Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

University of Latvia

Address 19 Raina blvd., Riga, Latvia, LV–1586
Tel. No. +371-7229885
Fax No. +371-7225039, +371-7820113
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Faculty of History and Philosophy
  • Faculty of Biology
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Theology
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Type of courses Bachelor's Degree (Bakalaureus)
    Master's degrees
    Doctoral degree
    Date of commencement September
    Accommodation Students who have been accepted at the University of Latvia should notify the International Office by June 30 of their intention to live in the University dormitory, otherwise the University can not guarantee accommodation there because the possibilities are very limited.
    Usually all international students are housed in separate rooms with communal kitchen on each floor.
    Fees The tuition fee for international students (both undergraduate and graduate) is 2000 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences.
    Doctorate Course tuition fee is 2500 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences.
    Admission requirements International undergraduate applicants are required to have completed their secondary education and must possess university eligibility in their own country.
    Students who plan to complete their entire undergraduate education and receive a Bachelor's degree at the University of Latvia must pass the Latvian language test.
    Admission will be based on the results of the passed test and the results of other supplementary tests if needed.
    Contact for application Alina Grzibovska
    International Office
    Fax: +371-7243091
    Phone: +371-7034334
    E mail:

    Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences


    Programme Director - Oļģerts Nikodēmus, Associate Professor, Dr.geog., phone (+371)­7­ 332627

    Degree -

    Degree - Bachelor of Geography (B.geo)

    Diploma - Bachelor of Geography (B.geo)

    Admission Requirements - Diploma of general secondary education

    Entrance examinations - Tests in Geography and test in the Latvian language

    Duration of studies - 48 semesters

    Degree Requirements - The students must complete a full degree programme; every candidate must submit and defend a thesis.


    The Study Programme consists from three parts:

    A ­ Compulsory part, is compared of basic courses of Geography and Earth Sciences: Basics of Physical Geography, Basics of Human Geography, General Geology, Cartography, Soil Sciences, Systems of Geographical Information, Introduction to Remote Sensing, Biogeography, Landscape Sciences, Climatology and Basics of Meteorology, Geomorphology, Hydrology, Economic Geography, Social Geography, Population and Urban Geography, Regional and Environmental Geography, Geography of Latvia, Geography of the Baltic Sea Region, European Regional Geography, World Regional Geography.

    B ­ Elective courses according to the chosen speciality and general education: language, Introduction to Computer Sciences, Mathematical Methods in Geography, Chemistry with basics of Geochemistry, Introduction to Environmental Sciences, Basics of Geodesy, Earth Physics, General Biology, Ecology, Oceanography, Basics of Political Science, Basics of Sociology, Political Geography, Tourism Geography, Land Evaluation and Cadastre, Resources Geography, Geology and geomorphology of Latvia, Basics of Spatial Planning, Transport Geography, Geography of Russia, Geography of Lithuania and Estonia, Geography of North America, etc.

    C ­ open courses, additional studies according to any other study programme of the University, with recommendation and acceptance of the Programme director. Open courses are mostly from the tuition programmes of Geology, Ecology, Biology, History and Economics.

    Presentation and defence of the course works and projects is obligatory at the end of 1.,2., and 5. semesters.

    After 2nd and 4th semesters there are four weeks field courses in physical and human geography , geology and geodesy.


    Programme Director - Docent, Dr.geol. Valdis Segliņš, phone (+371)­7­331766

    Degree - Bachelor of Geology (B.geol.)

    Diploma - Bachelor of Geology (B.geol.)

    Admission requirements - Diploma of general secondary education with a grade in Physics

    Admission examination - Tests in geography and Latvian language

    Duration of studies - 8 semesters

    Degree requirements - Complete mastering of the programme, passing of final examination in specialisation, writing and defending of thesis.

    A ­ Compulsory part consists of basic courses of Geology, Geography and natural sciences ­ Earth physics, General chemistry with principles of Geochemistry, General Geology, Mathematical methods in Geosciences, Physical Chemistry, Mineralogy with principles of Crystallography, historical Geology, Topography with principles of Geodesy, Computer science, Geomorphology, Nature Protection and Usage of Natural Resources, Petrography, Quaternary Geology, Paleontology with principles of Paleoecology, Soil science, Sedimentology, Tectonics, Structural Geology, Hydrogeology, Geophysical Research Methods, Geological Structure and Development of Latvia, Geochemistry, Methods of Geographic Information and Computer Cartography, Engineering Geology with basics of Soil Mechanics, Regional Geology of Eurasia, Methods of distance research in Geosciences, Research and Geology of Minerals, Geologic Cartography, Business Geology, Field Course of Geology.

