Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

University of Latvia

Address 19 Raina blvd., Riga, Latvia, LV–1586
Tel. No. +371-7229885
Fax No. +371-7225039, +371-7820113
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Faculty of History and Philosophy
  • Faculty of Biology
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Theology
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Type of courses Bachelor's Degree (Bakalaureus)
    Master's degrees
    Doctoral degree
    Date of commencement September
    Accommodation Students who have been accepted at the University of Latvia should notify the International Office by June 30 of their intention to live in the University dormitory, otherwise the University can not guarantee accommodation there because the possibilities are very limited.
    Usually all international students are housed in separate rooms with communal kitchen on each floor.
    Fees The tuition fee for international students (both undergraduate and graduate) is 2000 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences.
    Doctorate Course tuition fee is 2500 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences.
    Admission requirements International undergraduate applicants are required to have completed their secondary education and must possess university eligibility in their own country.
    Students who plan to complete their entire undergraduate education and receive a Bachelor's degree at the University of Latvia must pass the Latvian language test.
    Admission will be based on the results of the passed test and the results of other supplementary tests if needed.
    Contact for application Alina Grzibovska
    International Office
    Fax: +371-7243091
    Phone: +371-7034334
    E mail:

    Faculty of Economics


    Director of the Programme - Inta Ciemiòa, Associate Professor, Dr.oec. phone (+371)­7­226695

    Degree - Bachelor of Economics ­ B.oec.

    Certificate - B.oec.

    Admission Requirements - Certificate of general secondary education

    Entrance examinations - Mathematics, a test in the Latvian language

    Duration of studies - 8 semesters

    Degree requirements - to Master the Programme, to write and to defend the Bachelor's thesis, to pass examinations for the Bachelor's degree in Economics and in Foreign Language.


    The Programme consists of 3 parts:

    A ­ Compulsory part, which comprise not less than 50 per cent of credits. This part includes the following subjects: Introduction to National Economy, Microeconomics, Statistics, Mathematics, Theory of Money and Credit, Accountancy, Macroeconomics, Entrepreneurship Economy, Law, etc

    B ­ elective subjects that ensure specialization in the following branches: Statistics, National Economy, Entrepreneurship Economics, Finances and Credit, Stock­taking, monitoring and analysis of economic activities, Economics analysis.

    C ­ optional subjects from any other programme of the University of Latvia.

    Annual papers: an annual paper is to be written every academic year, evaluation of which adds credits to Part A.


    Programme Director - Ludmila Frolova, Dr.hab.oec., Professor, phone (+371)­2­226413

    Degree - Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

    Diploma - Bachelor of Business administration (BBA)

    Enrollment requirements - Certificate of general secondary education

    Entrance examinations - tests in Mathematics and in the Latvian language

    Duration of studies - 8 semesters

    Degree requirements - to acquire the full programme (to collect at least 144 credit points), to work out and to defend Bachelor's thesis (20 credit points).


    The programme consists of 3 parts:

    A ­ Compulsory part (approx. 58%) of the programme. The courses of this part provide theoretical basics of business administration. They are: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Statistics, Accounting, Enterprise's organization and management, Sociology and psychology of management, Mathematics, Economic Informatics, System analysis.

    B ­ part ­ elective courses (approx. 30%) allow to choose a narrower specialization. They begin in the 5th semester and give possibility to choose one of six following study directions: Economic Informatics; Organisation of Municipalities; Production Management; International Economic Relations; Tourism and Hotel Management; Environmental and Business Administration; Quality Management.

    C ­ part of free choice (approx. 12 %) is chosen by the student from courses of the University of Latvia. The recommended courses in part C are compiled by programme director.


    Programme Director - Valda Balçvièa, docent, Dr. oec.

    Qualification - economist (financial manager)

    Diploma - higher professional qualification diploma of economist (financial manager)

    Admission requirements - certificate of general secondary education

    Entering examinations - selection based upon marks in secondary educatrion certificate and interview

    Duration of studies 10 semesters

    Requirements for degree - completion of study programme and professional practice; to write and defend diploma thesis; to pass qualification examinations in English and Economics.


    Programme consists of three main parts and three additional parts.

    Part A ­ mandatory part; its overall weight is 50% of credits. This part contains Microeconomics, Mathematics for Economists, Money and Credit Theory, Statistics, Basics of Finance, Macroeconomics, Investment, Business Law, Strategic and Operational Planning, Business Financing, Money and Banking Systems, Insurance, Accounting Fundamentals, Financial Accounting, Banking Accounting, Bank Credit and Clearing Operations, State and Local Government Finance, Tax Administration, Securities Market, Auditing Fundamentals, Bank Operation Analysis, Bank Law and Financial Analysis.

