Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

"Babes-Bolyai" University
of Cluj-Napoca


About the University

Babes-Bolyai University
Learning from a Tormented History

Babes-Bolyai University is the oldest and the most comprehensive institution of higher education in Romania. Its beginning dates back to the disputes between Protestants and Catholics in the Middle Ages. After the Universities of Bratislava, Buda and Tarnv had already been established, Stefan Bathory, the Catholic Sovereign, laid the foundations of a Jesuit university in Cluj in 1581.

In 1603 the university's academic activities were brought to a temporary halt by the Protestants. Later the Jesuits renamed the establishment Academia Claudiopolitana, but this was not long-lasting and eventually it ceased to exist as a Jesuit institution. A number of Protestant and Unitarian-founded colleges were established. In 1776 Empress Maria Teresa created a German university which later was turned later into a Latin Lyceum by Austrian Emperor, Joseph the Second. Several decades in 1848 the issue of national identities and education in national languages came into focus. Romanians, the majority group in Transylvania, requested from the authorities the creation of institutions of higher education. Joseph tvs, the Hungarian Minister of Education in those days, sympathized with the idea of the creation of a university which would use Hungarian, Romanian and German for instruction. Though this idea was also endorsed by the Romanian and German intellectuals, in the University of Cluj, established in 1872 by Emperor Franz-Joseph, teaching was done exclusively in Hungarian. Soon after the First World War the university of Cluj, just as those of Strasbourg and Bratislava, was nationalized and became the "King Ferdinand the First University". On July 1, 1919 pursuant to the decision of the Governing Council, the University of Cluj became operational. It was decided that the operation policy of the university should follow that of the University of Strasbourg according to the statutes of the first Hungarian university with certain amendments due to the new historical circumstances. It was also then that the principle of academic autonomy was emphasized and, consequently, it enabled the Senate and the four faculties to resist political pressure.

The second World War temporarily blocked the development of the university of Cluj. As a result of the Vienna Dictate imposed by Germany and Italy, the south-eastern part of Transylvania was integrated into Hungary, and the University had to move to Sibiu and Timisoara. After the war ended the University moved back to Cluj and started to operate in 1948 under the name of "Victor Babe\". In 1945, during the same communist period of Stalinist background, another university, this time a Hungarian one, was established and named after the mathematician Bolyai Janos. In 1959 the two institutions of higher education merged under the name University Babes-Bolyai in which teaching and research -in Romanian and Hungarian alike - were hampered by the communist regime of that time.

Since the events of 1989, Babes-Bolyai University has become an important establishment of teaching and research with an intellectual output materialized in scientific research, books and studies of national and international relevance. Pursuant to the program adopted by the Movement for Democracy in December 1989, the University management committed themselves to get rid of the communist heritage in the academic management. Furthermore, the Charter of the Babes-Bolyai University (1991) stipulated that in our academic life the tradition of free thinking and democracy should prevail. The new Charter of the Babes-Bolyai University (1995) included all the modernization initiatives since 1989 as well as the most essential compatibility requirements for interfacing with the European academic system.

Towards Multiculturalism

The University of Cluj is located in a Romanian area marked by intricate history due to the multiethnic and multidenominational character of the area and has adopted multiculturalism as its structure. The University is, therefore, home to Romanian, Hungarian, German students, as well as to students of other nationalities who study together under the same roof. The document Enforcement of a Multicultural Structure of the University which was voted on and accepted by the Senate in April 1997 and put into practice to promote education in its own terms, strengthens, in this respect, this multicultural profile of our University.

Out of the eighteen faculties of Babes-Bolyai, thirteen presently integrate Hungarian instruction and nine integrate German instruction with Romanian. Two faculties, i.e. of Protestant Theology and Roman-Catholic Theology, offer programmes entirely in Hungarian. Babes-Bolyai University provides for undergraduate programmes in three languages as follows: 38 specializations in Hungarian, 12 specializations in German and 81 specializations in Romanian. Our University has also a three-year short-track system with instruction in Hungarian and Romanian in the towns of Gheorgheni and Sfantu Gheorghe and with instruction in Romanian, Hungarian and German in the city of Satu-Mare. Babes-Bolyai University has a total enrollment of 19,425 students with a distribution per line of study as follows:16,426 students are instructed in Romanian, 2,545 are instructed in Hungarian and 454 in German.