    B ­ elective courses according to chosen speciality: foreign languages, General Biology, Introduction to Natural and Anthropogenic Environmental Science, Introduction to General Geography of Nature, Introduction to Geology and Research Techniques, General Ecology, Introduction to Nature Philosophy, Introduction to Human Geography, Methodology of Natural Sciences, other courses of Geology and basic courses of Bachelor's programmes in Geography and in Environmental Science.

    C ­ open courses, additional courses from according to any other programme of the University with recommendation and acceptance of the Programme director.

    Presentation and defence of the course works is obligatory at the end of semesters 2., 4. and 6.


    Programme director - Professor, Dr.hab.chemistry Māris Kļaviņš, phone (+371)­7­ 331766

    Degree - Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

    Admission Requirements - Bachelor of Natural Sciences (B.Sc.Nat.)

    Entrance exam - mathematics, a test in the Latvian language

    Study duration - 8 semesters (4 academic years).

    Degree requirements Mastering of programme (162 credit points); Bachelor's thesis; Bachelor's examination.


    A Core curriculum ­ 94 credit points: Calculus, Differential Equations, Mathematical Analysis, Analytic Geometry, Algebra, Probability Theory, Mathematical Logic, Computer Science, Theory of Complex Function.

    B Elective courses: ­ 53 credit points: Discrete Mathematics, Optimisation Methods, Operation Research, Physics, Algorithm Theory, Numerical Algorithms, History of Mathematics, Topology, Differential Geometry, Functional Analysis.

    C Additional course Studies of one foreign language, free choice of courses in humanities, economics and business, etc. Bachelor's thesis on an original topic at one of the chairs of the University of Latvia or Institutes of Academy of Sciences must be written. Bachelor's examination is organised by the Examination Commission of the faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of Latvia. B courses of Bachelor studies may contain a theoretical minimum required to obtain a mathematics teacher professional certification. In this case the teacher's practical training and pedagogical and psychological subjects must be chosen.


    Director of the programme - Ivars Lācis, Dr.hab. Phys., Prof., phone (+371)­7­260585 Fax: (+371)­7­260796

    Degree - Bachelor of Science Diploma - Bachelor of Natural Sciences (B.Sc.Nat.)

    Admission Criteria - Diploma of general secondary education

    Selection procedures - Tests in geography and Latvian language

    Duration of Regular Programme - 8 semesters

    Degree acquisition requirements -The students must complete full degree programme; every candidate must submit and defend Bachelor's thesis.

    The programme consists of 3 parts: A ­ compulsory courses are divided into three groups:

    1. Earth Science course providing information on the processes going on in the main spheres (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere).
    2. Ecology course providing information on biological processes and interactions between living beings.
    3. Environmental Science and Management course. The course units are: environment degrading factors, conditions and technologies, environmental recovery and renovation of resources, environmental policy and management, environmental economics, legal aspects of environmental protection.

    B ­ This group brings together elective courses according to students' interests.

    C ­ This part includes free choice courses from other programmes of the University of Latvia.

    Students take 4 weeks field works in semesters 2 and 4 in Geology, Geomorphology, Soil Science, Botany and Zoology.

    Students have to present course works in semesters 2, 4 and 6.


    Programme Director - Oļģerts Nikodemus, Associate Professor, Dr.geogr., phone (+371)­7­332627

    Degree - Master of Science in Geography (M.Sc. in Geography)

    Diploma - Master of Science in Geography

    Admission Requirements - Applicants should have a Bachelor's degree or a Diploma of 5­year higher education in Geography

    Duration - 4 semesters

    Degree Requirements - students must complete a full degree programme, every candidate for M.Sc. must submit and defend a thesis


    Course programme leading to the Master of Science degree in Geography envisages the following sub-programmes: Nature Geography, Human Geography, Landscape Ecology, Spatial Planning, Development Planning of Sites and Regions, Didactic in Geography.

    Course programme consists of 3 parts:

    Part A ­ compulsory courses are common for all subprogrammes. They are following: Nature Geography, Enviromental Geography, Geographical Information systems and Cartography, Human Geography.

