Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

University of Latvia

Address 19 Raina blvd., Riga, Latvia, LV–1586
Tel. No. +371-7229885
Fax No. +371-7225039, +371-7820113
E-mail address
Faculties & Colleges
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Faculty of History and Philosophy
  • Faculty of Biology
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Theology
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Type of courses Bachelor's Degree (Bakalaureus)
    Master's degrees
    Doctoral degree
    Date of commencement September
    Accommodation Students who have been accepted at the University of Latvia should notify the International Office by June 30 of their intention to live in the University dormitory, otherwise the University can not guarantee accommodation there because the possibilities are very limited.
    Usually all international students are housed in separate rooms with communal kitchen on each floor.
    Fees The tuition fee for international students (both undergraduate and graduate) is 2000 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences.
    Doctorate Course tuition fee is 2500 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences.
    Admission requirements International undergraduate applicants are required to have completed their secondary education and must possess university eligibility in their own country.
    Students who plan to complete their entire undergraduate education and receive a Bachelor's degree at the University of Latvia must pass the Latvian language test.
    Admission will be based on the results of the passed test and the results of other supplementary tests if needed.
    Contact for application Alina Grzibovska
    International Office
    Fax: +371-7243091
    Phone: +371-7034334
    E mail:

    Faculty of History and Philosophy


    Director of the programme - Juris Rozenvalds, Dr.phil., Associate professor, phone (+371)­7­287279

    Diploma - B. phil

    Entrance requirements - Diploma of general secondary education

    Entrance exams - basic philosophy (written); a test in the Latvian language

    Duration of studies - 8 semesters

    Requirements for the degree - To acquire completely the study programme, to pass Bachelor's degree Examination and to write and defend Bachelor's degree Thesis


    Bachelor's Degree programme in Philosophy provides a possibility for students to specialize in the following trends: History of philosophy, Logic and methodology, Practical philosophy.

    Programme consists of three parts:
    A part ­ consisting of compulsory academic courses. It comprises not less than 50% of all the credits necessary to obtain during the studies.
    B part ­ includes elective courses from philosophical disciplines. It comprises 30% of all the credits of Bachelor's Degree programme.
    C part ­ includes optional courses from any other Bachelor's Degree study programme at the University. It comprises not less than 10% of all the credits.

    Bachelor's Degree Examination in general philosophy takes place at the end of the 8th semester.

    Annual papers ­ 2nd, 4th, 6th semesters

    Examination in foreign language ­ at the end of 4th semester.


    Programme director - Alberts Varslavâns, Professor, Dr.hab.hist., phone (+371)­7­283734

    Degree - Bachelor of History

    Diploma - B.hist.

    Admission requirements - Mark not less than 7 in computer science on certificate of general education

    Entrance exams - History, a test in the Latvian language

    Duration of studies - 8 semesters

    Requirements for degree - Full mastering of the programme, writing and defence of a Bachelor's thesis, Bachelor's Degree Examinations in history and a foreign language.


    The programme consists of three parts:
    A ­ compulsory subjects providing for not less than 50% of the total number of credit points. It includes the Latin language, Logic, basic History subjects like Ancient History and Medieval History, modern History, History of Latvia, History of Europe and Historiography course.
    B ­ elective subjects in specialized field, including foreign languages and more specialized study courses like Modern History of Great Britain, and specialized history disciplines, e.g. Archaeology, Ethnography, etc.
    C ­ elective subjects from any other programme of the University of Latvia.

    Programme Director is responsible for the list of subjects of Part C to be recommended to students.

    SPECIALIZATION: faculty offers more specialized study courses in the following fields: Medieval History of Western Europe, History of Eastern Europe, Modern History of Western Europe and America, History of Latvia, History Didactic.


    Director of the programme - Tâlis Tîsenkopfs, Associate Professor,, phone (+371)­7­ 284488

    Degree - Bachelor of Sociology (

    Admission Requirements - Certificate of general secondary education

    Entrance examinations - principles of sociology, a test in the Latvian language

    Duration of the studies - 8 semesters

    Degree requirements - students have to obtain at least 100 credits in the compulsory academic subjects (A part), at least 46 credits in the elective courses (B part), at least 18 credits in free optional courses (C part), they have to write and to defend a Bachelor's thesis and to pass the qualification examination of Bachelor of Sociology.


