberculosis. Medical statistics. Scientific informatics.

    Fields of Research
    Clinical immunoilogic peculiarities of up-to-date course of tuberculosis.

    Issues of modern psychiatry, narcology and psychotherapy. Met- hods of clinical, pathopsychological, neuropsychological, electroencephalographic examination. Methods of intensive psychophar- macotherapy, electroconvulsant and insulinic comatose therapy. Psychotherapy of endogenus psychosis, dependence syndrome and borderline states.

    Fields of Research
    Social adaptation of students and their psychic state.

    Physical and Sports Medicine
    Rehabilitation from cardiovascular, pulmonary diseases and cancer. Rehabilitation for patients of elderly age. Electrodiagnosis. Joint and connective tissue disorders. Nerve and muscle disorders. Pain releif. Pediatric rehabilitation. Spinal cord injuries medicine. Stroke rehabilitation. Brain disorders. Sports injuries. Exercise physiology. Overuse injuries. Principles of training.Exercise prescription. Sports nutrition.

    Fields of Research
    Physical rehabilitation of subacromial impingement.Pharmacologic correction of physical work capacity.

    Prosthetic Dentistry
    Pathology of hard dental tissue. Treatment with inlays, onlays overlays, artificial crowns, rod root constructions. Partial adentia - treatment with fixed and removable (laminar and clasp) constructions.Diseases of parodontium. Treatment of total adentia by removable and laminar prosthesises. Orthopedic treatment with the use of implants. Maxillofacial prosthetics. Modern technologies: lost wax process, metallic ceramics, artificial crowns of bridges without metallic base.

    Fields of Research
    Methods of diagnosis and orthopedic treatment in the system of complex prophylaxis of stomatologic diseases.

    Pneumonia. Bronchitis. Asthma. Bronchial asthma. Alveolitis, its diagnosis and treatment. Mastering the special methods of examination (bronchoscopy, spirography, biopsy, cytology, bacteriology). Emergency medical service and intensive therapy.

    Roentgenology and Radiotherapy
    Mastering the methods of radiodiagnosis. Roentgenology. Ultrasonic diagnosis. Radiotherapy.

    Fields of Research
    Radiodiagnosis of pathologic states.

    Study of fundamental questions of surgery and organization of surgical care. Modern methods of diagnosis. Urgent and planned operations of organs of the abdominal cavity (laparoscopic operations of liver and biliary pathways) and chest. Medicine of catastrophes.Vascular surgery. Polyclinical surgery. Bases of urology. Traumatology. Proctology. Bases of oncology. Bases of resuscitation and intensive therapy in surgery. Practical work in specialized clinical departments.

    Fields of Research
    Infectious complications in surgery and urology, reconstructive surgery of vessels of lower extremities. Surgery of organs of the abdominal cavity and chest. Proctology.

    Surgery for Children
    Administration of surgical service. Development defects and diseases of organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. Development defects and diseases of organs of the thoracic cavity. Thoracic surgery for children. Abdominal surgery for children. Urology for children. Traumatology and orthopedics for children. Urgent surgery for children. Anesthesiology and resuscitation. Endoscopic operations for children. Development defects surgery. Treatment of pyo-inflammatory diseases.

    Fields of Research
    Development defects surgery and urgent surgery for children, endoscopic surgery.

    Clinical anatomy and physiology of genitourinary organs. Semiotics and methods of diagnosis in urology. General methods of conservative treatment. Specific and inspecific inflammatory diseases. Phthisiourology. Urolithiasis. Traumas of genitourinary organs. Urooncology. Urogynecology.

    Fields of Research
    Urolithiasis. Distant lithotripsy. Diseases of the prostate.


    Duration of education program is 6 years. Duration of practical training is 15 weeks. HUMANITARIAN AND SOCIAL ECONOMIC SUBJECTS – 1189hours.

    NATURAL SCIENCES (1373 hours): Physics with Higher Mathematics; Informatics (Medical); General and Bioorganic Chemistry.

    MEDICO-BIOLOGICAL SUBJECTS (2123 hours): Biology, Morphology, Normal Physiology, Microbiology, Virology, Pathology, Pharmacology, General and Medical Biophysics, Medical Electronics, General and Medical Radiobiology.

    CLINICAL SUBJECTS (1061 hours): Clinical and Experimental Surgery, Internal Diseases, Neurology and Psychiatry, Pediatric Diseases, Emergency Surgery.

    SPECIAL SUBJECTS (1106 hours): Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Biological Chemistry, General and Medical Immunology, Genetics.


    Spesiality – Social Work. Qualification – “Specialist in Social Work in Health Care System”.

    Duration of education program is 5 years.

    HUMANITARIAN AND SOCIAL ECONOMIC SUBJECTS –(1800 hours): Foreign Languages, Physical Education, History of Russia, Philosophy, Law, Economics, Political Science, Culture Studies, Russian Language and Oratory Skill, Philosophy of Social Work, Methodology of Social Work, Logic, Culture of Professional Thinking, Ethics and Aesthetics, Image-making Studies.

