Department of History
Dean - D. V. Bugrov, Assistant Professor, Candidate of History
Telephone: +7 3432 557-536, 557-545
Student body: 600 full-time students; 400 correspondence students.
19 professors, Doctors of Sciences;
34 associate professors, Candidates of Sciences;
12 senior lecturers and lecturers.
Chairs: history of Russia, study of sources, history of the ancient world and the Middle Ages, modern and contemporary history, archaeology, ethnology, theory and history of international relations, management of arhives studies.
Majoring in: history (history and archival management of archives studies, international relations, regional studies, documentation management studies).
Basic academic disciplines: history of primitive society, archaeology, ancient history of the Orient; chronology; paleography, history of ancient Greece and Rome; history of the Middle Ages; history of Russia; history of world culture; regional geography; computers and programming; mathematical methods of research; humanitarian data banks; management fundamentals; history of the countries of Asia and Africa; ethnography; history of religion; history of philosophy;history of foreign historical thought; theory of social and political relations; foreign languages; Latin; management documentation; clerical work; problems of archival management of archives.
Major fields of research: archaeology of the Urals; archaeology of antiquity; history of the Byzantine Empire; history and theory of feudalism; archeography; social, economic and political history of the Urals of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th c. ; history of political parties in Russia; history and historiography of fascism and national socialism; the Great Power policy in Central, East and South-East Europe before and during World War II; mathematical methods of historical research; archival management disciplines.
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