Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

University of Latvia

Address 19 Raina blvd., Riga, Latvia, LV–1586
Tel. No. +371-7229885
Fax No. +371-7225039, +371-7820113
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Faculty of History and Philosophy
  • Faculty of Biology
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Theology
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Type of courses Bachelor's Degree (Bakalaureus)
    Master's degrees
    Doctoral degree
    Date of commencement September
    Accommodation Students who have been accepted at the University of Latvia should notify the International Office by June 30 of their intention to live in the University dormitory, otherwise the University can not guarantee accommodation there because the possibilities are very limited.
    Usually all international students are housed in separate rooms with communal kitchen on each floor.
    Fees The tuition fee for international students (both undergraduate and graduate) is 2000 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences.
    Doctorate Course tuition fee is 2500 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences.
    Admission requirements International undergraduate applicants are required to have completed their secondary education and must possess university eligibility in their own country.
    Students who plan to complete their entire undergraduate education and receive a Bachelor's degree at the University of Latvia must pass the Latvian language test.
    Admission will be based on the results of the passed test and the results of other supplementary tests if needed.
    Contact for application Alina Grzibovska
    International Office
    Fax: +371-7243091
    Phone: +371-7034334
    E mail:

    Faculty of Physics and Mathematics


    Programme Director - Mâris Treimanis,, Associate Professor, phone (+371)­2­ 223­832

    Degree -

    Diploma -

    Admission Requirements - Diploma of general Secondary Education

    Entrance examinations - Mathematics, a test in the Latvian language

    Duration of studies - 4 years (8 semesters)

    Degree Requirements - 154 points and Bachelor's thesis (10 points).


    Programme in Computer Sciences consists of:

    A­ Core Courses (95 points).

    Computer Sciences (38 points): Computers and programming, Data structures, Fundamental algorithms, Computer architecture, Formal specifications, Database systems, Operating systems, Programming languages, Theory of algorithms. Mathematics and Physics (39 points): Mathematical analysis, Discrete mathematics, Calculus, Algebra, Differential equations, Numerical methods, Probability and mathematical statistics, Mathematical logic, Physics. Projects (18 points): Individual software project (4 points), Course paper (4 points), Bachelor's work (10 points).

    B ­ Elective Courses (50 points): gives specialization in : Computer Sciences (34 points), Mathematics & Physics (16 points).

    C ­ Free choice courses (19 points): Humanitarian and Social Courses, Foreign language. Programme is designed according to computer science programmes in Universities of USA and Europe, considering achievements of modern computer science and peculiarities of Latvia.


    Programme Director - Prof. Edvîns Ðilters, Dr.Phys., phone (+371)­2­228004

    Degree - Bachelor of Science in Physics, B.Phys.

    Admission requirements - Diploma of general secondary education with a grade in Physics

    Admission examination - Physics, a test in the Latvian language

    Duration of studies - 8 semesters (4 academic years)

    Degree requirements - Mastering of Programme (165 credit points); 24 Achievement Tests; Bachelor's thesis; Bachelor's examination.


    A­Core curriculum: 98 credit points: VF­Experimental Physics (Mechanics, Structure of Matter and Heat, Optics, Atomic and Subatomic Physics); FL­ Physics Laboratory; TF­Theoretical Physics (Theoretical Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics); AM­Mathematics (Calculus, Algebra, Geometry, Differential Equations, Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical Methods of Physics); T­Electronics, Computer Science.

    B ­Elective courses: ­53 credit points. Theoretical Physics, Physic's Teaching Methods, Optics and Spectroscopy, Laser Physics, Solid State Physics, Electronics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, etc. C additional courses ­ 15 credit points: Studies of one foreign language is required, free choice of courses in humanities, economics and business. Bachelor's thesis (10 credit points) on an original topic at one of the departments of the University of Latvia or at an Institute of Academy of Sciences must be written. The thesis must be defended at the department which provided the B course to the particular student. Bachelor's examination (in experimental and theoretical physics) is organised by the Examination Commission of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of the Latvia. B courses of the Bachelor studies may contain a theoretical minimum required to obtain secondary school physics teacher profession certification. In this case a teachers' practical training and pedagogical and psychological subjects must be chosen.


