Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses


Structure of Educational System
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition  of Foreign Credentials 
Student Life 
International Cooperation and Exchanges   

 Pre-higher Education System

     Duration of compulsory education
     Age of entry: 7
     Age of exit:  15

     Structure of school system

     Type/level of education:     Primary
     Type of school:                    PRIMARY SCHOOL
     Length of program (years): 4
     Age level:                               from 7 to 11

     Type/level of education:     Elementary
     Type of school:                     ELEMENTARY
     Length of program (years): 4
     Age level:                              from 11 to 15

     Type/level of education:     Secondary
     Type of school:                    GYMNASIUM
     Length of program (years): 4
     Age level:                              from 15 to 18
     Certificate awarded:             BRANDOS ATESTATAS / MATURITY CERTIFICATE

     Type/level of education:     Vocational
     Type of school:                    YOUTH SCHOOL, VOCATIONAL SCHOOL
     Length of program (years): 2
     Age level:                              from 15 to 17

     Description of secondary school system
Secondary school system covers eight years, divided into four years' general secondary school, followed by four years' upper secondary school. The cycle culminates in a series of five to seven examinations. A Secondary School Diploma is awarded to successful students. There are also youth and vocational schools offering basic vocational as well as general education. Courses last 2 to 3 years after elementary education (age 15). Students who do not pass the examinations are awarded a Graduation Certificate which allows access to higher vocational schools.

Higher Education System

     Structure of system
In Lithuania, higher education is provided by state-run and private, university and non-university, higher education establishments. There are six autonomous universities; three of them are general universities, and the other three are specialized universities. There are also 29 research institutes which train doctorate-holders in collaboration with the higher education institutions. Fundamental research is conducted in the universities, while applied research is predominant in non-university higher education establishments. In February 1991, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania adopted the Law on Science and Studies that established the development directions of higher education reform in Lithuania, defining the guidelines of transition towards a western type  of higher education system.

     Main types of higher education institutions in country

     Type of institution:  UNIVERSITETAS
     Translation:               UNIVERSITY

     Type of institution:  AUKSTOJI MOKYKLA
     Translation:               HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION

     Type of institution:  MOSKLO INSTITUTAS

     Type of institution:  AKADEMIJA
     Translation:               ACADEMY

     Main laws/decrees governing higher education

     Name of law/decree:        Law on Science and Studies
     Date:                      1991
     Institution type:  All higher education institutions.

Administrative structure of higher education

     Name of body:      Department of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Science

          Street: Zygimantu g.9
          City: Vilnius
          Postal code: 2600
          Telephone: 370-2-622929
          Fax: 370-2-627078

     Name of body:      Science Council of Lithuania

          Street: Gedimino 3
          City: Vilnius
          Postal code: 2600
          Telephone: 370-2-625626
          Fax: 370-2-618535

     Name of body:      Lietuvos rektoruis Konfererencija / Lithuanian Rectors' Conference

          Street: A. Mickericaus g.9
          City: Kaunas
          Postal code: 3000
          Telephone: 370-7-226110
          Fax: 370-7-220733

     Academic year
     Classes start:     September
     Classes end:       June
     Long vacation:     from 1 July, to 1 September

     Languages of instruction
     Lithuanian, Polish, Russian

Stages and Organization of Higher Education Studies

     Higher vocational/technical studies

Vocational education for skilled workers is provided in vocational schools (technical, agricultural, commercial, trade, etc.) which train at several levels. Courses at Aukstesnioji mokykla (post-secondary vocational schools) last two years.

     University level studies

     Stage 1:     Bakalauras

Description: Bachelor's degree programmes last up to four years. They include general theory, speciality theory and practical subject modules. The programme may lead to a professional qualification.

     Stage 2:     Magistras

Description: Master's degrees consist of more in-depth theory and special subject modules, as well as interdisciplinary courses. Studies last up to three years. Submission of a thesis is required.

     Stage 3:     Daktaras

Description: Doctoral programmes are usually completed in five years, the first three years being reserved for coursework.

     Stage 4:     Habilituotas daktaras

Description: The highest academic research qualification is awarded to holders of doctoral degrees by institutes of science and research.

     Teacher education

     Training of primary/basic school teachers

Pre-primary and primary school teachers are trained at Vilnius Pedagogical University, Klaipeda University, Siauliai Pedagogical Institute, and pedagogical colleges. Studies last three or four years.

