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Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Romania Central & Eastern European
Education Directory
In association with

Structure of Educational System
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition  of Foreign Credentials 
Student Life 
International Cooperation and Exchanges   

Pre-higher Education System

Duration of compulsory education
Age of entry: 7
Age of exit: 15

Structure of school system

Type/level of education: Primary
Type of school: SCOALA PRIMARA
Length of program (years): 4
Age level: from 7 to 11

Type/level of education: General
Type of school: GIMNAZIU
Length of program (years): 4
Age level: from 11 to 15

Type/level of education: Secondary
Type of school: LICEU
Length of program (years): 5
Age level: from 15 to 20
Certificate awarded: DIPLOMA DE BACALAUREAT

Type/level of education: Vocational
Length of program (years): 2
Age level: from 15 to 17
Certificate awarded: CERTIFICAT DE ABSOLVIRE

Type/level of education: Professional
Length of program (years): 2
Age level: from 15 to 17
Certificate awarded: CERTIFICAT DE ABSOLVIRE

Type/level of education: Specialized Tech./Voc.
Type of school: SCOALA TEHNICA
Length of program (years): 3
Age level: from 17 to 20

Type/level of education: Specialized Tech./Voc.
Length of program (years): 3
Age level: from 18 to 21

Description of secondary school system

Secondary school education is organized as a second cycle of education (grades 9 through 12 or 9 through 13). The system contains the following units of secondary school education: liceu, liceu de specialitate si scoala profesionala. As for the duration of studies, it is adapted to the type of secondary school (academic secondary school, industrial, agricultural, economic and administrative secondary school, normal schools: 9-12; forestry, fine arts, sports, cybernetics and metrology: 9-13) or the form of education (academic secondary school and industrial, agricultural, economic and administrative secondary school evening classes: 9-13). Graduates from scoala profesionala do not have the right to apply for higher education programmes.

Higher Education System

Structure of system
Higher education in Romania is offered in both public and private higher education institutions. It comprises universities, academies, politechnics, institutes and colleges, organized in specialization departments. In accordance with its objectives, university education comprises: short-standing university education carried out in university colleges (duration 2 to 3 years), long-standing university education (duration 4 to 6 years) and university education for full elaborate studies (duration 1 to 2 years). Public higher education institutions are coordinated by the Ministry of Education. University autonomy is fully guaranteed. Private higher education is an alternative or a complement to public education. They are subject to an accreditation process each year. Accredited private institutions may obtain state support.

Main types of higher education institutions in country

Type of institution: UNIVERSITATE
Translation: UNIVERSITY

Type of institution: ACADEMIE
Translation: ACADEMY

Type of institution: POLITEHNICA

Type of institution: INSTITUT
Translation: INSTITUTE

Type of institution: COLEGIU
Translation: COLLEGE

Main laws/decrees governing higher education

Name of law/decree: Law no. 88/1993 on Accreditation of H. Ed. Institutions & Recogn. of Diplomas
Date: 17 December, 1993
Institution type: All higher education institutions

Name of law/decree: Law on Education no. 84/1995
Date: 26 June, 1995
Institution type: All higher education institutions

Name of law/decree: Law no. 88/1993 concerning the accreditation of the high. education institutions
Institution type: all higher education institutions

Name of law/decree: Resol. of the Rom. Gov. no. 568 conc. the delivr. of the prov. autoriz. of func
Date: 28 July, 1995
Institution type: all higher education instituions

Administrative structure of higher education

Name of body: Ministry of Education. Higher Education Department.
Role: The Ministry of Education manages the national educational system. It can establish expert structures.
Street: General Berthelot, nr. 30
City: Bucharest
Postal code: 70738
Telephone: 40-1-6157430
Fax: 40-1-3126614

Name of body: National Council for Accreditation and Academic Evaluation
Street: Strada Schitu Magureanu 1
City: Bucuresti
Postal code: 70626
Telephone: 40-1-3127135

Name of body: The National Rectors' Conference of Romania (NRC)
Street: Bulevardul Eroilor 29
City: Brasov BV
Postal code: 2200
Telephone: 40-68-142576
Fax: 40-68-150274

Academic year
Classes start: September
Classes end: July
Long vacation: from 15 July, to 1 October

Languages of instruction

Stages and Organization of Higher Education Studies

University level studies

Stage 1: First stage

Description: The first stage of university-level study comprises short-term university education carried out in university colleges (duration 2 to 3 years) or long-term university education (duration 4 to 6 years, according to the profile). Short-term university education is organized separately or for the first two years as an integral part of the long-term university education. Short-term university education ends with the graduation examination "Diploma de absolvire". Long-term university education ends either with a diploma paper and a "Certificat de absolvire", or with a diploma paper and 2 or 3 licence examinations, and the "Diploma de licenta".

