Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses


Structure of Educational System
Pre-higher Education System
Higher Education System
Administrative structure of higher education  
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition

Pre-higher Education System

Duration of compulsory education
Age of entry: 6
Age of exit: 14

Structure of school system

Type/level of education: Primary
Type of school: PRIMARY SCHOOL
Length of program (years): 4
Age level: from 6 to 10

Type/level of education: Lower Secondary
Length of program (years): 4
Age level: from 10 to 14

Type/level of education: Upper Secondary
Length of program (years): 3
Age level: from 14 to 17
Certificate awarded: ATESTAT DE MATURITATE

Type/level of education: Upper Secondary
Length of program (years): 4
Age level: from 14 to 18
Certificate awarded: DIPLOMA DE BACALAUREAT

Description of secondary school system
Secondary schooling covers seven or eight years. It is divided into four years' lower secondary school followed either by three years' upper secondary school and certified by the atestat de maturitate, or by four years' upper secondary school and certified by the diploma de bacalaureat.

Higher Education System

Structure of system
Higher education in Moldova is provided by universities, academies, institutes, and conservatoires. There are also several private higher education institutions.

Main types of higher education institutions in country

Type of institution: UNIVERSITATE
Translation: UNIVERSITY

Type of institution: ACADEMIE
Translation: ACADEMY


Type of institution: CONSERVATOR

Type of institution: COLEGIU
Translation: COLLEGE

Main laws/decrees governing higher education

Name of law/decree: Concepts of the Development of the Educational System
Date: 15 December, 1994
Institution type: The educational system in general, higher education system included.

Administrative structure of higher education

Name of body: Ministry of Education
Role: Governing and financing institutions of higher education

Street: 1, Piata Marii Adunari Nationale
City: Chisinau
Postal code: 277033
Telephone: 373-2-233348
Fax: 373-2-233515

Academic year
Classes start: September
Classes end: July

Languages of instruction
Romanian, Russian

Stages and Organization of Higher Education Studies

Higher vocational/technical studies

Higher technical/vocational education is provided by colleges and consists of short-cycle specialized courses in agriculture, teacher training, arts, mechanics, energetics, construction, industrial wood-processing, and economics. The duration of the study programme varies from two to three years, depending on the field of study. Courses lead to qualifications at undergraduate degree level.

University level studies

Stage 1: Undergraduate studies

Description: Higher education institutions offer full-time courses in all fields of study, and extramural and evening courses for some of them. Full-time courses last for four to six years, depending on the field of study. External courses are available in engineering, construction, economics, humanities, agronomy, and sports. Evening courses are available only for engineering. These courses require one additional year of study. The "diploma de studii superioare" or "diploma de doctor-medic" or "diploma de inginer" are awarded at the end of this stage.

Stage 2: Doctorat

Description: It is the first advanced degree at higher level. This qualification may be obtained after either full-time (three years) or extramural (four years) courses in all disciplines. The diploma awarded after three to four years of study is a "diploma de doctor".

Stage 3: Doctor abilitat in ...

Description: It is the second scientific degree at the highest level and is conferred in all disciplines. Candidates must normally hold a "Doctorat". The diploma awarded is "Doctor abilitat in ..." ("habilitation" doctorate).

Teacher education

Training of primary/basic school teachers

Primary school teachers are trained in four-year teacher-training colleges.

Training of secondary school teachers

Lower-secondary level education (gimnaziu) teachers are trained in five-year university programmes. Upper-secondary level education (liceu) teachers are trained for five to six years in universities, polytechnics, academies, institutes, and conservatoires.

Training of higher education teachers

Higher-education teachers are trained for five to six years in universities, polytechnics, academies, institutes, and conservatoires. The doctor's degree is mandatory for an associate professor and/or a professor.

Grading system

Usual grading system in (upper) secondary school
Numerical grading system from 1 to 10.

Highest on scale: 10
Pass/fail level: 5/4
Lowest on scale: 1

Main grading system generally used by higher education institutions
Numerical grading system from 1 to 10.

Highest on scale: 10
Pass/fail level: 5/4
Lowest on scale: 1

Admissions to Higher Education

Admission to Vocational/Technical Studies

Admission to higher vocational/technical or other professionally oriented non-university level studies

Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

Name of sec. school credential: DIPLOMA DE BACALAUREAT
For: All colleges
Total number of years of primary and secondary school study: 12

Admissions to university level

Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

Name of sec. school credential: DIPLOMA DE BACALAUREAT
For: For higher education institutions.
Total number of years of primary and secondary school study: 12

National admission entrance examination requirements

Name of test/exam: Competitive entrance examination in some institutions.

Numerus clausus established in the country for students entering university level education
At level of institutions: Y At country/state level: N

Admission for foreign students

Special admission requirements for foreign students at national level:

Definition of a "foreign" student:
A foreign student is a person enrolled at an institution of higher education in a country of which he/she is not a permanent resident.

Quotas established for foreign students:
At institution level: Y
At country/state level: N

Special entry regulations for foreign students in country/state:
Visas may be obtained at the Moldovan Embassies or at border check points.

Health requirements:
Medical certificate

Language proficiency requirements for foreign applicants whose first language is not the language of instruction
Are there examinations at institution level? Y

Other special academic requirements for foreign students set up at national level:
Foreign students must present a secondary school leaving certificate. For access to doctoral studies, they must pass a competitive entrance examination.

Application to national/central body: Y
For entry to: All types of institutions and programmes.

Name of national/central body: Ministry of Education

Address of body:
Street: 1, Piata Marii Adunari Nationale
City: Chisinau
Postal code: 2033
Telephone: 3732-2-33348
Fax: 3732-2-33515

Recognition of studies and qualifications

System of "recognition" or "accreditation" of studies completed and credentials awarded within the country:


Recognition of studies, diplomas, and academic degrees as well as the confirmation of doctoral or academic degrees fall under the responsibility of the Higher Commission for Diplomas and Degrees (Comisia Superioara de Atestare).

Recognition of studies completed and credentials awarded in foreign countries

Bodies primarily addressing questions relating to the recognition of foreign credentials and studies in higher education

Name of body: Ministry of Education. Main Division for Higher Education
Street: 1, Piata Marii Adunari Nationale
City: Chisinau
Postal code: 277033
Telephone: 3732-2-33348
Fax: 3732-2-33515

Recognition of foreign credentials to enter an institution: Y
Recognition of foreign credentials to enter a profession: Y

Description of services provided and types of students dealt with:
Recognition of studies and diplomas awarded in foreign countries.

International Cooperation

Principal national bodies responsible for facilitating international cooperation and exchanges in higher education

Name: Ministry of Education
Street: 1, Piata Marii Adunari Nationale
City: Chisinau
Postal code: 277033
Telephone: 3732-2-33348
Fax: 3732-2-33515

Participation of country in multilateral or major bilateral higher education exchange programmes

Name of programme: TEMPUS
Name of programme: PHARE

Date: 1995/1996
Source: International Association of Universities (IAU)