    Part B ­ Special courses depend on each specialisation.

    Part C ­ Open courses­ can be chosen from any study programme of the University of Latvia but must be co-ordinated and approved by the programme director. Courses from studies programmes of Geology, Environmental Sciences, Biology, History and Economics are recommended.

    The theoretical part of the Master's programme includes acquiring of the results of fundamental studies and methodology of research in the chosen field as well as introduction to discutable problems. The theoretical part is oriented towards independent studying of scientific literature. Practical works are also provided to acquire specific research methods.

    Master's thesis should be a result of the candidate's own research comprising factual information obtained or processed by the candidate. It should contain original scientific conclusions. Master's thesis is elaborated under supervision of a member of academic staff.


    Programme - Director Professor, Dr.hab.Geol. Visvaldis Kuršs, phone (+371)­7­331766

    Degree - Master of Science in Geology (M.Sc. in Geology)

    Diploma - Master of Science in Geology

    Admission Requirements - Bachelor's degree or a Diploma of 5­year higher education in geology

    Duration of studies - 4 semesters

    Degree requirements - completion of the degree programme, submiting and defence of Master's thesis


    Course programme leading to the Master of Science degree in Geology envisages specialisation in one of the following branches: Paleontology and Stratigraphy; Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology; Geology of Minerals and Sedimentology; Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology.

    Course programme consists of 2 parts:

    Part A ­ compulsory courses in geology undertaken by all the students of the chosen specialisation.

    Part B ­ study courses depending on the chosen speciality.

    Master's thesis is a student's own research work or a research project done under supervision of a member of the academic staff or other scientist from Latvia or foreign countries having an experience in the appropriate field. The research project should be written in accordance with the requirements for scientific publications.


    Director of the programme - Māris Kļaviņš, Dr.Hab.Chem., phone (+371)­7­331766

    Degree - M.Sc.Nat.

    Diploma - M.Sc.Nat. in environmental science

    Admission requirements - Bachelor's degree in any of the natural sciences

    Duration - 4 semesters

    Degree Requirements - full covering of the Programme, Master's thesis written and defended


    The objective of the programme is to provide education in environmental science stressing its interdisciplinary character. Programme includes aspects of environmental protection, regional planning and rational usage of resources.

    Programme consists of 3 parts:

    A­ compulsory courses,

    B­ optional courses,

    C­ free optional courses.

    Students have to gain at least 79 credits.

    Programme includes courses developing students' research skills.

    The project work for Master's thesis can be carried out either at University or a scientific institution of the Academy of Sciences or in governmental institutions.


    Faculty Centre for Environmental Science and Management Studies (programme approved in Faculty of Geography and Earth sciences)

    Director of the Programme - Dr.ped., doc. Raimonds Ernšteins phone (+371)­7229356

    Degree - Master of Science (in environmental science and management)

    Enrollment regulations - BA or BSc degree or a diploma of 5­year higher education

    Duration of Studies - 4 semesters

    Requirements for the Degree - full completion of the programme, elaboration and defence of Master's thesis (80 credit points in total)


    During the MSc course in the environmental science and management, the students are being prepared to solve scientific and methodological environmental protection as well as interdisciplinary environmental education problems on the basis of their previous education and specialisation at any of the faculties and developing the necessary skills and knowledge of the related natural, social sciences and the humanities as well as interaction and integration between them.

    The theoretical part of the course includes studies of the fundamental scientific facts in the relevant field as well as the latest developments and discussions.

    Training includes lecture courses and weekly (interdisciplinary) seminars, practical classes and excursions, making use of different interactive training forms (group work, case studies, simulation and modelling).

    The course consists of three parts:

    Part A ­ compulsory Subjects (22% of the total credits for the course): Introduction to Environmental Studies, Interdisciplinary Environmental Science.

    Part B ­ optional Subjects (40% of the total credits for the course). Environmental Policy and Project Management etc.

    MSc Thesis (38% of the total number of the credit points) is a research work which should contain original aspects in appropriate field and must be relevant for publication. Elaboration of the MSc thesis begins at the very beginning of the course and increasingly continues up to the end, emphasizing the freely chosen project themes in all the subjects at the second and third semester.

    In total 79 credits can be obtained at the MSc course in Environmental Science and Management.

    About the University

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