There are 1,073 instructors at the University, 847 Romanian, 191 Hungarian, 12 Germans and 23 belonging to other ethnic groups.

Hungarian and German minorities have been granted the right to vote on administrative problems. Thus, within each department the teaching positions are structured per three lines of study. The Hungarian and German are entitled to independently elect their representatives in the teaching boards of the faculties and in the Universitys Senate. Each line of study has autonomy in establishing the number of teaching positions and the student enrollment for each programme. It is compulsory that each faculty have a Vice-Dean or a Chancellor representing the Hungarian minority and coordinating the activity of the Hungarian line of study in that faculty. Moreover, each line of study is managed by a vice-rector of the University. Special secretariats have been set up for each line of study both at the faculty and university level. There are twenty Hungarian and German representatives on the administrative boards of the University (vice-rectors, deans, vice-deans, chancellors, heads of departments). All decisions related to the Hungarian and German lines of study are made with unanimous consent of the Senate and teaching boards.

What is special about Babes-Bolyai University?

First of all the multiculturalism already mentioned.

Then, the large number of both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, in fact the largest in a Romanian university, with focus on relevant and innovative research and teaching.

Last but not least, its location in an important industrial, cultural and academic Romanian centre where students are part of the citys everyday life.

Academic Programmes

The University offers an excellent range of opportunities, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Students are selected on the basis of an entrance examination and can compete simultaneously for admission in two programs.

Undergraduate Programmes

The University's portfolio of undergraduate courses is wide-ranging and attractive.

Fundamental academic training constitutes the basic form of training built up on the level of competence, knowledge and skills generally acquired through Secondary education. Access is open to holders of Diploma de Bacalaureat. There are three types of undergraduate programmes:

  • the short-track (3 years, full-time) programmes are intended for applicants to acquire the practical skills and know-how needed for employment in a particular occupation. It does not function as a "first-cycle" that provides access to the corresponding "second-cycle";
  • the long-track (four years, full-time) programmes offers both a theoretical and practical approach that allows graduates the access to highly skilled jobs or to postgraduate programmes.
  • the long-track (five years, full-time) programmes for those who will get a degree in engineering.

  • Each study programme consists of compulsory and elective courses. The standard duration for a course is one semester. The curricula aim to provide students with in-depth knowledge for their future careers and to help them develop skills so they will be competitive on the labour market.

    A University for the Region

    We offer knowledge, training and facilities to promote the economic development of the Transylvanian region. An important example of this is the setting of different colleges throughout Transylvania in which we play a key role. The project aims at providing further education to students who prefer to study in their hometowns and at supporting the regional economic and social regeneration.

    Our commitment to the region is also reflected in other programmes currently underway in the local community. In conjunction with Michigan State University, the Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, the Faculty of European Studies and the International relations Office have set up a programme financed by USIA that aims to train the people involved in local administration, political parties, NGO-s, etc.

    Teaching languages. Besides Romanian, Hungarian and German which are the teaching languages in all faculties students must study at least one major foreign language, an indispensable condition for scientific research. The internationalisation of course content has become increasingly important and students have the opportunity to develop their language skills as part of their studies.

    Computing courses. The skills to use information technology are of major importance during this age of world-wide communication development and are considered part of training and research. Students from all faculties take courses in computing and more specialised subjects are taught to students eager to pursue a career in this area.

    Pedagogy courses. The Pedagogic Centre provides pedagogic and methodological training for the students who choose a teaching career. It organises courses and special training in Pedagogy, Psychology and the Methodology of teaching in different areas.

    Practical training. The curriculum also includes periods of training in schools, companies, banks, etc. - according to students backgrounds- helping them, in this way, to get acquainted with the economic and social environment. In some subjects, like Oral History, Archaeology, Geography, Geology, etc. some of the study is done on field trips far from the university campus.

