Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

"Vasile Goldis"
Western University

Rector Professor Aurel ARDELEAN
Address 81 Revolution Blvd, 2900 Arad, Romania
Tel. No. +40/57/280335
Fax No. +40/57/280810
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges/
  • Law Faculty
  • Marketing, Management, Informatics Faculty
  • General Medicine Faculty
  • Stomatology (Dentistry) Faculty
  • School of Humanities-Christian Sciences
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sports
  • Pedagogical Universitarian College
  • Type of courses
  • full time (all of them)
  • part time for: Law Faculty; Marketing, Management, Informatics; Faculty of Physical Education; Pedagogical Universitarian College
  • Length of courses
  • 4 year study programme for Law; Marketing, Management, Informatics; and Physical Education Faculty/full time
  • 5 year study programme for Law; Marketing, Management, Informatics; and Physical Education Faculty/part time
  • 3 year programme for Pedagogical Universitarian College/full time
  • 4 year programme for Pedagogical Universitarian College/part time
  • Class size 20-25 students/group
    Date of Commencement 1 October each year
    Student body Law: full time 1154; part time 560
    Marketing: full time 580; part time 241
    Business Administration: full time 128; part time 101
    General Medicine: full time 524
    Dentistry: full time 325
    Humanities-Social: full time 336
    Physical Education: full time 385; part time 138
    Education College University: full time 280
    Accommodation Hostels with canteen
    Fees USD 360/month for foreign students
    Student grants/
    Financial assistance
    Financial assistance for students having very good results. Social financial assistance for those students who can't afford to pay the fees
    Admission requirements Romanian students may get admission on the basis of their marks received from the high school-leaving nomination.
    Students have to pass an entrance examination in the form of tests; the subjects are specific to each Faculty.
    Foreign students should speak Romanian well.
    Student profile Age range: 18-40 years
    Contact for application The Dean of each Faculty

    Faculties & Colleges

    The Law Faculty

    Address: 94 Revolution Boulevard, 2900 Arad, Romania

    Telephone: Dean's Office – 0040/57/210171

    Secretary's Office – 0040/57/280411

    Dean: Prof.Univ.Dr. Ioan DELEANU

    It has been accredited in 1998, got a juridical status identical with the state faculties. It has more than 1,600 students attending every day and half time courses. The transferable credit system has been introduced since 1997. The curricula has 61 subjects divided in: 41 compulsory; 10 optional; 10 elective courses. In 1998 the curricula was completed with subjects helping the students to face the European integration targets.

    The teaching staff is formed of 44 persons (university professors, 9 readers, 16 lecturers, 12 assistant lecturers, and 2 prepares); 19 members of the staff are Doctors in Law and 15 are candidates for the doctor's degree.

    Marketing, Management, Informatics Faculty

    Address: 33-35 Calea Victoriei, 2900 Arad, Romania

    Telephone: 0040/57/230416

    Dean: Prof.Univ.Dr. Alexandru CIOARNA

    It has more than 1,600 students who attend the 4 year full time programme and the 5 year part time one. It is included in the system of transferable credits beginning with 1998. The teaching staff is formed of professors, university readers, lecturers, assistant lecturers, and prepares. Its library has 3,000 economic volumes. The research activity is co-ordinated by the teaching staff. All the curricula subjects are compulsory, optional and elective graduates would facing easily the European Community targets.

    The entrance examination is based on: two compulsory parts (IQ and Mathematics) and an optional one (Romanian Geography/Economy).

    Faculty of General Medicine

    Address: Feleacului Str., 2900 Arad, Romania

    Telephone: 0040/57/256391 ; 0040/57/256845

    Dean: Conf.Univ.Dr. Dorin LAZAR

    Duration: 6 years/12 semesters

    License: physician-medical doctor (MD)

    Its purpose is to train specialists in the field of medicine–general practice basically. Since 1997, the European Credit Transfer system has been introduced in our Faculty. The admission exam consists of tests Biology, Chemistry and Physics and an IQ evaluation. We admit around one hundred students each school-year, 40 are for students trained in French. There are three laboratories and three major hospitals providing over 3,000 hospital beds for our 600 students; three libraries with over 150,000 volumes, written īn Romanian, English, French, German. The 180 teachers are highly qualified; 30% are Professors, half of our teaching staff consists of medical doctors with different forms of undergraduate professional education and grades.

    The Stomatology (Dentistry) Faculty

    Address: Feleacului Str. , 2900 Arad, Romānia

    Phone: 0040/57/256391 Ext. 23Dean's Office

    Secretary's Office - Ext. 22

    Dean: Prof.Univ.Dr. Ovidiu GRIVU

    Duration: 6 years/12 semesters

    Degree: Medical Doctor

    The Faculty came to life in 1991. The students are selected based on an admission examination that consists in a multiple-choice test with questions from Biology, Chemistry and Physics, followed by IQ questions, high-school graduation exam has a 50% weight in the final admission grade. Faculty has over 80 teachers: 30 professors and lecturers. The teaching staff includes 3 members of the Medical Science Academy, 28 are Doctors of Medical Science, and 14 members of international scientific societies.

