Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

University of Oradea
Faculty of Fine Arts

Rector Professor Teodor Maghiar
Address 5 Armatei Romane Street
3700 - Oradea, Romania
Tel. No. +40 59 432 889
Fax No. +40 59 432 789
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • The Faculty of Letters
  • The Faculty of Social Humanistic Science
  • The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
  • The Faculty of Science
  • The Faculty of Economics
  • The Faculty of Law and Jurisprudence
  • The Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • The Faculty of Electrotechnics and Informatics
  • The Faculty of Management and Technological Engineering
  • The Faculty of Energy Engineering
  • The Faculty of Environmental Protection
  • The Faculty of Theology
  • The Faculty of Fine Arts
  • The Faculty of Music
  • The Faculty of Textiles and Leatherworks
  • The University College of Technology, Economics and Administration
  • The University Medical College
  • The University College of Schoolmasters - Foreign Languages - Oradea
  • The University College of Schoolmasters - Music - "Iosif Vulcan" - Oradea
  • The University College of Schoolmasters - Drawing "Nicolae Bolcas" - Beius
  • The Teacher Training Department
  • The Department of Distance Learning Education
  • The International Geothermal Training Center
  • Research Centers and Teams
  • Type of courses See individual faculties and colleges
    Length of courses See individual faculties and colleges
    Date of commencement 1st of October - the opening of the academic year
    Class size Class size for courses: minimum 60 students
    For seminars and laboratories activities classes are organized in groups and subgroups. A group can contain 25 - 30 students, subgroups contains 12 - 15 students.
    Accommodation Part of the students of our university are accommodated in places having this very destination. These include: 2 own hostels situated in the campus that offer 656 seats, 3 hostels situated in Oradea and Sânmartin (588 seats) and a hotel in Baile Felix Spa (300 seats). Moreover, it is stipulated the construction of 6 own hostels having 800 seats. Equipped according to the actual requirements, they are estimated to satisfy to a large extent the demand for the future students.

    Foreign students who are studying at our university can obtain accommodation and food in the campus facilities upon room availability. Students benefit from discounted transportation and room and board, subject to availability.

    Our campus, covering an area of 14300 square m., it is one of the cosiest university campuses in Romania. This aspect is given by the successful combination between the architecture of the buildings and the little dendrological park having species like: "Rododendron skocsky", "Fortitia suspeusa Catalpa", sp "Belula Verucosa", "Cerasus Aoium", "Sophora Japonica", "Salix Babylonica" etc., some of them being rarities.
    Fees Technical, Economic, Agronomy, Physical Education and Sports, University
    Full-time Higher Education - 320$ monthly
    Post-academic Education (Ph.D. with full-time attendance) - 340 $ monthly
    Ph.D. Dissertation Examination - 845 $

    Medical and Pharmaceutical
    Full-time Higher Education - 360$ monthly
    Post-academic Education (Ph.D. with full-time attendance) - 380 $ monthly
    Ph.D. Dissertation Examination - 995 $

    Music and Plastic Arts
    Full-time Higher Education - 470 $ monthly
    Post-academic Education (Ph.D. with full-time attendance) - 495 $ monthly
    Ph.D. Dissertation Examination - 1350 $

    Dramatic Arts, Theater and Film
    Full-time Higher Education - 760 $ monthly
    Post-academic Education (Ph.D. with full-time attendance) - 800 $ monthly
    Ph.D. Dissertation Examination - 1550 $

    Fees in the above table are for September 2001. Fees are subject to change without notice. Foreign citizens who are financing their own studies must pay for the vacation period (109 $/ monthly + free medical insurance). Foreigners who do not require a visa to stay in Romania and have medical insurance in their country valid for Romania are exempt.
    Admission requirements Foreign students who wish to study in Romania are invited to send the registration form directly to the education institution or to the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, Department of International Relations at the address: Str. G-ral Berthelot nr. 28 - 30, Bucuresti 70738, Romania, Phone: 40-1-3131013, fax: 40-1-3126614. Foreign students are accepted to study in Romania based on the approval of the Ministry of Education and Research. The entry visa to Romania (if required) can be obtained at the Romanian Embassy in your country.

    List of documents required for the application to study:
  • Application (registration) form;
  • Record of studies as proof of level of studies completed (High School Diploma or if the case is such, License Diploma);
  • Record of School transcripts for the completed years of studies, in the case of partial comparative studies or continuing post-academic studies.

  • These documents have to be presented in original, accompanied by certified translations into an international language (English, French or German, if the case is such) and validated as authentic by the Romanian Embassy and the Ministry of Education from your country.

    Foreign students are enrolled in the program without admission examination, above the set number of Romanian students approved. Generally, foreign students are enrolled in university and post-academic programs after completing the preparatory year of Romanian language study. During this year you also benefit of specific training for your future education. After completion of the preparatory year you will hold a test which confers a Certificate of Graduation of the Preparatory Year. For registration in faculties where teaching is held in a foreign language, you will have to pass a test in that specific language. Persons who are from a country having the official language the language of study and have taken courses previously in the same language, are exempted from the test. Applicants who studied in their country for a period of 4 years in Romanian language, are exempt from the language test and the preparatory year. Also, applicants who speak Romanian and are able to hold the language test without the preparatory year may do so.