    Teaching and Assessment. There are several forms of teaching at Babes-Bolyai University ranging from lecture to tutorial teaching. Lecture classes in certain subjects can be larger than the tutorials (small, interactive groups), the conversation classes (in language courses) or the lab classes.

    Courses are usually assessed in the semester they are taught and sometimes the assessment will take the form of end-of-course written or oral examination. A variety of assessment methods are used by the teaching staff through the semester in the form of class-work, essays, exercises and participation in small-group discussion which may all contribute to students final mark.

    Besides the grading system, the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) has been gradually introduced beginning with the 1996/97 academic year. Compulsory and elective courses have a specified number of credits (30 credits / semester) attached to each of them. For compulsory modern language 10 credits are allocated (four semesters of 2.5 credits each). The second foreign language shall be gradually credited. The subjects required for graduation examination are separately credited.

    The Bachelor of Arts degree is awarded after graduation examination which also includes a dissertation to be defended in front of a panel of professors.

    Degrees. The successful completion of a short-track programme leads to a college degree called Diploma de Colegiu universitar, a relevant qualification on the job market. The degree resulting from a liberal arts and science programme that lasts four years is a bachelor;s degree (Diploma de Licenta). The students who attend the course of pedagogy are also awarded a certificate of teaching competence.

    Postgraduate Programmes

    The University offers a wide range of opportunities to graduates for advanced study either through research or coursework.

    Master's Degree Programmes

    Babes-Bolyai University offers highly qualified students opportunities for advanced study in 78 graduate subjects. Graduate students can prepare for greater career responsibility, advance present skills and acquire new expertise and gain a better understanding of the effective functioning of a complex and competitive society.

    Duration. Excepting the postgraduate programmes in Business (two years, part-time) and Business Management (two years, full-time), the programmes leading to master degrees have a duration of one year and are full-time.

    Teaching language. The courses are taught in Romanian as well as in Hungarian, English, French, German, Italian, etc. The postgraduate courses in business and company management can serve as conversion courses enabling students to switch to a new field.

    Assessment is usually by a combination of coursework, examination, viva voce. Degrees are awarded on the basis of a project.

    Doctoral Degree Programmes

    The highest degree awarded in research-oriented academic disciplines, usually requiringfrom four years of full-time study to six years of part-time study, is intended as preparation for university-level teaching and research.

    As an entry requirement applicants must hold a Bachelors degree (or an equivalent degree for at least four years of study) in the proposed field or in a related field. International applicants who are not proficient in English must attend a six-month access course. With the department s agreement, students can write their exams, reports and thesis for a PhD in a largely-used foreign language. The admission exam takes place in the presence of a commission that checks that the candidate has the skills necessary to pursue the research project.

    The University recognizes the importance of providing support and guidance to research students at every stage of their work - planning research, writing and examination. Each doctoral student, whether working on his / her own or as part of a research team, has a personal supervisor to provide guidance in developing relevant lines of inquiry and to ensure that the research progresses at the right pace and in the right direction.

    Continuing Education

    Set up in co-operation with the trade unions and employers in Cluj, the Continuing Education Centre offers retraining courses for graduates in various fields of activity with a view to bringing them fully up-to-date with the latest knowledge in their field, and also to meeting the needs of transition to free market economy. The duration of such courses is between one week and six months. Several short courses are organised, in this respect, by the Business School in fields such as management, business, marketing, advertising for the staff of state or private companies. Several other faculties such as Economics, Law or Psychology and Science of Education have also offered postgraduate courses under the form of continuing education.

    Open and Distance Learning

    Aware of the importance of developing distance learning in the region of Transylvania, Babes-Bolyai University has set up during the last couple of years several programmes (at both undergraduate and postgraduate level) that follow the model of open and distance learning.

    For the distance learning at undergraduate level the University provides four-year programmes in Psychology, Political Science and History (for the Romanian line of study) and one programme in Psychology (for the Hungarian line of study).

