About Tver State University
Tver State University is one of the largest scientific and educational centers in Central Russia. Responding actively to modern-day challenges, the institution of higher education is developing dynamically, while preserving a fidelity to tradition. TSU ensures the preparation of qualified specialists in the sphere of physico-mathematical, natural, human and social sciences, as well as of education and pedagogy, economy and administration among other areas. During the last five years, TSU has been one of the leading traditional universities in the country.
Tver State University holds an unlimited authorization that gives it the right to carry out educational activities, series ААА No. 002243, registration number 1786, as of 01.09.2011, and, according to the Certificate of State Accreditation series 90А01 No. 0000430, registration number 0426, as of 15.03.2013, is considered an institution of higher education that owns the state registration.
The University has its own Statutes that have been accepted by a conference of academic staff, representative of other categories of workers and students of Tver State University act No. 1 as of January 26, 2011, and approved by the Order No. 1860 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as of May 27, 2011 No. 1860.
A Brief History of the University
Tver State University has had a long and difficult developmental path. The university's history starts on December 1, 1870, when, in Tver, a private pedagogical school named after P.P. Maximovich was opened. It was later on reformed in 1917 to become Tver Teachers' Institute, after which, it became the Kalinin Pedagogical Institute. Before the 1970s, tens of thousands of specialists graduated the Pedagogical Institute with university qualifications. On September 1, 1971, an outstanding event took place in the Institute's history; it was re-named the Kalinin State University.
In 1990, the Kalinin State University was renamed to Tver State University. Its graduates work successfully at schools, scientific institutions, as well as in economic and social organizations. The university's scholars have also made a considerable contribution to making up and developing many scientific fields and research areas.
The University today
TSU is comprised of 15 faculties, 82 departments, the Institute of Continuing Learning, the Inter-academic Center for International Cooperation, the Scientific and Academic Center of Innovative Technologies for the Development of Professional Careers Amongst the Youth (SAC ‘Professional Career'), the Regional Center for Job Placement of University Graduates, and the Regional Center of Development of Youth Volunteer Programs.
Our highly-qualified personnel consists of 607 professors, including 98 doctors, full professors and about 400 professors holding a PhD degree, as well as associate professors.
The University implements the instructional rating system, and active instruction approaches are used in our teaching practice, such as case technologies, project, game, and training technologies etc.
The main directions of research and development at the University are carried out in the field of natural and exact sciences: mathematics, mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, geo-ecology and computer science. There is also a lot of research in the fields of humanities and social sciences, such as sociology, linguistics, literature, history, economics, state and law, as well as in protection of the environment, human ecology and demography. At the University, there are over 20 scientific schools carrying out research in relevant scientific topics of natural sciences and humanities within 15 fields of study. Their activities are recognized internationally, as well as domestically.
University scholars participate actively in implementing projects within the framework of the analytical departmental grant programs of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, “The Development of the Scientific Potential of Higher Education”, “The Scientific and Teaching Staff of Innovative Russia”, as well as grants issued by the Russian Fund for Humanitarian Research and the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation.
The University's students are actively engaged in research, with the goal to shape them as creative personalities capable of reasonable and effective solutions to theoretical and practical problems arising in the academic process. Various forms of research and innovation organization are used. They are even required by those taking regular academic courses, as well as those participating in extracurricular activities.
An incentive system for the research activity of young scholars, graduate students and current students has been implemented and elaborated at the University.
The Editorial and Publishing Department plays an important role in expanding the University's scientific, teaching and cultural traditions. Annually, it publishes over 350 different titles of print production, including monographs, teaching aids, conferences materials, collections of papers etc.
The following series of magazines - ‘TSU's Newsletter', ‘Biology and Ecology', ‘Pedagogy and Psychology', ‘Applied Mathematics', ‘Philology' and others - are in the list of Russian referenced scholarly journals of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles.
At the present, the following magazines – ‘TSU's Academic Journal', ‘Philosophy', ‘Law', ‘Chemistry', ‘Economics and Administration' - wait their turn to be included in the list of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles.
TSU maintains close ties with more than 30 universities in Europe, the USA and the Commonwealth of Independent States, and carries out exchange programs, as well as providing education to international students, and actively participating in various international educational programs.
TSU is one of the few higher education institutions that develops international academic mobility.
Annually, about 100 students from TSU's different departments attend a course of study for one semester at universities in the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Finland, Bulgaria, Poland, and the USA. Students attend classes according to the profile of their learning, and take exams. Students perfect their knowledge of foreign languages, acquire the invaluable experience of studying at a higher learning institution abroad, and make new and interesting friends.
A lot of international students from countries of Russia's so-called “near-abroad” and non-CIS countries study at TSU.
The Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, which is a part of Inter-University Center for International Cooperation, successfully develops semester educational programs of exchange education for students-philologists from European higher-education institutions.
The integration process into the field of international education is being developed also because of our participation in different educational programs, such as the European Union's TEMPUS Program, the Oxford Russia Fund Scholarship Program, and the Finnish-Russian Student Exchange Program “FIRST” etc.
TSU is one of the 95 institutions of higher learning to have won the contest for ‘Programs for the Development of Students' Associations in Educational Institutions of Higher-Professional Education' (2012), and is among the 22 traditional universities to have won the contest for the ‘Support of Programs for Strategic Development' (2011), as well as one of the 56 institutions of higher learning to have won the first ‘Open National Contest of Programs for Development of Innovative Infrastructure' (2010). It is also one of the 26 institutions of higher learning that acquired the status of ‘National Center of Preparation of Volunteers for the Olympic and Paralympic Games SOCHI-2014' (2010).
