Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

National Academy
of Physical Education and Sports (ANEFS)

Rector Prof. Gheorghe Cismas, Ph.D.
Address 140, Constantin Noica Street, Sector 6, Bucharest 76708, Romania
Tel. No. +40 1 212 6164
Fax No. +40 1 312 0400
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sports
  • University College of Physical Education and Sports
  • Type & length
    of courses
    Faculty of Physical Education and Sports
    A. Long-duration university studies:
    study duration: 4 years (8 semesters) - daily courses/ 5 years (10 semesters) - distance learning
    specializations: - physical education and sports; kinesitherapy (physical therapy) graduate's qualification: bachelor of physical education and sports/ kinesitherapy
    diploma granted: licence diploma
    possibilities to accede: any level post-university studies

    B. Post-university studies:
    a. specialization studies - duration: 1 semester
    diploma granted: specialization certificate
    b. profound studies in the specializations:
    - psycho-motricity in physical education - study duration: 2 semesters - daily courses and distance learning
    - sports training - study duration: 2 semesters - daily courses and distance learning
    - kinesitherapy - study duration: 2 semesters - daily courses and distance learning - diploma granted: profound studies diploma
    c. master's degree
    - diploma granted: master's diploma in graduate's specialization
    d. doctor's degree in the fundamental field
    - Arts, scientific field
    - Physical education and sports, specialization
    - physical education and sports
    study duration: 3 to 4 years daily courses/ 4 to 6 years extra-mural courses
    diploma granted: Ph.D. in physical education and sports scientific field
    capacity: about 150 candidates to a doctor's degree, in course of study, yearly
    e. refresher courses for the teaching staff
    study duration: training and examination modules for:
    permanent appointment in education:
    obtaining the 2nd didactic degree
    obtaining the 1st didactic degree
    trainers'/ coaches' refreshment, evaluation and promotion on sports branches

    University College of Physical Education and Sports
    Short-duration university studies:
    study duration: 3 years (6 semesters) - daily courses/ 3.5 years (7 semesters) - distance learning
    specialization: sports mastery
    graduate's qualification: trainer/ coach in the specialization sports discipline
    diploma granted: graduation diploma
    possibilities to accede: long-duration studies

    Military Faculty of Physical Education and Sports
    study duration: 4 years - daily courses/ 5 years - distance learning
    specialization: military physical education and sports
    diploma granted: licence diploma in graduate's specialization
    Date of commencement 1 October
    Class size 25 students
    Accommodation 450 places in our own students' hostels
    Fees Fees for Romanian students are established by the legislation in force, by the Ministry of Education and Research and by the ANEFS Senate ($400USD a year - daily courses).

    For foreign students taking long and short duration studies or post-university studies, the fee is $340USD a month - daily courses. The fee for the foreign students candidates to a doctor's degree is $340USD a month - daily courses, and $340USD a month for each exam or dissertation - extra-mural courses.
    Financial assistance Student grants/ Financial assistance: our institution confers grants only to Romanian students. Foreign students can get a scholarship only from the Ministry of Education and Research.
    Admission requirements Foreign students are required the high school leaving diploma. At the same time, they have to talk, read and write into Romanian, English or French.
    Student profile Ratio of national/ overseas students: 2080/ 97
    Ratio of men/ women: 1039/ 535
    Age range: 20+ years old
    Contact for application Sorin Radu Poenaru, Ph.D.
    Senior Lecturer

    Faculties & Colleges

    Faculty of Physical Education and Sports

    Dean: Prof. Gheorghe Carstea, Ph.D.

    Number of students: 1251

    Main disciplines: History of Physical Education and Sports, Theory of Motor Activities, Psychology of Physical Education and Sports, Philosophy of Physical Education and Sports, Anatomy and Biomechanics, Sports Biochemistry, Rhythmical and Sports Gymnastics, Foreign Languages, Swimming, Skiing, Track and Field, Games (Football, Handball, Volley-ball, Basket-ball), Target Shooting, Fencing, Theory of Physical Education and Sports, Physiology, Profound Practice of a Speciality Discipline, Judo, Wrestling, Management and Marketing/ Measurement and Evaluation in Sports, Medical Kinesiology, Hygienics and First Aid, Boxing, Weightlifting, Bodybuilding.

