Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

University of Art and Design
in Cluj-Napoca


Rector Professor Ioan Sbarciu
Address Piata Unirii nr. 31, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel. No. + 40 - 64 - 191577; +40 - 64 - 191771
Fax No. +40 - 64 - 192890
E-mail address
  • Painting
  • Mural Painting and Conservation-Restoration
  • Graphic Art
  • Sculpture
  • Art Pedagogy
  • Photo-Video and Computerized Image Processing
  • Textiles - Weaving - Prints - Fashion Design
  • Ceramics and Glasswork
  • Design
  • Type of programmes Full time
    Length of courses Four years (undergraduate programmes)
    two year (graduate programmes for a Master Degree)
    Date of commencement 1 October, each year
    Class size 7-15 students
    Accommodation Not available
    Fees 3760 US$ / school year (470 US$ monthly) tuition fee for undergraduate foreign students
    3960 US$ / school year (495 US$ monthly) tuition fee for postgraduate foreign students
    600 US$ / school year tuition fee for Romanian citizens
    Student grants /
    Financial assistance
    Only governmental grants
    Admission requirements Standard Documents Requirement:
    1. Application form
    2. Certificate of Graduation from the high school attended
    3. Certificate of physical examination
    4. Photos
    5. Copy of Birth Certificate
    6. Entrance examination fee.
    For overseas students Romanian language fluency is required. Those who cannot speak Romanian may take the Romanian Language Proficiency Test at the University for a fee of 320 US$ or may attend the Romanian language courses for foreign students from the Faculty of Letter, "Babes-Bolyai" University in Cluj-Napoca, and after completing this one-year course may take the Romanian Language Proficiency Test. Those overseas students who have studied at least four year of Romanian in school do not need to take Romanian language proficiency test.
    Student profile 1. Ratio of National / Overseas students 670 / 36
    2. Ratio of Men / Women 334 / 336
    Contact for application Doina Ienei
    General Secretary

    Faculties & Colleges

    Faculty of Fine Arts

    Dean: Mircea Baciu, professor

    Address: Piata Unirii nr. 31, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Tel: +40 - 64 - 191771
    Fax: +40 - 64 - 192890

    Students body: 438 students

    1. Painting
    2. Mural Painting and Conservation-Restoration
    3. Graphic Art
    4. Sculpture
    5. Art Pedagogy
    6. Photo-Video and Computerized Image Processing

    The Faculty of Decorative Arts and Design

    Dean: Alexandru, professor

    Address: Piata Unirii nr. 31, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Tel: +40 - 64 - 191771
    Fax: +40 - 64 - 192890

    Students body: 232 students

    1. Textiles - Weaving - Prints - Fashion Design
    2. Ceramics and Glasswork
    3. Design

    Academic staff
    80 members

    Basic academic disciplines
    History of Arts, Aesthetics, Drawing Studies, Colour Studies, Composition, Fine Arts Technologies...

    Major field of research
    Fine Arts, Decorative Arts and Design

    Request For Further Information

    Your first name*
    Your last name*
    Your e-mail address*
    Re-type your e-mail address*
    Your phone No. (with dialing codes)
    Your fax No.
    Address 1
    Address 2
    Postal code
    Country of residence* (where you live)
    Existing qualifications*
    Work experience
    Expected enrollment date*
    Additional information

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