TSU is one of the 12 institutions of higher learning that acquired the status of ‘National Center of the European Program TUNING' for tuning educational systems (2010-2011), as well as one of the 17 institutions of higher learning that, in 2011, were included in United Russia's Federal Program, ‘500 Swimming Pools', and it is the only institution out of the three to have built its swimming pool ahead of schedule. The regional service of ‘Contribution to the Provision of Employment' for the University's graduates was, in 2011, acknowledged as the best in Russia. Our University is a recipient and Grand Prix holder of the series of Russian and international educational exhibitions, and a prize-winner in the contest, ‘Quality Systems of Preparation of Graduates' (Federal Education and Science Supervision Service – Rosobrnadzor, 2009).
In the ranking of scientific and publishing activity, our university consistently enters the top 30 out of the 600 state higher-education institutions in the Russian Federation ahead of the vast majority of national research universities. In the ranking of the leading Russian higher-learning institutions, according to the results of the Federal Scholarship Program and grant-programs for young teachers in 2011/2012, elaborated by the Vladimir Potanin Charity Foundation, TSU holds the 12th place. According to the results of Webometrix Ranking of Russian universities and research centers in 2012, TSU is ranked 21st amongst the state universities of Russia.
Mission Statement of Tver State University
educational – to develop an innovative system, corresponding to world standards, for the preparation of qualified personnel in fundamental and foreground areas, which would be able to compete in the labor market, and be ready to create new jobs oriented towards self-realization, civil values and social responsibility;
scientific – to prepare highly qualified scientific personnel, and develop fundamental and applied research in foreground fields;
cultural – to be one of our region's cultural centers by contributing to the development of our social environment, creating an atmosphere in which we can contribute constructive solutions to current problems, as well as a viable approach to the consummation of both the material and spiritual aspects of modern society;
innovative – to be the leading scientific research and coordinative center for the development of the innovative environment in the region, and formation of a special innovative culture, as well as thinking of innovation as a daily activity;
entrepreneurial – to develop socially-oriented and innovative entrepreneurial activity, and to utilize the dynamic of state and private partnership.
Bachelor's Degree Programs Offered in 2014 at Tver State University
01.03.02. Applied Mathematics and Informatics
02.03.01. Mathematics and Computer Sciences
02.03.02. Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies
02.03.03. Mathematical Support and Information Systems Administration
03.03.02. Physics
03.03.03. Radiophysics
04.03.01. Chemistry
05.03.02. Geography
05.03.06. Ecology and Nature Management
06.03.01. Biology
09.03.03. Applied Informatics
19.03.02. Vegetable Nutrition Resources
27.03.05. Innovatics
35.03.01. Forest Management
37.03.01. Psychology
38.03.01. Economics
38.03.02. Management
38.03.03. Personnel Management
38.03.04. State and Municipal Administration
38.03.05. Business Informatics
38.03.07. Commodity Science
39.03.01. Sociology
39.03.02. Social Work
39.03.03. Youth Work Organization
40.03.01. Jurisprudence
41.03.01. Foreign Area Studies
41.03.04. Political Science
41.03.05. International Relations
42.03.01. Advertising and Public Relations
42.03.02. Journalism
42.03.03. Publishing Industry
43.03.01. Service
43.03.02. Tourism
44.03.01. Pedagogical Education
44.03.02. Educational Psychology and Pedagogy
44.03.03. Speech Pathology Education
44.03.05. Pedagogical Education (with two specializations)
45.03.01. Philology
45.03.02. Linguistics
45.03.03. Fundamental and Applied Linguistics
46.03.01. History
46.03.02. Document and Archival Studies
48.03.01. Theology
49.03.01. Physical Education
52.03.05. Theater Studies
04.05.01. Fundamental and Applied Chemistry
10.05.01. Computer Security
37.05.01. Clinical Psychology
38.05.02. Customs Affairs
52.05.04. Creative Writing
Master's Degree Programs
Offered in 2014 at Tver State University
Degree Program Title
01.04.01. Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Mathematical and Computer Modelling
01.04.02. Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies
Information Technologies in Management and Decision-Making
01.04.02. Applied Mathematics and
System Analysis
Mathematical Modelling
09.04.03. Applied Informatics
Applied Mathematics in Analytical Economics
03.04.02. Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Physics of
Magnetic Phenomena
03.04.03. Radiophysics
Physics and Technology of Radio-electronic Devices and Appliances
04.04.01. Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
06.04.01. Biology
05.04.02. Geography
Regional Politics and Territorial Planning
05.04.06. Ecology and Nature
41.04.04. Political Science
Political Communication in Political Process
39.04.01. Sociology
Regional Sociology
38.04.02. Management
Corporate Management and Business Social Responsibility
37.04.01. Psychology
Labor Psychology and Engineering Psychology
39.04.02. Social Work
Social Work with Diverse Populations
46.04.01. History
Historical Cultural Heritage of Russia and Bulgaria
History of
Ethno-Cultural and Inter-confessional Relations
History and
Documentation Support of State Management
40.04.01. Jurisprudence
Anti-Corruption Legal Support
42.04.02. Journalism
Journalistic Creative Writing
41.04.05. International Relations
International Humanitarian Relations
45.04.01. Philology
Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
51.04.01. Culture Studies
Theoretical Culture Studies
42.04.03. Publishing Industry
Publication Editorial
42.04.04. Television
Television Journalism
44.04.01. Pedagogical Education
Management in Education
44.04.02. Educational Psychology and Pedagogy
Psychology and Pedagogy of General and Professional Education
49.04.01. Physical Education
Natural and Scientific Problems of Physical Education and Sports
45.04.02. Linguistics
Translation in Professional Contexts
Theory of
Teaching Foreign Languages and Cross-cultural Communication
38.04.01. Economics
Company and Industrial Economics