Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

"Babes-Bolyai" University
of Cluj-Napoca


Address Str. Mihail Kogalniceanu nr. 1
RO - 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel. No. +(40) 64 195 051; + 40 64 405300
Fax No. +(40) 64 195 051; + 40 64 191906
Degree courses
  • Biology and Geology
  • Business Studies
  • Catholic Theology
  • Chemistry
  • Economics
  • European Studies
  • Geography
  • Greek Catholic Theology
  • History and Philosophy
  • Letters
  • Law
  • Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Orthodox Theology
  • Psychology and Science of Education
  • Physics
  • Protestant Theology
  • Physical Education and Sport
  • Political Science and Public Administration
  • Type of course Full time and Part-time
    Length of course Full-time: 4-5 years (long term study programmes)
    3 years (short term study programmes)
    Part-time: 5 years
    Date of commencement 1st October every year
    Class size about 15
    Accommodation Student hostels available at least for the 1st year of studies
    Fees Foreign students: 320 USD / month
    National students: no fee
    Financial assistance National grants are available for national students (provided by The Ministry of National Education)
    Admission requirements Language fluency required: Romanian
    Student profile 23,000 students out of which 700 overseas students
    Contact for application International Relations Office
    "Babes-Bolyai" University
    Str. Mihail Kogalniceanu nr. 1
    RO - 3400 Cluj-Napoca
    Telephone & fax: 00 40 64 195051

    History and Philosophy

    Undergraduate programmes
  • History (four years, full-time, in Romanian, Hungarian, German)
  • Art History and Philosophy (four years, full-time, in Romanian, Hungarian)
  • History and Archaeology (four years, full-time, in Romanian and Hungarian)*
  • Philosophy (four years, full-time, in Romanian, Hungarian, German)
  • Sociology (four years, full-time, in Romanian, Hungarian)
  • Social Work (four years, full-time, in Romanian, Hungarian and for students of Gypsy origin or with handicaps)
  • Librarianship-Archive (three years, full-time; in Romanian, Hungarian and German)
  • Postgraduate programmes
  • 1. Master's Degree Programmes Oral History
  • Dacian and Roman Archaeology
  • Medieval Studies
  • Modern Comparative History
  • Contemporary History and International Relations
  • The Inheritance of Classical Antiquity and the Contemporary Dialogue of Cultures
  • Human Philosophy
  • French Philosophy
  • Organisation and Administration in Social Work
  • Regional and Community Development
  • Social Communication
  • American Studies
  • Jewish Studies
  • 2. Doctoral Degree Programmes
  • The Romanian Ancient History
  • The Romanian Medieval History
  • The Romanian Modern History
  • The Romanian Contemporary History
  • Universal Ancient History
  • Universal Modern History
  • Universal Contemporary History
  • History of Culture
  • Prehistorical Archaeology
  • Dacian Archaeology
  • Roman Archaeology
  • Ontology and Metaphysics
  • Philosophy of Values, Culture and History
  • The History of Philosophy
  • Contemporary Philosophy
  • Sociology
  • Political Science and Philosophy

  • About the University

    History of the University The "Babes-Bolyai" University is the oldest institution of higher education and the most comprehensive university of Romania. Today it presents a multicultural profile rooted in a multilingual basis. Its history and linguistic complexity are outcomes of the history of this region, of the participation to the European culture and of the democratisation of Romania.

    The history of the Cluj university can be traced back to 1581 when the Jesuit academic college was set up in this city. The confrontations between Catholics and Protestants made the college pass into other hands. In 1776 Empress Maria Theresa founded a Universität in German language which Joseph II later transformed in a Lyceum having Latin as language of teaching. Between 1848-1872 the ethnic communities of Transylvania suggested the creation of a multicultural university. In spite of the pleas for a representative university, the year 1872 saw the creation of the University of Cluj, strictly in Hungarian. After World War I, as Transylvania united with Romania (1918), just like the universities of Strasbourg and Bratislava, the Cluj University was nationalised and the Romanian University of Cluj was created. After the Second World War, in 1945, the "Bolyai Janos" University was founded in Cluj, having Hungarian as language of teaching. The two universities merged in 1959 under the name of "Babes-Bolyai" University, teaching both in Romanian and Hungarian.

    Pursuant to the programme adopted by the Movement for Democracy in December 1989, the University management committed themselves to thrust the communist repercussions away from the University organising and functioning system.

    Furthermore, the Charter of the "Babes- Bolyai" University issued in 1992 stipulated that the University should join the major tradition of free thinking and democratic approaches to existence issues. The Charter of the "Babes-Bolyai" University defined academic freedom and university autonomy following the principles stipulated in The Lima Declaration on Academic Freedom and Autonomy of Institutions of Higher Education (1988) and The Magna Charta of European Universities (Bologna, 1988).