    Part B ­ obligatory elective courses that assure deeper specialisation in different finances-relation fields. Its overall weight is 40% of credits. This part contains Economic Informatics, Foreign Language, Pricing Model, Deposit Operations, Risk Theory, Capital Valuation Methods, International Economics, Finance and International Financial Institutions etc.

    Part C ­ free optional courses (weight is 10%). Course projects ­ on 2nd year in Money and Credit Theory, on 3rd year in Basics of Finance, on 4th year in Investment, Business Financing or Insurance Practice on 6th semester in finance, on 8th semester in accounting, on 9th semester in banking. Writing and defence of Diploma thesis and passing of State examination and the graduates are eligible for entrance to Master's programmes.

    This professional study programme comprises bachelor programme in economics.


    Director of the programme - Inta Ciemiòa, Dr.oec., assoc.Prof., phone (+371)­7­226695.

    Degree - Master of Science (economics) ­M.oec.

    Certificate - M.oec.

    Admission Requirements - Bachelor's degree (Economics) or a certificate of five­year higher education in Economics.

    Duration of studies - 4 semesters

    Degree requirements - mastering the programme, pasing Master's Degree examination, writing and defence of Master's thesis


    The programme allows specialization in the following fields: Statistics; Demography; Macroeconomics; Enterpreneurship Economics; Stock­taking, control and analysis of economic activities; Finances and Credit; Mathematical Economics.

    The Programme consists of 2 parts:

    A ­ Compulsory part, which is common to all the sub­specialties and which comprises not less than 20 per cent of the credits.

    B ­ Compulsory part, which is different in each sub-programme.

    Master's degree Project is an independent theoretical research work of a scientific publication level. It is defended at the end of the course. The supervisor of the Project may be a staff member from the University of Latvia or a Latvian or foreign research worker. In some cases the Master of Science degree Project can be written abroad.


    Programme Director - Ludmila Frolova, Dr.hab.oec., Professor, phone (+371)­7­226413

    The Degree - Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    Diploma - Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    Admission Requirements - Bachelor of Business Administration degree or a diploma of higher education in economics.

    Entrance examinations - Foreign language (specialised in economics)

    Duration of studies - 4 semesters

    Requirements for the Degree - full coverage of the programme, Master's thesis (written and defended).

    ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME The programme (80 credits in total) consists of theoretical courses (45 credits) and the Master's thesis. More­in­depth studies are available in one of the three sub­programmes: Theory of Management; Environment and Business Administration; International Economy and Business; Management Information Systems; Management of Property value estimation.

    The Theory of Management programme consists of courses related to state economical policy and international economic relations, methodology of decision ­ making and analytic approach.

    The Object of research in the Environment and Business Administration programme is protection of environment of Riga region and the Baltic Sea under conditions of intensive business activities. An analytic approach is used applying methodology of simulation and prognosis.

    The International Economy and Business programme is developed according to the current political, social and economic changes in Latvia and Latvia's aspirations for integration in to economy of Europe and the world.

    The core of the management information Systems sub-programme consists of courses providing knowledge and skills for usage of newest information technologies for decision ­ making.

    Property evaluation management sub-programme is oriented towards training of specialists for privatisation process.

    All sub­programmes includes courses which allow to study problems of risk analysis and strategic management, project management and social psychology.


    Director of Programme - Edvîns Vanags, Dr.hab.oec., Professor. phone (+371)­7­286876

    Degree - Master of Public Administration (MPA)

    Entrance requirements - Bachelor's degree or a diploma of five­year studies in Public Administration, Business Administration, Economics, Political Science or Law.

    Duration of studies - 4 semesters

    Degree requirements - acquiring of 12 theoretical courses, writing and defence of Masters work

    ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME The programme includes theoretical courses (compulsory and optional) and Master's thesis. The programme has been compiled using the experience of the Western European countries, USA and Canada, the NASPAA Standards for Professional Master's Degree Programmes in Public Affairs and Administration, as well as the latest tendencies in the USA of implementation of the principles of business administration in public administration.

    Nine courses out of twelve are compulsory. The programme consists of the following courses. Theory of Management, Personnel Management, Principles of Public Administration, Organization of State Administration and Local Governance, Foreign Political Systems and Governments, Communication and Ethics, Policy Analysis, Public Budgeting and Finance, Public Law, macroeconomics, project management, managament information system. In addition, 3 of the offered elective courses have to be chosen.

    Master's thesis is a research work with an original approach in the science of public administration. It can be elaborated using concrete cases and examples (at levels of both central and local governmants), taking into account the newest findings in public administration.

    According to the programmes of Euro-Faculty and US Baltic Foundation guest lectures take part in carrying out the Master's programme.

    About the University

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