    The School of Humanist-Christian Sciences

    Address: 1-3 Unirii Str., 2900 Arad, Romania

    Telephone: Dean's Office : 004057/280871

    Secretary's Office: 004057/282324

    Dean: Conf.Univ.Dr. Alexandru ROZ

    The factors of an ethic-moral and Christian spirituality were taken into consideration in the founding of our school. The school forms specialists/teachers in the field of History and English language and literature, and journalists. The admission examination consists of multiple-choice tests: History, English and Romanian and an IQ test. Consequently, our school has headquarters consisting of halls for courses, rooms for seminars, laboratories for the mass-media and computers.

    The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports

    Address: 2 Praporgescu Str., 2900 Arad, Romania

    Telephone/Fax: 0040/57/254108

    Dean: Lector Univ. Ioan MARCONI

    Duration: 4 years/8 semesters

    It has been settled in the university year 1993/1994 on the basis of the Government Decision no. 568/1996, and has been granted the right of functioning.

    1–2 year post-graduating specialisation is for Methodology of Physical Education and Sport, Scientific research in sports (Pedagogy, Psychology, Sociology and Ecology), and in Sports Management. The entrance examination, consists in sports skills tests (eliminatory) and IQ capacity. The teaching staff has 48 members: 17 professors and readers; 6 Ph. D's and 5 members of very well – known scientific societies.

    Faculty has sports grounds and facilities (gymnasium, sports games hall, football ground, track ground), rooms for courses and seminars, laboratories, library (over 1,000 books). It is a project for building a sports base (sports grounds and swimming pool), in the University Campus.

    Pedagogical Universitarian College, Arad

    Address: 57 Cocorilor Str, 2900 Arad, Romania

    Telephone: 0040/57/243777

    Dean: Prof.Univ.Dr. Vasile POPEANGA

    3 year universitarian institution for the students training in two specialities, institutors and teachers (II), in fields of music, drawing, foreign languages (English or French), and Physical Education. The graduates can occupy the position of institutors in any school. 4 halls for courses and 6 rooms for seminars, a painting/graphics workshop, a sports-hall, a room for the musical instruments are the basic material background. Specialised library around 10,000 volumes. Admission consists of a test of aptitudes (musical, artistic, diction or physical), followed by a multiple-choice test with questions on Romanian language, Mathematics and Logic.

    The teaching staff has 40 members: 13 with a Doctor's Degree (PhD), 5 university professors, 4 readers, 24 lecturers, and 5 assistants. The framework plan consists of: the fundamental subjects, speciality and optional ones.

    Graduates have the right to teach in primary schools (grades 1-4); second speciality īn secondary schools (grades 5-8).

    About the University

    Juridical frame:

    The "Vasile Goldis" Western University was founded in 1990 and functions within the structure of the "Vasile Goldis" Foundation, having as founding members local authorities and personalities of Arad. The University has the juridical statue of an institution with non-profit activity and was constituted according to the Law's Dispositions 21/1924, article 31 from Decree 31/1954 and the Civil Sentence no: 6516/30.06.1993.

    Mission and objective:

    The "Vasile Goldis" Western University contributes to the reinforcement of the scientific, cultural, social and economic life in the western region of Romania. The present creation of the free trade zone of Curtici, the building of the European highway Nadlac-Bucuresti and the modernisation of the international airport will promote the city of Arad as the main gateway into Romania. In this new frame, the "Vasile Goldis" Western University is developing autonomously and is assuming responsibility of the following objectives:

    - to assure the institutional frame for the training as qualified persons;

    - to prepare specialists in domains needed by the society and the socio-economic development of this zone;

    - to promote the historic-cultural traditions of this zone, and scientific research;

    - to offer different social and cultural services to the members of our academic community by developing cultural-scientific values: to create the necessary balance between scientific, humanist, political and civil culture; change outlooks and attitudes and promote international relations; and

    - socially, the university mission is to contribute to the effective assurance that equal opportunity for higher education exists for students with economic disadvantages, by granting social scholarships.

    The University staff:

    The structure and composition on levels of preparation are in accordance with legal norms and assures the proper development of the didactic-scientific and administrative activities.

    The University have 610 didactic personal and 135 administrative and auxiliary personal.

    The students situation:

    The professional activity of the students is recorded by the secretarial services, which are co-ordinated and controlled by the technical administration department - chief secretary. The university uses the same forms as state institutions.

    The number of students from other geographical areas outside Arad County increase to 55%. The transfer of students from other universities that did not get the provisory authorisation, was made in compliance with legal instructions and conformed to the curriculum and to the program for studying disciplines.