    Programme director - Associate Professor Ojârs Judrups, Dr.Math. phone (+371)­2­ 227130 or 615753

    Degree - Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

    Admission Requirements - Diploma of general secondary education with a grade in Mathematics

    Entrance exam - mathematics, a test in the Latvian language

    Study duration - 8 semesters (4 academic years).

    Degree requirements Mastering of programme (162 credit points); Bachelor's thesis; Bachelor's examination.


    A Core curriculum ­ 94 credit points: Calculus, Differential Equations, Mathematical Analysis, Analytic Geometry, Algebra, Probability Theory, Mathematical Logic, Computer Science, Theory of Complex Function.

    B Elective courses: ­ 53 credit points: Discrete Mathematics, Optimisation Methods, Operation Research, Physics, Algorithm Theory, Numerical Algorithms, History of Mathematics, Topology, Differential Geometry, Functional Analysis.

    C Additional course Studies of one foreign language, free choice of courses in humanities, economics and business, etc. Bachelor's thesis on an original topic at one of the chairs of the University of Latvia or Institutes of Academy of Sciences must be written. Bachelor's examination is organised by the Examination Commission of the faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of Latvia. B courses of Bachelor studies may contain a theoretical minimum required to obtain a mathematics teacher professional certification. In this case the teacher's practical training and pedagogical and psychological subjects must be chosen.


    Director of the programme - Ivars Lâcis, Dr.hab. Phys., Prof., phone (+371)­7­260585 Fax: (+371)­7­260796

    Degree - Bachelor of Science Diploma - B.Sc. in Optometry programme

    Admission Criteria - Diploma of general secondary education

    Selection procedures - Written examination in Mathematics, a test in the Latvian language

    Duration of Regular Programme - 8 semesters

    Degree acquisition requirements - To fulfil programme obligations, to work out and to present Bachelor's thesis, to pass the exam in optometry.


    Academic contents of the programme consists of natural sciences and medicine and deals with studies of a human vision system and its non invasive treatment. The programme consists of three parts with a semester hour credits sum of 160.

    A ­ obligatory part (90 credits) contains: course of natural sciences ­ Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry; courses of specialization ­ Human anatomy, Eye Diseases, Bases of Clinical Decision Making, etc. Bachelor's thesis.

    B ­ compulsory elective part (58 credits) contains courses of natural sciences, medicine, optometry, social and human sciences, Bachelor's thesis.

    C ­ free selection part (12 credits).

    The programme ensures:

    1. an academic education and possibilities for advanced graduate studies in natural sciences and optometry;
    2. the theoretical background needed to apply for admission to professional study program.


    Programme Director - Kârlis Ðteiners, Dr.math., Docent, phone (+371)-7 615 353

    Qualification - Secondary School teacher of mathematics

    Diploma - Higher Professional Teacher qualification diploma

    Admission requirements - Certificate of General Secondary Education

    Entrance examinations - Exam in Mathematics (written) and test in Latvian

    Duration of studies - 10 semesters

    Degree requirements - Mastering of programme, qualification exam and defence of the Diploma thesis


    The programme objective is to prepare highly qualified teachers of secondary school. The obtained Diploma for graduates opens also the possibility to continue their academic education in Master programmes. The programme consists of two parts: A - compulsory courses and B and C - elective courses. The total volume of the academic work of programme corresponds to 200 credit points.