     Training of secondary school teachers

Secondary school teachers are trained at Vilnius University, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Siauliai Pedagogical Institute, Vutautas Magnus University (in Kaunas) and Klaipeda University. Four-year course programmes are offered in certain other tertiary institutions. Master's degrees confer the right to teach in gymnasiums and colleges. Admission is on the basis of a Bachelor's degree and at least one year of teaching experience.

     Training of higher education teachers

A Doctorate is required for teaching in higher education institutions. A master's degree is needed to begin a career as a lecturer.

     Non-formal studies

     Distance higher education

Course programmes are conducted by transmitting to the student specially prepared learning materials through the postal service.

     Lifelong higher education

The Ministry of Education and Science has licensed 90 institutions to offer non-formal studies. Around 700 institutions are listed in the  Register of the Ministry of Economy for adults and others. These include 63 state-owned companies, 288 joint-stock companies, 271 individual companies and 46 foreign investment companies. In addition, special departments for adult training have been set up in the universities. The courses offered include training and retraining, particularly in the  fields of pedagogy, psychology, special or additional education etc.

Grading system

     Main grading system generally used by higher education institutions
     Various numerical grading systems are used: 1-5; 1-10; 1-20.

Admissions to Higher Education

     Admission to Vocational/Technical Studies

     Admission to higher vocational/technical or other professionally oriented non-university level studies

     Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

     Name of sec. school credential: BRANDOS ATESTATAS
     For: Non-university level studies.
     Total number of years of primary and secondary school study: 12

     Numerus clausus established in the country for students entering higher vocational/technical education
     At level of institutions: Y

     Admissions to university level

     Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

     Name of sec. school credential: BRANDOS ATESTATAS
     For: All university programmes.
     Total number of years of primary and secondary school study: 12

     Numerus clausus established in the country for students entering university level education
     At level of institutions: Y

     Admission for foreign students

     Special admission requirements for foreign students at national level:

     Definition of a "foreign" student:
A foreign student is a person who is not a permanent resident in Lithuania and is enrolled at a Lithuanian institution of higher education.

     Quotas established for foreign students:
     At institution level: N
     At country/state level: N

     Special entry regulations for foreign students in country/state:
Study visa (except for some countries), residence permit, secondary school- leaving certificate equivalent to the Lithuanian Secondary School Certificate (original and certified transcript) and financial guarantees are required.

     Health requirements:
     Health certificate is required.

     Requirements at national level

     Name of exam or requirement:       Knowledge of Lithuanian or English.

     Authority to whom foreign student applications should be addressed:
     Application to individual institutions: Y
     For entry to: Universities, academies, or institutes.

     Application to national/central body: N

     Reference to further information materials on foreign students admissions

     Title:                            State Higher Education and Research Institutions in Lithuania: Short Guide
     Author:                       Lithuanian Information Institute
     Year of publication:  1994

     Title:                            Study Abroad, 1998-1999 (in preparation)
     Author:                       UNESCO
     Publisher:                   UNESCO

     Title:                            Foreign Student Guide
     Author:                       Vilnius Technical University

Recognition of studies and qualifications

     Practice regarding access to the professions:

The Science Council of Lithuania organizes and completes the procedure for the nostrification of diplomas and degrees which were awarded according to the Soviet system.

     Recognition of studies completed and credentials awarded in foreign countries

     Bodies primarily addressing questions relating to the recognition of foreign credentials and studies in higher education

     Name of body: Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education. Lithuanian ENIC
          Street: Suvalku str. 1
          City: Vilnius
          Postal code: 2600
          Telephone: 370-2-232555
          Fax: 370-2-232553

     Description of services provided and types of students dealt with:
     Recognition of foreign diplomas, courses and period of studies.

Principal multilateral agreements adopted by the country relating to recognition of studies, degrees and diplomas

Year of signature: 1994

Student services

     Main student services at national level

     Name of service: Association for the exchange of students for technical experience (IAESTE)
          Street: Daiva Beisiene, K. Donelaieio 73
          City: Kaunas
          Postal code: 3006
          Telephone: 370-7-202306
          Fax: 370-7-02640

Student expenses and financial aid

 Tuition and fees for national students  Tuition and fees for foreign students 
 Minimum: Lithuanian Litas 0  Minimum: US Dollar 2000
 Maximum: Lithuanian Litas 12000  Maximum: US Dollar 4000
      Publication(s) listing scholarships/grants/loans available

     Title:                             Study Abroad, 1996-1997
     Publisher:                     UNESCO
     Year of publication:    1995


     Date:         1995/1996
     Source:     International Association of Universities (IAU)