    On 18 December 1995 the University Senate adopted the New Charter of the "Babes-Bolyai" University, settling the University structure and management in view of its integration into the system of European universities. In May 1996, the Senate adopted the programme on Institutional development of the Babes-Bolyai University (1996-2000) that creates the framework for the future development of the University. In April 1997 further steps were taken to strengthen the institutional profile in compliance with the Structural and Multicultural Approach of the "Babes-Bolyai" by the University Management, document approved by the representatives in the University management of the ethnic communities.

    Administration of the Babes-Bolyai University

    The "Babes-Bolyai" University is a state higher education institution. The head of the University is the Rector assisted by five Pro-Rectors, a General Scientific Assistant and a Chief Secretary.

    The main board of the University is the University Senate consisting of 77 members whose head is the Rector. The Senate brings together appointed university leaders, teaching staff and a representative of the student union as well as independent specialists and public figures. The Senate work plenarily or through permanent committees.

    Each faculty is run by a Dean assisted by one or two Vice-Deans and a Scientific Assistant. They are appointed by the Senate of the "Babes-Bolyai" University. The main board of the faculty is the Teaching Board whose chairman is the Dean of the faculty. The Teaching Board consists of representatives of departments and two representatives of students.

    Academic Resources

    During the last years the University has made much effort to improve its infrastructure with up-to-date facilities so an appropriate framework be created for both teaching and research. New libraries, computer networks and research laboratories have been created, in this respect, and all students, professors, researchers, etc. are welcome to use them.

    With its more than four million books and periodicals, the Central University Library is an important cultural asset in Transylvania. The Library has a number of branches located in faculties and student hostels and has fostered relationships with other University libraries both at home and abroad. With the support of foreign embassies in Romania some other libraries have been set up so studies related to the language, culture and civilisation of the countries involved in these projects can be run: the "John F. Kennedy" Library, the German Cultural Centre, the Austrian Library, the British Library, the Spanish Library, the Italian Library, the Library for Nordic Languages, the Japanese Library.

    Computing Services. Computing facilities have been continuously improved and they are available in the following faculties: Mathematics and Computer Science (nine computer centres), Physics, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Economics, Business, Political Science and Public Administration, Letters (The Centre for Text Analysis, The Computing Centre of the Applied Modern Languages Department, The Computing Centre).

    Language Centres. Within the University there are two languages centres run by the Faculty of Letters and the Faculty of Economics. Both are equipped with modern facilities - including reception of satellite facilities - for the study of languages. Video and audio support materials are provided so the study be more efficient. The Faculty of Letters has also a recording centre and a modern equipment for simultaneous translation.

    Other Centres. Many important centres, laboratories and institutes have been created in support to both teaching and research within the University. They represent a very important academic resource and they are continuously developed. They are located either in the main buildings of the University or within striking distance of faculties:
     Mathematics and Computer Science 
     (Laboratory for Research in Computer Science, the Astronomical 
     Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 
     (The Laboratory of Electrochemistry); 
     Biology and Geology (the Arcalia Research Centre);
     History and Philosophy (the Institute of Oral History, 
     the Institute for Central European History, the "Moshe Carmilly"
     Institute for Hebrew and Judaic Studies, the Institute for the Study 
     of Modernity, the Centre for the Study of Democracy and Post-Communist
     Societies, the Centre for Sociology, the Centre for the Study of Ethnic
     Relations in Transylvania, the Centre of American Studies);
     Letters (the Centre for Francophone Literatures);
     Law (the Centre for Geopolitical and Strategic Studies);
     European Studies (the Institute of  Cultural Anthropology,
     the Institute of Post-Totalitarian Studies).
    Student Services


    Str. M/ Kogalniceanu N°4; tel. & fax. 40-64-19.50.51

    The International Relations Office co-ordinates and develop the international relations at the university level pursuing as main directions: international exchange relations based on bilateral agreement, trans-European and trans-Atlantic programmes, foreign students, teaching staff and student mobility, information flow and university image. The staff of the International Office will offer foreign students and professors assistance during their staying at the "Babes-Bolyai" University. Contact persons:

    Public Relations: Monday to Friday 11a.m- 2 p.m.

    The Student European Office
    Str. Kogalniceanu N. 4
    Contact person: Dorina Angelescu

    It functions under the SOCRATES office that co-ordinates the activities carried out within the European Programme for Education SOCRATES in all its components (ERASMUS, COMENIUS, HORIZONTAL MEASURES). It provides support and counselling for student mobility to and from our University, study travel/trip programmes, summer camps, practical training in companies within Joint venture programmes.

    The Centre for Study Opportunities

    Str. Kogalniceanu N. 4
    Contact person: Daniela Coman

    The Centre for Study Opportunities (COS) was set up in December 1997 to provide support service to a broader public coming from higher as well as pre-higher educational institutions interested in study opportunities both in Romania and abroad. It offers counseling on study programmes abroad, detailed information about educational system in Romania, access conditions to higher education and admission procedures; an up-to-date library of training documentation for language competence (TOEFL, SAT, RE); technical assistance in setting up projects for international co-operation; dissemination of application forms to study abroad.