    The University provides lodging facilities to students in a Dormitory situated on 57 Cocorilor Str. (400 places); it also provides three canteens and a Club.

    A limited number of scholarship and social scholarship are offered to the best students.

    At the Macea Complex, composed of a castle and a Botanical Garden (22 ha), the University organises weekends and summer campus for students. The Macea Complex has a capacity of 120 people.

    Material base:

    Today, the University owns property evaluated at more than 50 billion ROL. Starting with the year 1998/1999, it will be inaugurated a new space for the Marketing Faculty, situated on Cocorilor Str., University's propriety, worth more than 2 billion ROL. The University will also rebuild the Sport Centre (buildings, and sport arenas) situated on Praporgescu Str. for the Sport Faculty. The University's assets that were a decisive criteria for the authorisation of the institution by the Romanian Government include:

    - the mini-campus, composed of three buildings: p+2; p+3; p+4;

    - the hotel and restaurant for professors; and

    - the lodging facilities and cantinas for students.

    Every faculty has its own facilities; in 1998, new ones were opened for the Law Faculty (94 Revolutiei Blvd.) and for the Humanist Science University (1-3 Unirii Str.).

    Today, the University has 30,000 sq.m. of learning space which equates to 7 sq.m. / student, 32 laboratories . The dentistry facilities have been extended by 17 units. The Central Library (6 V. Goldis Str.) has annually increased its book circulation and presently contains 85,000 volumes. The University also provides specialised libraries for its faculties and has opened a new lecture hall.

    Students have access to computer centres and the Internet, 120 computers are accessible. The University has its own publishing house where courses and books for students are printed.

    The University has a didactic base with a surface of 6,000 sq.m. sq.m. Macea and a Botanical Garden, unique in South-Eastern Europe because of the variety of trees and plants, with a surface of 22 ha. The garden has exchange relations with 62 countries for the sharing of botanical material.

    The University benefits from the support offered by the Foundation for Humanitarian Support ETH Zurich - Swiss, the WITTEN University – Germany, and the Christian Foundation – Holland. As a result, the University uses on a contract base:

    - the entire clinical base of the Arad Country Hospital (1185 beds), the Municipality Hospital and the Maternal Hospital (1602 beds);

    - the sports hall (V. Ureche Str.) with out-door and in-door swimming-pools;

    - the Centre for Neuromotor Recovery and Kinetotherapy – Dezna.

    The scientific activity:

    From the beginning, the University initiated and maintained stable relations of collaboration in didactic and research activities with institutions of the same profile within Romania: the "Babes-Boliay" University-Cluj-Napoca; the Western University Timisoara; the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy- Bucharest; the "Transilvania" University-Brasov; the "Spiru Haret" University-Bucharest; the "Lucian Blaga" University-Sibiu; the Academy of Economics Study-Bucharest; the "Carol Davilla" Medicine and Pharmacy University-Bucharest; the "Iuliu Hatiegan" Medicine and Pharmacy University-Cluj-Napoca; etc.

    The University hosts prestigious scientific events with international participation such as:

    - the Arad Academic Days;

    - the Romanian-Hungarian Symposion for Obstretics & Gynaecology

    - the 15-th National Conference in Physiology

    - the 122-th P.A.M.M. International Conference in Applied Mathematics and Informatics

    - the Medical Informatics Congress.

    Our university also maintains rich international collaboration through connections with 31 universities from 22 countries (the Great Britain; Austria; Australia; Canada; Denmark; Swiss; France; Germany; Greece; Island; Israel; Italy; Yugoslavia; Holland; Poland; the Moldavia Republic; Scotland; Spain; the USA; Turkey and Hungary) which is manifested on different aspects like scientific and didactic.

    The international collaboration was developed through the University's participation at scientific communication session (Italy; Yugoslavia; the Moldavia Republic; Holland; the USA; Hungary) and our professors participation to similar activities in other countries (England; Austria; Australia; Swiss; France; Germany; Israel; Italy; Yugoslavia; Holland; Spain; the USA; Hungary).

    Scientific research is a top priority and strengthens the quality and reputation of our institution. Some of the research projects made on a contract base have as beneficiaries: the Ministry for Research and Technology; Arad County Council and the SC Proiect SA; etc.

    Since 1996 the University Centre for Research and Business has operated in the field of assistance to small and medium sizes businesses (business plans, marketing research, and training), environmental impact studies, and tourism promotion: the Centre was set-up with European Community financial support (Phare Programme) and becomes financially self-sustainable.

    Plans for the future:

    The consolidation of the University involves the development of the material base as a top priority.

    The Arad local Council offered 70 ha for the University to build a new, modern campus with all the needed facilities.

    With the support of universities from Israel and Germany, which will offer the equipment, our university will develop its own clinical base. For the University Complex in Macea (Castle and Botanical Garden), there is a project to transform the complex into a Conference Centre of the highest standards.

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