    Foreign citizens who intend to study architecture, arts or sports must hold an aptitude test specific to their specialization, prior to enrollment.

    For Ph.D. programs, applicants must hold a pre-examination to determine their level of knowledge in the field. The exam can be held at the higher education institution chosen by the applicant. Foreign citizens can cover study expenses through Romanian Government scholarships or through their own financing.

    At the University of Oradea there operates an International Relationship Department since 1996. The coordinator is Ph.D. Prof. Ioan Horga, Phone No. +40 59 432 830 ext. 183, Fax: +40 59 467 642 or +40 59 432 789, E-mail:
    Contact for application Cornel ANTAL - Ph.D. Assoc.Prof. Eng.
    Scientific Secretary of the University of Oradea
    Webmaster of the University of Oradea

    Faculty of Fine Arts

    General Presentation

    Beginning with the Middle Ages, Oradea has imposed itself as an old traditional and cultural center, where the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Secession has successively left their mark upon architecture. The opening towards the great artistic currents was natural under the circumstances where the decisive points proved to be the setting in a geographical area, which has always been a space of contact between the Eastern and Western civilizations as important of the presence here, through the world of the Romanian villages, of the artistic and cultural values of Eastern inspiration.

    The contact with the Oriental and Western civilizations, the knowledge of the main art currents of Europe, the well-known value of the intellectual elite belonging to this area, the effort towards the academic education of higher rank, lie at the basis of an historical reality which nowadays bursts out in order to make Oradea, situated in the Western part of the Romanian world, an outstanding Academic centre. Within it, the Faculty of Fine Arts, with its sections, Sculpture, The Pedagogy of Art, Textile, Design, Restoration-Conservation, History and Theory of Art, to which others will be added (Ceramics, Glass, Metal, Photographic Art, Scenography) holds an important place, acknowledged by the existing demand in the area and even in the entire country.

    Contact details

    Address: P-ta Independentei nr. 39 (Cetate), 3700 Oradea, Bihor, România
    Phone: +40 59 412 226
    +40 59 432 830 ext. 329
    Fax: +40 59 412 226


    Undergraduate Programs

    · Sculpture - Long term education, 4 years / full-time - University Diploma
    · Painting - Long term education, 4 years / full-time - University Diploma
    · Design - Long term education, 4 years / full-time - University Diploma
    · Textile Arts - Long term education, 4 years / full-time - University Diploma
    · The Pedagogy of Art - Long term education, 4 years / full-time - University Diploma
    · Restoration - Conservation - Long term education, 4 years / full-time - University Diploma
    · History and Theory of Art - Long term education, 4 years / full-time - University Diploma

    Research Activity

    The Research Activity is materialized trough the following manifestations:
    · Intermedia - Art - Underground: experiments, research - the modern alternative to the traditional fine creation art.
    · The Culture under the sign of interdisciplinarity - the debating society in the Fortress: cultural informational experiments.
    · The Interdisciplinary National festival - the Castle of the Huniazi - Previsions (sociological, psychological and cultural in the disfavoured zone of the Valley of Jiu).
    · Design - commercial offers - "Holding European Drinks" - contracts of collaboration
    · Sculpture Symposiums, Schrems, Austria
    · The Rehabilitation of the Gepis Valley healing spaces; contributors: The Faculty of Medicine, The Faculty of Environmental Protection, Department of Forestry, IFT, The Faculty of Science.
    · Contractual relations with the "Favior" Company - The Fur Company Orastie, Clothes design.
    · Contractual relation with the "Miorita" Company Oradea with "Criotex" - Oradea in the clothes design domain.
    · The fine arts camp Fortress - Oradea - experiment - Modern artistic expressive with traditional technical means.
    · Creation camp - Cultural center - The cultural rehabilitation of the Romanian village - social and cultural interethnic relations (the contemporary peasant, the Gypsy, Hungarian, Slovak community).
    · Surrounding projects of the green space and the playground (Oradea city, the space in the Fortress and within the University, the parks in Oradea, Beius, Salonta, Alesd, Marghita, Stei, Vascau).

    Leadership of the Faculty

    Dean: Univ. Reader Corneliu T. DURGHEU
    Area of competence: Sculpture, Fine Arts, Architecture

    Vice-Dean: Ph.D.Univ. Reader Nicolae BRÂNDA
    Area of competence: History of Religions, Philology (poetry)

    Scientific Secretary: Ph.D.Univ. Reader Aurel CHIRIAC
    Area of competence: The History and Theory of Art (Art Analysis and Criticism, Ethnography, Iconography)

    Request For Further Information

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    Re-type your e-mail address*
    Your phone No. (with dialing codes)
    Your fax No.
    Address 1*
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    Postal code*
    Country of residence* (where you live)
    Existing qualifications*
    Work experience
    Expected enrollment date*
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