    The programme consists of 3 parts:
    A ­ compulsory academic subjects ­ Introduction to the branch, History of sociology, Modern Sociological Theories, Introduction to Mathematical Methods, Methods of Sociological Research, Introduction to Economics, Social Statistics, Social psychology, Essentials of economic theory, History of Sociology of Work and Organizations, Public Opinion Research, Sociology of Culture, Political Sociology, Social Policy, Qualitative Sociology, Sociology of Work, Social Forecasting, Social Philosophy, Rural sociology.
    B ­ specialty optional courses ­ General Psychology, Introduction to history of culture, Principles of computing and programming, Psychology of Contacts, Psychological methods in sociology, NSD­stat, History of philosophy, History of Latvia, Mathematical methods in sociology, SPSS/PC+ social sciences, Problems of economic development of Latvia, Logic, Research of small groups, History of culture of Latvia, History of religion, Economic of the world, Theory of communication, Political culture, Psychology of organisations, Sociology of family, Aesthetic, Strategy and tactics of political campaigns, Content analysis, Genesis and analysis of social problems, Theories of socialisation, Sociology of science, Sociological analysis of poverty, Sociology of education, Sociolinguistics, Interaction and research methods, Psychology of Personality, Business Sociology, Social Anthropology, Mass economic behaviour, Sociology of art and aesthetic culture, Sociologic and psychophysiologic principles of work organisation.
    C ­ free optional courses from other study programmes.

    Students have to work out an annual paper in their 3rd year of studies.


    Director of the programme - Signe Dobelniece, lect., MSc in SW, phone (+371)­7­284488

    Degree - Bachelor of Social sciences (

    Admission Requirements - Certificate of general secondary education

    Entrance examinations - Principles of sociology, a test in the Latvian language

    Duration of the studies - 8 semesters

    Requirements - students have to acquire the programme, to write and to defend a Bachelor's thesis and to pass a Bachelor's examination in Social Work.


    The programme consists of three parts:
    A ­ compulsory academic subjects (96 credits) ­ Introduction to the philosophy, Social Work, Sociology; Social legislation, Social ethics, Methodology and process of Social Work, as well as Foreign language.
    B ­ specialty elective courses (46 credits). This part consists of several psychological courses, for example Psychology of personality, Contact's psychology; Sociology of social institutions (family, education etc.), mathematical methods in sociology.
    C ­ free optional courses from any other study programme at University.

    Course papers: at the 2nd and 3rd year of studies.

    Presentation and defence of Bachelor's thesis at the 4th year of studies.


    Programme Director - Daina Bâra, Assoc. Prof., Dr. sc.pol., phone (+371)­7­ 217492

    Degree - Bachelor of Political Science (B.Sc.Pol.)

    Diploma - B.Sc.Pol.

    Admission Requirements - Certificate of general secondary education

    Entrance examinations - Principles of Political science, a test in the Latvian language

    Duration of Studies - 8 semesters

    Degree Requirements - Full coverage of the study programme, Bachelor's degree examination, Bachelor's thesis (written and defended).


    The Basic Political courses ­ there are five courses in the basic fields of Political Science: Political Theory, Comparative Politics, International Politics, Public Policy and Administration, Methodology of Political Science.

    General subjects taught at LU, necessary for acquiring of the political sciences and narrow professional specialisation.

    All the courses are divided into compulsory and elective categories.
    A part consisting of compulsory academic courses, totalling in 88 credits.
    B part includes specialized elective courses related to the main trends in Political Science, 56 credits are necessary.
    C part includes free optional courses which may be taken from any other programme of LU, 16 credits are necessary.


    Director of the programme - Mâra Rubene, Dr.habil.phil., Professor phone (+371)­7­282389

    Degree - M. phil.

    Diploma - M. phil.

    Entrance requirements - Bachelor's degree diploma in philosophy or a diploma confirming applicants higher education in philosophy

    Duration of studies - 4 semesters

    Degree Requirements - Complete mastering of the study programme, Master's Degree Examination; and writing and defence of Master's theses.