    Part A: Compulsory courses- includes the courses in Mathematical Analysis, Algebra, Mathematical Logic, Analytic Geometry, Theory of Functions of Complex Variable, Differential Equations, Computer Science, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, General Psychology, Development Psychology, Environmental psychology, General Pedagogy, Methodics of Teaching Mathematics, Methodics of teaching Informatics, Problem Solving in Elementary Mathematics. The core curriculum includes also Pedagogical praxis, qualification exam and defence of the Diploma thesis.

    Part B: Electives options- gives possibility to students to choose from the given sets of courses that ones, which more correspond to spheres of interest: Topology, Number theory, Mathematical Physics, Didactics of instrumental Mathematics, Elements of Combinatorics, Special methods in Elementary mathematics, Computers in the Process of Education, Different Level Math Problems, Methods of Teaching Calculus, History of Mathematics, Problems of Optimization Education, Family Psychology and Ethics.

    Part C: Free options - courses of free choice from LU course catalogue.


    Director of the programme - Associate Professor Jânis Vucâns, Dr. math. phone (+371)­7­615 646; e­mail:

    Awarded Diploma - Higher Professional Education in Mathematics and Statistics

    Awarded qualification - Mathematician ­ Statistician

    Admission requirements - Certificate of General Secondary Education

    Entrance examinations - Exam in Mathematics (written) and a test in Latvian

    Study duration - 10 semesters

    Diploma requirements - Mastering of programme, including the pre­diploma practice, qualification exam and defence of a Diploma thesis

    ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME Objective of the programme is to prepare highly qualified specialists for the positions of mathematicians, statisticians and dealing analysts. Holders of the Diploma are eligible to continue their academic education in Master programmes. The programme consists of two parts ­ core curriculum and elective courses. The total of the academic work of programme 200 credit points. The core curriculum (154 credit points) includes the courses in Mathematical Analysis, Algebra, Mathematical Logic, Analytical Geometry, Theory of Functions of Complex Variable, Differential Equations, Computer Science, Software Packages, Numerical Methods of Approximation, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Time Series Analysis, Random Processes, Operations Research, Theoretical and Numerical Optimisation, Foundations of Natural Sciences, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometric Analysis, Mathematical Modelling of Economic Processes. The core curriculum includes also the qualification exam, pre­diploma praxis and defence of the Diploma thesis. The elective part of the programme (46 credit points) gives the possibility to students to choose from the given sets of courses that ones, which more correspond to their spheres of interest: Topology, Number Theory, Mathematical Physics, as well as the number of courses in Optimisation of Dynamic Systems and in Applied Statistics (Open Key Cryptography, Multi­Dimensional Statistical Analysis, Survey Sampling, Decision Making, Methods of Automata Control and Diagnostics, Foundations of Actuarial Mathematics, Microeconomics of Insurance, Theory and Management of Securities). Students can choose some courses (8 credit points) absolutely freely from the courses taught at the University of Latvia or at the other universities.


    Programme Director - Vitolds Grabovskis, Dr. Phys. Telephone: (+ 371) 2 261094 Mob. telephone: (+371) 9 242213

    Qualification - Optometrist

    Diploma - Professional Optometrist Diploma

    Admission requirements - Diploma of Bachelor or Master in Optometry Diploma of Higher Education in Medicine

    Entrance Examinations - Interview

    Duration of Studies - 1 year

    Degree Requirements:
    1. Practical work with patients: vision correction with glasses or contact lenses.
    2. Theoretical Test in health care and optometry (in writen form).


    The objective of the Professional Study Programme in Optometry is to improve and perfect the clinical skills and theoretical knowledge of the graduates in optometry or medicine to make their qualification corresponding to the requirements of ECOO European Diploma in optometry. The scope of the study programme corresponds to 40 credit points.

    Part A corresponds to 20 credit points and includes the following: practical work in the clinic, including diagnostics and correction of refraction, binocular functions, the diagnostics of the anterior segment of the eye; contact lens correction; low vision correction and training of eye functions. In addition to the above the following courses are included in the study programme: general and intensive health care; methods of clinical diagnosing; general health of the body and its connection with changes in the eyes.

