Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

University of Latvia

Address 19 Raina blvd., Riga, Latvia, LV–1586
Tel. No. +371-7229885
Fax No. +371-7225039, +371-7820113
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Faculty of History and Philosophy
  • Faculty of Biology
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Theology
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Type of courses Bachelor's Degree (Bakalaureus)
    Master's degrees
    Doctoral degree
    Date of commencement September
    Accommodation Students who have been accepted at the University of Latvia should notify the International Office by June 30 of their intention to live in the University dormitory, otherwise the University can not guarantee accommodation there because the possibilities are very limited.
    Usually all international students are housed in separate rooms with communal kitchen on each floor.
    Fees The tuition fee for international students (both undergraduate and graduate) is 2000 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences.
    Doctorate Course tuition fee is 2500 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences.
    Admission requirements International undergraduate applicants are required to have completed their secondary education and must possess university eligibility in their own country.
    Students who plan to complete their entire undergraduate education and receive a Bachelor's degree at the University of Latvia must pass the Latvian language test.
    Admission will be based on the results of the passed test and the results of other supplementary tests if needed.
    Contact for application Alina Grzibovska
    International Office
    Fax: +371-7243091
    Phone: +371-7034334
    E mail:

    Faculty of Chemistry


    Director of Programme - Jânis Drçìeris, Dr.hab.chem., Professor, phone (+371)­7­377436

    Degree - Bachelor of Chemistry (B.chem.)

    Diploma - Bachelor of Chemistry (B.chem.)

    Entrance requirements - Diploma of general secondary education; admission is based on the chemistry, physics and mathematics

    Entrance exams - test in chemistry, a test in the Latvian language

    Duration of studies - 8 semesters, but considering there is possibility to finish studies in a shorter period of time

    Degree requirements
    ­ study programme must be completed
    ­ graduation examination in foreign language must be passed;
    ­ five projects must be worked out and defended (course project and Bachelor's project).


    The programme consists of 3 parts:

    A ­ the compulsory part ­ 131 credits­ contains the main fields of chemistry (general, inorganic, analytical, organic, physical and quantum chemistry), as well as courses necessary for specialization in chemistry (physics, mathematics, usage of computers in chemistry, etc.).

    B ­ elective part ­ 18 credits ­ contains areas of chemistry which are connected with personal interests or further postgraduate studies.

    C ­ option part ­ 16 credits ­ contains different courses from other study programmes available in the University of Latvia.


    Director of the programme - Jânis Drçìeris, Prof., Dr.hab.chem., phone (+371)­7­377436

    Degree - Master of Chemistry (M.chem.)

    Diploma - Master of Chemistry (M.chem.)

    Entrance requirements - Bachelor's degree in Chemistry or a diploma of higher education (five­year studies) in chemistry. Bachelor's degree in Physics, Geology, Geography and Biology are also acceptable, but admission is based upon the entrance examinations in chemistry

    Entrance examinations - Chemistry (for B. phys. and B. biol.)

    Duration of studies - 4 semesters (considering the system of credits there is a possibility to finish studies in a shorter period of time)

    Degree requirements - completion of the study programme ­ 80 credits, presentation and defence of Master's thesis


    The Masters degree programme is designed in such a way that students may sub-specialise in the following branches of chemistry: inorganic chemistry; chemical monitoring of environment; organic chemistry; food chemistry and expertise; didactics of chemistry; physical chemistry; environmental chemistry; bioorganic chemistry.

    The programme consists of 2 parts:

    A ­ compulsory part ­ 66 credits ­ contains the main courses of specialisation, which are necessary for academic education in the chemistry. The research project related to the specialisation has to be worked out and its thesis defended.

    B ­ option part ­ 14 credits ­ contains different courses of chemistry and fields related to the programme.

    Master's thesis is a result of an original theoretical or experimental research in chemistry. The research results should meet the requirements for publishing in a journal of chemistry. The thesis must be defended at the end of studies. Supervisor of this work can be a staff member of the University of Latvia or a scientist of a research institute. In special cases the project can be worked out in establishments of higher education abroad.

    About the University

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