    Main research grants for the academic year 2000-2001:
    1. University College of Kinesitherapy - organizatory and legislative management
    2. Distance Learning - organizatory framework of permanent education in the field of formative, sports, rehabilitation and leisure time motor activities.

    Graduate's qualification: bachelor
    * bachelor of physical education and sports: 4 years - daily courses/ 5 years - distance learning
    * bachelor of kinesitherapy: 4 years - daily courses

    Profound studies:
    - Physical education: 1 year - daily courses/ 1.5 years - distance learning
    - Kinesitherapy: 1 year - daily courses/ 1.5 years - distance learning
    - High performance sports training: 1 year - daily courses/ 1.5 years - distance learning

    Master's degree: Master's diploma in student's specialization

    Doctor's degree: Doctorate in Physical Education and Sports: 4 years - daily courses/ 4 to 6 years - distance learning

    Kinesitherapy specialization

    Dean: Senior Lecturer Cristian Ispas, MD

    Number of students: 323

    Main disciplines: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Psychology, Biomechanics, Normal and Pathological Psychology, Therapeutic Relationship, Theory of Motor Activities, History of Philosophy and Culture, Track and Field - means associated to kinesitherapy, Semiology, First Aid, Kinesitherapy of the Orthopaedic Traumatic Affections, Kinesitherapy of the Rheumatic Affections, Medical Kinesiology, Physiopathology/ Pharmacology, Massage Complementary Techniques/ Massage Oriental Techniques, Foreign Languages, Kinesitherapy in Neurological Affections, Paediatric Kinesiology, Kinesitherapy in Respiratory Affections - clinical stage, Kinesitherapy in Sports Traumatology, Psychodiagnosis and Psychotherapy in Kinesitherapy, Profound Practice of a Specialty Discipline, Kinesitherapy in Geriatric Affections, Kinesitherapy in Cardiovascular Affections, Kinesitherapy in Neuro-surgical Affections/ Kinesitherapy in Burnt Persons, Kinesitherapy in Digestive Affections, Kinesitherapy in Genital-Urinary Affections.

    Graduate's degree: bachelor of kinesitherapy, 4 years - daily courses

    Profound studies:
    - Kinesitherapy: 1 year - daily courses/ 1.5 years - distance learning Master's degree:
    - Kinesitherapy: 2 years - daily courses/ 3 years - distance learning

    University College of Physical Education and Sports

    Director: Senior Lecturer Marius Stoica, Ph.D.

    Number of students: 480

    Main disciplines: History of Physical Education and Sports, Theory of Motor Activities, Sports Psychology, Sports Philosophy, Anatomy and Biomechanics, Sports Biochemistry, Sports Management, Sports Pedagogy, Sports Sociology, Theory and Methods of Sports Training, Competition Theory, Foreign Languages, Pedagogy, Track and Field, Gymnastics, Weightlifting, Skiing, Swimming, Games (Football, Basket-ball, Volley-ball, Handball).

    Graduate's qualification: trainer's/ coach's diploma - 3 years - daily courses/ 3.5 years - distance learning

    National Academy of Physical Education and Sports has 6 chairs:
    1. The Chair of Theoretical Disciplines. Chief: Prof. Adrian Dragnea, Ph.D.
    2. The Chair of Medical Disciplines. Chief: Senior Lecturer Mariana Cordun, MD
    3. The Chair of Track and Field, Swimming and Skiing. Chief: Prof. Ioan Sabau, Ph.D.
    4. The Chair of Sports Games. Chief: Prof. Ion Motroc, Ph.D.
    5. The Chair of Heavy Athletics, Fencing and Target Shooting. Chief: Prof. Ioan Hantau, Ph.D.
    6. The Chair of Gymnastics. Chief: Senior Lecturer Mircea Solomon

    The teaching staff and the scientific researchers within these Chairs, totalizing 200 persons, provide the educational process for all the specializations.

    The ANEFS has promoted training programs compatible with the European system of transferable credits (ECTS).

    Teaching staff's extra-university forms of contact and involvement:
    - participation in national and international scientific symposia;
    - activity and functions in bodies and commissions of the national and international sports federations;
    - exchange of members of the teaching staff with foreign universities;
    - scientific research in cooperation with the teaching staff from foreign universities.

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