    Master's degree programme in Philosophy provides a possibility for students to specialize in the following trends: History of philosophy; Logic, methodology and philosophy of science; Practical philosophy.

    Programme consists of four parts:
    ­ Part A includes compulsory courses in philosophy.
    ­ Part B includes elective courses from several philosophical disciplines. It comprises 30% of all credits of Master's Degree programme.
    ­ Part C includes free optional courses from any other Master's Degree study programme at the University. It comprises 5% of all credits of Master's Degree programme.

    Master's Degree Examination takes place at the end of the 4th semester. Student has to demonstrate his/her knowledge in general questions of philosophy and a deeper knowledge in the chosen specialty.

    Master's Thesis is a theoretical investigation that has to meet the demands of an academic publication. The work on it takes place during the whole period of studies. Defence of the thesis takes place at the end of the programme.

    For award of the Master's Degree the candidate has to gain 75 credit points.


    Director of the programme - Inesis Feldmanis, Dr.hab.hist., Associate Professor, phone (+371)­7­283734

    Diploma - M.hist.

    Entrance requirements - Bachelor's degree in history or a diploma confirming applicants higher education in history

    Duration of studies - 4 semesters

    Degree Requirements - Complete mastering of the study programme, Master's Degree Examination; and writing and defence of Master's theses.


    Master's Degree programme in History provides a possibility to specialise in one of the following trends: History of ancient civilisations and medieval history; Modern history; Contemporary history.

    Objectives of the programme objective are to deepen and to strengthen the knowledge in methodology of history science and in historiography; to deepen specialisation acquired in BA programme; to strengthen and improve the research skills.

    Programme consists of three parts:
    Part A consists of compulsory theoretical courses in history. It comprises not less than 25% of all the credits.
    Part B includes optional courses from several historical disciplines. It comprises 33% of all credits of the Master's degree programme.
    Part C includes free optional courses from any other Master's Degree study programme at the University.

    Master's Degree Examination takes place at the end of the 4th semester.

    Master's Degree Thesis (27 credits) is a theoretical investigation that has to meet the requirements for an academic publication. Elaboration of thesis takes place during the whole period of studies. Defence of the thesis takes place at the end of the Master's Degree course studies. 75 credits are necessary to acquire the Master's degree.


    Programme Director - Þanete Ozoliòa, Dr.paed., assoc.Prof., phone (+371)­7­217492

    Degree - Master's degree in Political Science (

    Entrance requirements - Bachelor's degree or a diploma of higher education in Political Science

    Duration of studies - 4 semesters

    Requirements for the Degree - full coverage of the study programme Master's degree Examination, Master's Thesis.


    Master's degree programme in Political Science gives students a chance to sub-specialize in the following fields: Political Theory, Comparative Politics, International Politics, Public Policy and Administration, Methodology of Political Science.

    The programme consists of three parts:
    Part A ­ consists of compulsory academic courses.
    Part B ­ includes elective specialised courses in the chosen brand of Political Science.
    Part C ­ includes free choice courses from any other Master's degree programme at the University.

    Master's degree examination takes place at the end of the fourth semester.

    Master's Thesis ( 25 credit points) is a theoretical or empirical investigation which has to meet reguirements for an academic publication. The work on it continues during the whole period of studies. Defence of the thesis takes place at the end of the Master's degree course. Students have to gain 75 credits to be awarded a Master's degree.


    Director of the programme - Uldis Sûna, Prof., Dr.habil.Phil. phone (+371­7­) 284488

    Degree - Master of Sociology (

    Admission Requirements - Bachelor's degree in sociology

    Duration of the studies - 4 semesters

    Degree requirements - students have to gain at least 12 credits in part A, at least 24 credits in part B of the programme, to write and to defend a Master's thesis and to pass two final examinations


    The programme consists of 2 parts:
    Part A ­ compulsory courses ­ Modern Sociological Theories, special sociological theories, Genesis and theoretical analysis of social problems, Methods of Sociological Research, Social Policy, Social institutions.
    Part B ­ specialty optional courses ­Society and social change, Pathology of personality, Inequality and discrimination, Criminality and deviating behaviour, Global problems, Values and principles of social policy.

    About the University

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