    Careers Service
    Str. BP Hasdeu, N. 45
    Contact person: Nicolae Kekete
    tel. 40-64-19 87 20
    fax. 40-64-19 50 51

    The service is the interface between companies and students/graduates on the labour market that is continually expanding and diversifying. The Transylvania Business Centre is the most important centre of this kind in the area and helps the Careers service with its data bases, financial resources, etc. The service also benefits from the collaboration with students who are either employed part-time or perform their training within its framework. The Careers service provides information, counselling on career choice, applications and interviews.

    Student Health Service
    Policlinica Studenteasca - Bilascu Street, N 8

    The Students Health Service offers a full range of medical services to students, being located within easy reach of the University. All foreign students have access to free consultation with doctors and hospital treatment. Students must register with the Registration office of the Student Health Service where they can receive a Health card. Students can also call on the services of private medical cabinets. Romania has reciprocal health care arrangements with a number of countries.

    Undergraduate Programmes

    The "Babes-Bolyai" University offers for the 1998/99 academic year 141 undergraduate programmes (93 in Romanian, 36 in Hungarian, 11 in German and 1 for gypsies). Fundamental academic training constitutes the basic form of training built up on the level of competence, knowledge and skills generally acquired through Secondary education. Access is open to holders of Diploma de Bacalaureat or equivalent Secondary education diploma and is granted on the basis of a successful results to the entrance examination. It is organised under two types:
  • The short-type higher education (3 academic years) offers programmes practically oriented, mainly designed for applicants to acquire the practical skills and know-how needed for employment in a particular occupation. The successful completion leads to Diploma de Colegiu universitar. It does not function as a "first-cycle" that provides access to the corresponding "second-cycle", but the graduates have a labour-market relevant qualification.
  • The long-type higher education (four academic years) offers both theoretical and practical approach leading to Diploma de Licenta that allow graduates the access to highly skilled jobs or to research programmes.
  • Within specialisations there are certain compulsory courses as well as special optional ones. The latter are dealt with according to the scientific concerns of the staff, practical needs, and the students' preferences. Departments may also make their choice on the basis of particular needs of students in their chosen profession.

    The teaching languages at the university are Romanian, Hungarian and German. In all faculties, students must study at least one major foreign language, an indispensable condition to scientific research. They also undertake computer processing courses.

    The Pedagogic Centre provides pedagogic and methodological training for the students who choose a teaching career in secondary schools. It organises courses and special training in Pedagogy, Psychology and the Methodology of teaching in different fields of specialisation. After graduation a certificate of teaching competence is delivered.

    The curriculum also includes periods of training in schools, companies, banks, etc.- according to students' area of specialism- helping them, in this way, to use in practice what they learnt, to work in team and to get acquainted with the economic and social environment.

    Postgraduate Programmes

    For the 1998/99 academic year he "Babes-Bolyai" University offers 79 Master's degree programmes and other two programmes leading to a Postgraduate diploma in business or economics. These taught courses offer students the opportunity to enhance their understanding of a previously studied subject at undergraduate level, or to choose a new specialisation. Excepting the postgraduate programmes in Business (two years, part-time) and Business Management ( two years, full-time) the programmes leading to master degrees have a duration of one year and are full-time. Assessment is usually by a combination of coursework, examination, viva voce and the awards are obtained on the basis of a project.

    The courses are taught in Romanian but also in Hungarian, English, French, Italian, etc. The postgraduate courses in business and company management can serve as conversion courses enabling students to switch their area of specialism in a direction where they prove attainment.

    Research Degrees

    More and more graduates pursue a research work that leads to a PhD. The applicants will be registered as part-time (six years) or full-time (four years) doctoral student. As entry requirement applicants must hold a Bachelor's degree (or an equivalent degree for at least four years of study) in the field they want to undertake a research project or a related field. The international applicants who are not proficient in English must attend a 6-month access course. Part-time students may take the exams and present their reports and dissertation for a PhD in a widespread foreign language with the faculty' s agreement. The admission exam takes place in the presence of a commission that checks the candidate's skills and attainment requested to pursue the research project. Candidates will carry out their project work under the guidance of a supervisor who has already expertise in the subject area.

    Continuing Education

    The University has created in co-operation with the trade unions and employers in Cluj the Continuing Education Centre that offers retraining courses for graduates in various fields of activity with a view to bringing them fully up-to-date with the latest knowledge in their field, but also to meeting the needs of transition to free market economy. Several short courses are organised, in this respect, by the Business School in fields such as management, business, marketing, advertising for the staff of state or private companies in order to acquaint them with the latest techniques.

    Open and Distance Learning

    The University offers teachers through the Centre for Open and Distance Learning short courses, tutorial assistance as well as conferences. The programme of distance learning consists of training for different degrees in teaching, for permanent job placement and a vocational training for a second specialisation.

    Programmes offered for the 1998/99 academic year (those with custom mark are to be approved by the Ministry of Education)

    Request For Further Information

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