Stage 2: Further studies or post-graduate academic studies

Description: Education for further studies are of 1 - 2 years' duration, full-time only. It may only be attended by graduates with a graduation diploma and with good scientific results. Holders of a first degree may either continue their training by taking a one- or two-year master programme (which ends with an examination and the "Diploma de studii aprofundate"), or take specialist programmes the length of which may vary according to the field of study, but may not be less than one year (ending with an examination and the "Diploma de absolvire").

Stage 3: Doctorate

Description: The Doctorate in Romania is the highest postgraduate stage of professional scientific specialization, lasting 3 - 5 years. There is only one type of doctorate, and it is comparable to the PhD. Doctorate studies can be carried out either in full-time courses (three years) or in extra-mural courses (four years). Extra-mural courses can be also organised in main foreign languages. Candidates who have passed the examination for the doctor's degree (doctorate) are awarded the "Diploma de doctor in stiinte".

Teacher education

Training of primary/basic school teachers

Pre-primary teachers (educatori or tutori) and primary school teachers (invatatori) are trained either in five years in normal secondary schools (licee normale) or in teachers' colleges. They are trained to teach subjects such as foreign languages, music and drawing or physical education in lower secondary school. The length of teachers' colleges programmes is two years for secondary school teachers graduates, and three years for other secondary-school graduades.

Training of secondary school teachers

Secondary-school teachers for lower secondary, vocational, secondary and post-secondary education (instructori and profesori) are trained for two to three years, respective for four to six years in universities, academies and institutes, the former being known as university colleges, while the latter are meant for the rest of the teaching staff.

Training of higher education teachers

Higher education teachers (lectori asistenti, lectori asistenti, lectori, profesori asociati, profesori, si profesori consultanti) are appointed on a competitive basis from among graduates of higher education institutions who have demonstrated outstanding teaching and research qualities. Most candidates seeking positions as teachers in higher education are engaged in or have completed doctoral studies. Possession of a Doctor's degree is compulsory for senior appointments as lectori and profesori.

Non-formal studies

Distance higher education

A National Centre for Open Distance Education has been created in 8 main university centres and have the full support of 12 universities within the PHARE Programme for Multi-Country Cooperation for Distance Education (1995-1997).

Lifelong higher education

Ministries, national authorities, commercial companies or other legal entities run, jointly with education companies or separately, adult training and refresher programmes to improve qualifications of their present or future employees, or re-train them. Such programmes are not certified by the Ministry of Education, except for the retraining courses offered to the jobless jointly with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection for re-employment purposes.

Other forms of non-formal education

Open education institutions can be created with the Ministry of Education's consent for adult education or for the attainment of specific goals of the education system.

Grading system

Usual grading system in (upper) secondary school
A 10-point grading system is used in upper secondary school: 10 - 1.

Highest on scale: 10
Pass/fail level: 5/4
Lowest on scale: 1

Main grading system generally used by higher education institutions
A 10-point grading system is used in the higher education system: 10 -1.

Highest on scale: 10
Pass/fail level: 5/4
Lowest on scale: 1

Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition of Foreign Credentials

Admission to Vocational/Technical Studies

Admission to higher vocational/technical or other professionally oriented non-university level studies

Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

Name of sec. school credential: DIPLOMA DE BACALAUREAT
Minimum score/requirement: 5
For: all post-secondary schools
Total number of years of primary and secondary school study: 3

National admission entrance examination requirements
Name of test/exam: EXAMEN DE ADMITERE
Minimum score : 5
For: all post-secondary schools

Numerus clausus established in the country for students entering higher vocational/technical education
At level of institutions: Y

Admissions to university level

Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

Name of sec. school credential: DIPLOMA DE BACALAUREAT
For: Short- and long-term university education
Total number of years of primary and secondary school study: 13

National admission entrance examination requirements

Name of test/exam: EXAMEN DE ADMITERE
Minimum score : 5
For: All higher education institutions, fine arts excepted (minimum score: 6).

Minimum score : pass
For: long-term univ. education, for graduates of of the short-term univ. education

Numerus clausus established in the country for students entering university level education
At level of institutions: Y At country/state level: Y

Specified restrictions of the country/state level:
The enrolment quota in free public university education is set by Government decision every year on the basis of projects and of proposals from the senates of higher education institutions.

Admission for foreign students

Special admission requirements for foreign students at national level:

Definition of a "foreign" student:A foreign student is a student who does not have Romanian citizenship, or lives abroad.

Quotas established for foreign students:
At institution level: N
At country/state level: N

Special entry regulations for foreign students in country/state:
Foreign students must have a certified copy attesting the last school they graduated from (for entry to higher education this document is the baccalaureate Diploma; for post-graduate education, the Graduation Diploma of the institution.

Source: UNESCO/CEPES, 1995, updated 1997