    At postgraduate level there are three programmes:

    1. The Programme for School Teachers Retraining in Computer Science is managed by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science within one of its TEMPUS programmes. The foreign partners in developing the distance learning at this level are the Universities from Bucharest (Romania), Iasi (Romania), Constanta (Romania), Brasov (Romania), Sheffield (UK), Hamburg (Germany), Granada (Spain), and Aalborg (Denmark). The course is offered to the people with a background in Mathematics who want to teach Computer Science in elementary and high schools. The programme covers three semesters.

    2. The Distance Network to develop Strategies for Social Care Managers is a programme offered within the Phare Multi-Country Programme in Distance Education implemented by the Department of Social Work of the Faculty of History and Philosophy. The main goal of the programme is to train the managers for social institutions who have backgrounds in other fields. The duration of the course is eighteen months. The partner Phare centres are those from Salgotarjan (Hungary), Barczi Gusztav College in Budapest (Hungary), Strasbourg University (France), Derby University (UK).

    3. The two-year Programme for the Rehabilitation of Historical Monuments is organized with the collaboration of different departments of the Babes-Bolyai University. It is designed for engineers and architects but graduates in History, Theology are also welcome.

    Academic Resources

    During the last years the University has made much effort to improve its infrastructure with up-to-date facilities so an appropriate framework can be created for both teaching and research. New libraries, computer networks and research laboratories have been created, in this respect, and all students, professors, researchers, etc. are welcome to use them.

    All departments have their own specialist facilities and equipment to support their own particular subject areas - laboratories, computing or video equipment, specialist data and archive stores.

    Libraries. With more than four million books and periodicals, the Central University Library is an important cultural asset in Transylvania. The Library has a number of branches located in faculties and student hostels and has fostered relationships with other University libraries both at home and abroad. The network of branches includes the following libraries: Library of Mathematics and Computer Science, Library of Physics, Library of Astronomy, Library of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Library of Law, Library of Biology -Geology-Geography, Library of Letters, Library of History and Philosophy, Library of Pedagogy-Psychology, Library of Economic Sciences, Library of Orthodox Theology.

    With the support of foreign embassies in Romania some other libraries have been set up for studies related to the language, culture and civilization of the countries involved: the "John F. Kennedy" American Library, the German Cultural Centre, the Austrian Library, the British Library, the Spanish Library, the Italian Library, the Library for Nordic Languages, and the Japanese Library.

    Other libraries have been set up through different programmes such as TEMPUS at the Faculty of Letters - Department of Modern Languages or USIA & ACLS administered by IREX at the Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration.

    Computing Services. Computing facilities have been continuously improved and they are available in all faculties. The PC clusters offer a range of software for word-processing, e-mail, Internet access, spreadsheets, statistics, etc.

    Language Centres. Within the University there are two languages centres run by the Faculty of Letters and the Faculty of Economics. Both are equipped with modern facilities - including reception of satellite facilities - for the study of languages. Video and audio support materials are provided . The Faculty of Letters also has a recording centre and modern equipment for simultaneous translation.

    Other Centres. Many important centres, laboratories and institutes have been created to support both teaching and research within the University. They represent a very important academic resource and they are continuously developed. They are located either in the main buildings of the University or within striking distance of faculties: Mathematics and Computer Science (the Laboratory for Research in Computer Science), Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (the Laboratory of Electrochemistry), Biology and Geology (The Institute for the Study of Gems), History and Philosophy (the Centre for Sociology, the Laboratory of Sociology, the Institute of Oral History, the Institute for Central European History, the Democracy Seminar, the "Moshe Carmilly" Institute for Hebrew and Judaic History, the Institute for the Study of Modernity, the Centre for the Study of Democracy and Post-Communist Societies, the Centre for Sociology, the Centre for the Study of Ethnic Relations, the Institute of Pre- and Proto-History, the Institute of Classical Studies, the Social Observatory), Letters (the Centre for Belgian Studies, the Centre for the Study of the Literature from Quebec, the Centre for the Study of the Literature from the French Area in Swizerland), European Studies (the Institute of Cultural Anthropology, the Institute of Post-Totalitarian Studies).