    NATURAL SCIENCES - (702 hours): Mathematics, Computer Skills, Conceptions of Natural Sciences, Information Technologies in Social Field, Anatomy and Physiology, Bioethics, Ecology.

    GENERAL SUBJECTS - (4013 hours): Anthropology, Basics of Social Medicine, Psychology, Pedagogics, Sociology, Social Ecology, Social Political Studies, History of Social Work, Theory of Social Work, Technology of Social Work, Professional and Ethical Basics of Social Work, Organization and Management in the Field of Social Work, Economic Basics of Social Work, Legal Security of Social Work, Forecasting, Projects in Social Work, Conflicts Studies in Social Work, Research Methods in Social Work, Social Statistics, Psychology of Social Work, Basics of Medical Terminology, Social and Legal Children's Care, Medical Psychology, Basics of Occupational Therapy, Law of Social Security, Social Safety, Social Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents with Deviant Behaviour, Social and Stress Disorders and their

    Effects on the Human Health, Communication and Health, Social Security of the Population, Foreign Experience in the Field of Social and Medical Work, Social Aspects of Nursing Care, Basics of Psychodiagnostics and Applied Psychology in Social Work, Basics of Psychological Consultation in Social Work.

    SPECIAL SUBJECTS (2305 hours): Family Studies, Gender and Feminism Studies, Social Gerontology, Problems of Social Work with Adolescence, Employment of the Population and Methods of its Regulation, Contents and Methods of Psychological Social Work, Contents and Methods of Social Pedagogics in Work, Basics of Medicine, Basics and Principles of Social and Medical Work, Organization and Management in Social Service System, Psychological Physiology, Social Aspects of Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology of Social Work.

    SPECIALITY SUBJECTS –(optional subjects) (937 hours): Social Work in Public Health System Basics of Psychological Social and Medical Ways of Working with the Population, Legal Basics of Social Work in Public Health System, Insurance Public Health Service in the RF, Social and Medical Work with Drug Addicts, Social and Rehabilitation Work with the Disabled, Social and Medical Work with the Elderly, Social and Medical Work with Family, Bioethical Aspects of Social Work in Medicine.

    OPTIONAL SUBJECTS: Legal and Psychological Security of Specialists on Social Issues, Social and Medical Work in Family Planning, Ethnopsychology, Diagnostic Methods in Social and Medical Work.

    Speciality “Clinical Psychology”. Qualification – “Psychologist, clinical psychologist, instructor in psychology”.

    Duration of education is 5 years.


    List of subjects is the same as for the speciality “Social Work”.

    NATURAL SCIENCES (1200 hours): Maths, Computer Skills in Psychology, Concepts of Modern Natural Science, Anthropology, Anatomy of the CNS, Physiology of the CNS, Ecology, Differential Psychological Physiology, Neuropharmacology, Bioethics, Basics of Medicine.

    GENERAL SUBJECTS (2830 hours): General Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Practical Training in General Psychology, History of Psychology, Animal Psychology and Comparative Psychology, Psychogenetics, Personal Psychology, Psychodiagnostics, Methodological Basics of Psychology, Age Psychology, Pedagogical Psychology, Social Psychology, Occupational Psychology, Psychophysiology, Methods of Teaching Psychology, Communicative Psychology, Health Psychology, differential psychology, Basics of Medical Terminology, Political Psychology, Psychology of Social Work.

    SPECIAL SUBJECTS (3170 hours): Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology, Pathological Psychology, Basics of Psychosomatics, Psychology of Abnormal Growth, Basics of Psychological Consultation, Basic Theories and Methods of Psychotherapy, Children's Neuropsychology, Methodological Problems of Clinical Psychology, Personality Disorders, Psychology of Deviating Behaviour, Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Diagnostic Methods of Normal and Pathologic Development, Clinical Psychology in Medical Practice, Neurology, Psychiatry, Internal Diseases, Psychopharmacotherapy, Neurosis, Clinical Psychoanalysis, Methods of Psychological Diagnostics and Correction in Psychosomatic and Somatic Disorders, Differential Neuropsychology of Psychologic Functions Development, Neuropsychological Approach to Corrective and Developmental Training, Practical Training in Pathological Psychology, Practical Training in Neuropsychology, Practical Training in Psychological Correction and Psychotherapy, Practical Training in Psychosomatics, Practical Training in Children's Clinical Psychology.

    SPECIALITY SUBJECTS – Pathological Psychology (600 hours): Emotion and Personality Disorders in Childhood, Self-Consciousness Disorders, Memory Disorders, Emotion Disorders, Diagnostic Methods in Pathological Psychology.

    SPECIALITY SUBJECTS – Clinical consultation and corrective psychology (600 Hr): Family Psychology and Family Psychotherapy, Children's Psychiatry, Clinical and Psychological Problems of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Methods of Psychological Diagnostics and Correction in Psychosomatic and Somatic Disorders.

    Special training and supervision – 400 hours.

    Optional subjects – 450 hours.

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