    Part B includes 6 optional courses and the students may choose them according to their interests. The courses are as follows: Clinical diagnosing of squint and its treatment; Contemporary problems in optometry; Pharmacology; Vision peculiarities of children and old people; Rehabilitation of low vision patients; Entrepreneurial activities in optometry. The applicants having diploma of higher academic medical education are expected to have successfully mastered the following courses: Introduction into optometry (2 credit points); Optics (4 credit points); Instruments in optometry (4 credit points); Ophthalmic optics (6 credit points); Optical materials (2 credit points); General physiology and eye anatomy (3 credit points); Vision physiology (2 credit points); Eye diseases (4 credit points); Refractive defects of the eye and their correction (6 credit points); Contact lenses ( 3 credit points); Technology of spectacles (4 credit points); Behavioural optometry (2 credit points). If necessary the applicants can acquire the above as an introductory course. The Professional Study Programme in Optometry has been approved of by the Latvian Association of Optics and Optometrists.


    Director of the programme - Jânis Bârzdiòð, Prof., Dr.Hab., phone (+371)­7­224363

    Degree - Masters of Computer Science (M. Sc. Comp.)

    Diploma - M. Sc. Comp

    Admission prerequisites - Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or in a related field (or an equivalent degree).

    Duration of programme - 4 semesters

    Graduation requirements - Full coverage of the programme, Master's thesis­ written and defended


    Programme is designed to be compatible similar curricula in the universities of USA and Scandinavian countries, but at the same time it is adjusted to the current needs of software industry in Latvia. It is mainly oriented towards construction of big and complicated programming, Information and data processing Systems. Still, the number of general courses (including theoretical) is sufficient to allow changing of sub­specialty to another direction of computer science. Students may specialise in the following five branches: Theory of Computer Science; System Modeling and Programming; Data Bases and Information Systems; Programming and Data Processing Systems; Computer Networks. The Programme consists of 3 parts:

    Part A includes compulsory courses.

    Part B includes elective courses of sub-specialisation.

    Part C includes free optional courses. During the fourth semester students must complete and defend Master's thesis gaining 25 credits points. To be awarded MSc degree the students must receive altogether 81 academic credit points and to defend Master's Thesis. Courses of the Programme cover the most recognised modern books in computer science. This allows possibility to combine lectures with reading of textbooks and scientific literature.


    Programme director - Prof. Edvîns Ðilters, Dr. Hab. Phys., phone (+371)­2­228004

    Degree - Master of Science in Physics

    Admission Requirements - Bachelor of Science degree or a diploma of 5­year higher education or exam in physics (if the specialty or the degree does not meet the requirements of Master's programme in physics)

    Study duration - 4 semesters

    Degree Requirements - the chosen Master's degree sub­programme must be completed; Candidates must defend Master's thesis and pass an oral examination (if required by the particular sub­programme).


    The programme includes acquiring of compulsory and optional courses, passing examinations, writing and defending of Master's thesis. The number of required credits depends on the particular Master's degree sub­programme and in average it is 80 credit points. The Master of Science in Physics Programme offers the following sub­programmes: Theoretical Physics; Solid State Physics; Chemical Physics; Continuous Media Physics; Teaching Methods of Physics; Solid State mechanics; Laser Physics, Technical and Spectroscopy; Physical Electronics; Oceanography and Coastal research; Astronomy; Biomedical Optics. The offered sub­programmes are related to the traditional research activities in Latvia. Master's thesis on an original topic must be written during the study programme. The content of the Master's thesis must meet the requirements for scientific publications. The thesis must be defended at Master's degree Examination Commission. Master's degree entitles the holder for further studies in doktoral programmes as well as to apply for teaching or reserch position at the institutions of higher education or research.