    The integration into the European higher education system has been supported through the creation of several European centres such as the Romanian-German Cultural Association, the League for European Integration and the European Centre of Academic Events (CERU: Centre Europen des Rencontres Universitaires - set up with the support of the Cultural Centre of the French Alliance and the French Embassy in Romania). CERU aims to organise every year summer courses in different academic areas, French modules of higher education, Francophone networks, training programmes for doctoral candidates.

    The "Alexandru Borza" Botanical Garden. Created in 1920 by prof. Alexandru Borza; it consists of 14 hectares of land where a large collection of plants from all over the world can be found. The particular organization that combines the scientific aspect with artistic floral arrangements makes the University's botanical garden a pleasant place for both study and recreation. Several greenhouses are part of the garden as well as a Botanical Institute with a Museum that displays a great collection of 3,200 local and exotic plants.

    The Astronomical Observatory. It is ranked as one of the major world astronomical institutes. The institute shelters under its roof the laboratories for a team of researchers and professors from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science as well as the labs for postgraduate students in astronomy, the offices of the researchers working for the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy and a branch of the Central University library . Two seminars are organized here, to encourage participation among graduate students and researchers; the seminars on the Structure and Evolution of Stars and on Celestial Mechanics and Spatial Dynamics.

    The Arcalia Research Centre is a used for field research in biology and geology. It has a 18.5 ha park considered part of the national patrimony and a botanical reservation with great scientific, economic and tourist is importance with more than 150 species of trees. Within the centre there is a library with books in different fields, and a geological and botanical collection displayed in the main building. Many of the Centres projects have been financed by the Ministry of Education and by foreign users.

    The "Dr. Iuliu Hatieganu" Sports Park. The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports with all its precincts is located in this park, which is also a nice place for relaxation for the inhabitants of Cluj, no matter their age. The park has been modernized during the last years and new facilities have been added. The sport grounds, used for education and training, cover 45 hectares of the Sport Park, as follows: w three football turf fields (33,000 sm) w a football cinders field (4,500 sm) w a handball cinders field (1,500 sm) w a running track (with five lanes and covered with synthetic material - 3,800 sm) w twelve tennis lawns covered with bitumen - 1,200 sm w six places for jumps and throwing (500 sm) w a bitumen platform for minifootball, handball, basketball (6,000 sm) w an athletics hall covered with synthetic material (1,200 sm) w a shooting stand with 12 lanes, 50 metres in length (1,100 sm) w a hall for sport games (500 sm) w a room for physical fitness and rhythmic gymnastics (100 sm) w a swimming pool with a 400 seat stand (1,600 sm) w two bodybuilding rooms (100 sm.) w two saunas with recovery pools (40 sm.) w two massage rooms (15 sm.).

    Student Services

    The International Relations Office

    The new dimension of international relations at the Babes-Bolyai University has led to the creation of a strong International Relations Office with a highly skilled staff. Within the University, each faculty has a number of staff members dedicated to manageing international relations. At central level, the international policy is very well defined and sustained by the International Relations Office, under the authority of the Vice-rector for international co-operation. Reporting directly to the Rector, the central International Relations Office is also in direct connection with all university administrative and academic departments. Since its inception in 1991, the staff number has increased from 3 to 9 persons responsible for coordinating and developing projects in international co-operation and integration in European structures; promoting student and staff exchange and mobility; disseminating proper information regarding international programmes and actions; advertising university image; organizing international events all over the year as well as international summer courses both in Romanian language and civilisation and other subject areas within European modules; and offering counseling services in all issues regarding study/training opportunities abroad. To implement and co-ordinate activities under the SOCRATES Programme, a special unit has been created within the International Relations Office aiming to assemble all SOCRATES components and provide a link between teaching and administrative bodies, and sustains relationships with the external partners.

    The Student European Office

    This office functions under the SOCRATES office that coordinates the activities carried out within the European Programme for Education SOCRATES in all its components (ERASMUS, COMENIUS, HORIZONTAL MEASURES). The office provides support and counseling for student mobility to and from our University, study travel / trip programmes, summer camps, and practical training in companies within Joint venture Programmes.

    The Centre for Study Opportunities

    The centre serves a broad public, of all age groups, and promotes study opportunities abroad. It offers counseling on study programmes and summer courses, detailed information about Romanian and foreign educational systems as well as about application to colleges and universities, documentation for different tests (TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT), and technical assistance in different projects for international co-operation.

    Career Service

    The Career Service was set up by the Babes-Bolyai University in conjunction with the Transylvania Business Centre and US Peace Corps. The University of Bristol has contributed its expertise in this field and continues to be involved in the development of the centre.

    The service is the interface between companies and students / graduates on the labour market that is continually expanding and diversifying. The Transylvania Business Centre is the most important centre of this kind in the area and helps the Career service with its data bases, financial resources, etc. The service also benefits from collaboration with students who are either employed part-time or perform their training within its framework. The Career service provides information, counseling on career choices, applications and interviews.

    The European Students Association

    The European Students Association (AEGEE) is an apolitical and non-religious youth organisation. Founded in 1990 the association represents the first association of this kind in Romania and Eastern Europe. AEGEE has joined a very important European student network and tries, as holder of this membership, to introduce Romania to other countries.

    International Co-Operation. International Programmes. International Events

    The main objectives of AEGEE are as follows: European co-operation among students; student mobility; spiritual integration of Romania in Europe; student exchanges that will lead to an improvement of their cultural and information background; tolerance and mutual understanding; shaping the European consciousness. The association organizes local and international congresses that cover timely issues. Its members participate, on the other hand, in international meetings that bring together students from Western as well as Eastern and Central European countries.

    In a world where "going international" is vital, Babes-Bolyai University is committed to pursuing a dynamic policy of openness in its relations with foreign universities and related institutions of teaching and research. Babes-Bolyai is an international university, welcoming applications from foreign students and encouraging its students to make the most of international opportunities, to learn a new language or to gain professional experience abroad.

    Strong European and worldwide links and international partnerships along with our university-wide language scheme, make us a university with a clearly international outlook. A series of ongoing and developing partnership arrangements give the University a broader look on the world. Within the scope of these partnerships our University has developed student and staff exchanges, joint research and education meetings, exchanges of materials in education and research, and participated in international scientific events. In conjunction with our partner universities we have set up institutions of research such as the Institute of Post-totalitarian Studies (with Arizona State University) or the Institute of Oral History (with University of Indiana - Bloomington) which reflect areas of mutual concern.

    Since 1989, 49 general agreements of cooperation have been developed at the central level and other 64 at faculty/department level with universities from all over the world, in countries such as Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Republic of Moldova, Netherlands, Norwegian, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Yugoslavia.

    International Programmes

    The University has been involved in programmes for education/research launched by the European Commission such as PHARE, TEMPUS, COPERNICUS, PECO, SOCRATES as well as in other regional or governmental programmes (CEEPUS, DAAD, KAAD, Forschungsgemeinschaft, Prosper, Access, UNESCO-CEPES, programmes developed by foundations such as: Soros Foundation for an Open Society, Volksvagen, Alexander von Humbold). The PHARE Programme backed up successful projects in Economics (ACE) as well as those directed to university management (HER - Higher Education Reform in Romania).

    TEMPUS has been highly used by the University to achieve some of the strategic aims in compliance with the general reform. Since 1991, 44 joint structural projects (JEPs) 6 Complementary Measures Projects have been in run making possible important institutional changes such as: curriculum restructuring, introduction of new degrees (Master study programmes, short cycle education), staff (re)training, student mobility (especially leading to degrees), creation of new faculties, departments, laboratories, acquisition of new working methods and techniques.

    SOCRATES became officially accessible to Romania in September 1997 permitting the Babes-Bolyai University to submit the ERASMUS Institutional Contract approved for the first year (1998/1999) with 90 partner universities from European Union member states and increased after renewal to 97 partners to develop student exchange, teaching assignments for short duration, preparatory visits, curricular projects, intensive programmes. Other SOCRATES components have also been approached: Thematic Networks under ERASMUS: European Physics Education Network; COMENIUS 3.1. (In-service training for teachers, carried on by the Faculty of Sciences of Education), LINGUA and ODL.