    Programme Director - Assoc. Professor Ojârs Judrups, Dr.Math. phone (+371)­2­227130, 615753

    Degree - Master of Science in Mathematics

    Admission Requirements - Bachelor of Science degree or a diploma of 5­year higher education in mathematics

    Admission test - Mathematics (if the Bachelor's final examination has not been passed)

    Study duration - 4 semesters

    Degree Requirements - The chosen Master's degree sub­programme must be completed; Candidates must defend Master's thesis

    ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME The objective of the programme is to prepare high qualified specialists that could pursue research work, work at teaching position in higher education institutions or use mathematics in engineering sciences or national economy. Programme provides acquiring of compulsory and optional courses. The number of required credit points depends on the particular Master's degree sub­programme and in average it is 80 credit points. The Master programme Mathematics offers the following sub­programmes: Mathematical structures in business and economy (Functional Analysis); Mathematical Modelling and Differential Equations; Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory; Function Theory; Topology; Modern Elementary Mathematics; Didactics of Mathematics. The offered sub­programmes are closely related to the traditional research activities in Latvia. Master's thesis on an original topic must be written during the two years of the study programme. The content of the Master's thesis must meet the requirements for scientific publications. The thesis must be defended at Master's degree Examination Commission.


    Director of the programme - Ivars Lâcis, Dr.habil.Phys., Prof., phone (+371)­7­260585; Fax: (+371)­7­260796

    Awarded Degree - Master of Science

    Awarded Diploma - M.Sc., In the Optometry programme

    Admission Requirements - Academic degree B.Sc., in Optometry programme; Higher education diploma in Natural sciences or in Medicine. The applicant enlisting for a two year course must have completed a minimum of 52 credit points with a mark 5 on better in the following subjects: General Chemistry (5 credit points), Biology (5), Organic Chemistry (5), Higher Mathematics (Calculus) (6), General Physics (6), Human Anatomy (3), Microbiology (3), Physiology of the Eye (4), Physiology of Vision (3), Refractive Disorders (6), Binocular Vision (3), General Psychology (3)

    Duration of the programme - 4 semesters

    Degree requirements - to fulfil programme reguirements, to work out and to defend Master's thesis

    ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME The programme ensures academic education and the holders of the Degree of M.Sc. may continue education in doctoral studies. At the same time it prepares highly qualified professional optometrists. The programme contains an obligatory part (32 credit points), elective part (23 credits) and Master's thesis (25 credits). Regular participation in scientific seminars is compulsory. The obligatory part of the programme comprises: Applied and Ophthalmic Optic, Anterior Segment Diseases, Clinical Decision­Making, Current Problems of Contact lenses, Abnormal Binocular Function, etc. studies. In the elective part the student can specialise, for example, in Physiological Optics or in Neuroscience.


    Programme Director - Andris Krûmiòð, Prof., Dr.hab.phys., phone (+371)­2­262933

    Academic Degree - M.Sc. in natural science

    Certificate - diploma of Master of natural science (in material science)

    Background - B.Sc. degree or a diploma of higher education in chemistry or physics.

    Period of studies - 4 semesters

    Degree Requirements - completion programme of studies, examination in material science, writing and defence of Master's thesis.

    ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME Programme in Material science is developed to provide either of the following sub-specialties: Inorganic materials: thin films, crystals, glasses; ceramics, composites; sensor technology; optoelectronic materials. Organic molecular materials: molecular electronics; Langmuire­Blodgett technology; organic optoelectronic materials. The programme consists of 4 parts:

    A ­ basic part of solid state physics and chemistry common to both specialties;

    B ­ basic part of chemistry, physics and technology specific to each specialization,

    C ­ optional part within the programme of specialization,

    D ­ selected courses of foreign languages and management.

    Master's thesis is an independent experimental and theoretical study qualified for publication. It is being prepared during the whole study period simultaneously with the theoretical studies. In special occasions the Master's thesis may be prepared abroad.

    About the University

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