    Since 1998, the University benefits from CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) carrying on activities as: joint curricula, research, intensive courses, student and teaching staff mobilities.

    The Babes-Bolyai University has joined several European organisations such as CRE (Association of European Rectors); ACRU (Association of Carpathian Universities; IAU (International Association of Universities), the Conference of Danubian Rectors; EAIE (European Association for International Education); ATEE (European Association for Teacher Training); the Committee for Higher Education and Research of the Council of Europe, and AUPELF/UREF.

    International Summer Courses

    Every year Babes-Bolyai University organizes every year international summer courses meant to acquaint people with Romanias language, culture, civilization and process of transition towards a market economy.

    The European modules within CERU are organized as summer schools on specific subjects such as: Mathematics, and Humanities (History and Philosophy).

    International Students

    Studying in a different country with a different culture, with different customs is certainly a big challenge for you. Our staff from the International Relations Office are aware of this aspect and committed to helping you with your new life.

    Application Procedures

    Applications to Babes-Bolyai University are made through the International Relations Office if you intend to cover the tuition fees and your own expenses.

    Should you want to apply for a scholarship offered by the Romanian State or to study at our University under a tuition fee waiver (excepting the taxes for failed exams) you have to contact the Service for Home and Overseas Students of the Ministry of National Education.

    Application forms are available at the International Relations Office of the Babes-Bolyai University, the Ministry of National Education and Romanian Embassies abroad.

    Closing dates for applications are more relaxed for international students seeking to study here. Late applications may be considered at the discretion of the University. However, no guarantee can be made to late applicants that their applications will be given the same level of consideration as applications received by the normal closing dates.

    Access Course

    The Department of Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization of the Faculty of Letters runs a one-year access course for the international students who plan to complete their studies at a Romanian University.

    The course aims to train students in Romanian language so they can be awarded the certificate of Romanian proficiency. The course also aims to promote the Romanian culture and civilization; to provide students with the necessary Romanian terminology in the field of their choice so they can attend a certain degree programme.

    The students who graduate this course and enroll in an undergraduate or graduate programme will continue the study of Romanian language as foreign language. The Department also manages intensive programmes of Romanian language for different groups, summer courses, etc.


    University accommodation is not sufficient to house all undergraduate and postgraduate students from both home and overseas. Therefore, the University (and beginning with this fall each faculty) has devised a system of priorities.

    Under these priorities international students who are grantees of the Romanian state are guaranteed University-managed housing according to the places available in the campus. These students have to contact the International Relations Office. Foreign students who have passed the entrance examination may be allocated accommodation according to their entrance grade. The housing allocation is provided, in this case, directly by the faculty. Exchange students are entitled to receive free accommodation in the University Residence. Prior to your arrival you must notify the International Relations Office of our University about the exact date of your coming to Cluj in order to make the necessary housing arrangements. Once you are in Cluj please contact this service so you can find out the address of your room.

    All of our accommodations are within easy traveling distance of university; you also have access to central Cluj by public transport. The accommodation is mixed. The University can provide only shared rooms (4-5 students / room).

    Postgraduate foreign students who have been awarded grants by the Romanian state for short periods of time (maximum six months) as well as exchange students are allocated shared flats (2 students/room) with a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom.

    Student Health Services

    The Student Health Services are located within easy reach of the University. All foreign students have access to free consultation with doctors and hospital treatment. Students must register at the Registration office of the Student Health Service where for a token fee they receive a Health card which they need every time they go to see a doctor. Students can also call on the services of private clinics. You can find their addresses in the telephone book. Romania has reciprocal health care arrangements with a number of countries.

    Churches and Chaplancies

    Babes-Bolyai University has four faculties of theology (Orthodox, Greek-Catholic, Roman Catholic, Protestant) which either have their own chaplains or direct contact with their churches in the City of Cluj. The services are held in Romanian, Hungarian and German.

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