Study Abroad | |
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses |
University of Latvia
Address | 19 Raina blvd., Riga, Latvia, LV–1586 |
Tel. No. | +371-7229885 |
Fax No. | +371-7225039, +371-7820113 |
E-mail address | |
Faculties & Colleges | |
Type of courses |
Bachelor's Degree (Bakalaureus) Master's degrees Doctoral degree |
Date of commencement | September |
Accommodation |
Students who have been accepted at the University of Latvia should notify the International Office by June 30 of their intention to live in the University dormitory, otherwise the University can not guarantee accommodation there because the possibilities are very limited. Usually all international students are housed in separate rooms with communal kitchen on each floor. |
Fees |
The tuition fee for international students (both undergraduate and graduate) is 2000 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences.
Doctorate Course tuition fee is 2500 USD per academic year in humanities and social sciences and 3000 USD per academic year in natural sciences. |
Admission requirements | International undergraduate applicants are required to have completed their secondary education and must possess university eligibility in their own country. Students who plan to complete their entire undergraduate education and receive a Bachelor's degree at the University of Latvia must pass the Latvian language test. Admission will be based on the results of the passed test and the results of other supplementary tests if needed. |
Contact for application | Alina Grzibovska International Office Fax: +371-7243091 Phone: +371-7034334 E mail: |
LU-1. BACHELOR'S PROGRAMME IN BALTIC PHILOLOGY Programme Director - Dzintra Paegle, Dr.philol., Associate Professor, phone (+371)–7–224811 Degree - Bachelor of Philology (B. philol.) Diploma - B.philol. Admission Requirements - Diploma of general secondary education, Entrance examinations an essay in the Latvian language and literature, a test in the Latvian language Duration of studies - 8 semesters Degree Requirements - to meet the requirements that include writing and defending a thesis, two practices and two final examinations (according to specialization) COURSE DESCRIPTION The courses are divided into three parts. Part A: Compulsory courses include introduction to Baltic philology, history of Latvian literature, ancient and foreign literature, mythology of Balts, linguistics, Latvian folklore, the Latin and the Lithuanian languages, modern Latvian, etc. Part B: Elective courses according to the chosen discipline: Latvian Linguistics, Latvian Literature, Latvian folklore, Latvian Drama and Theatre. Part C: Optional courses from LU courses catalogue. LU-2. BACHELOR'S PROGRAMME IN CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY Programme Director - Vita Paparinska, Dr.philol., Associate Professor, phone (+371)–7–224910. Degree - Bachelor of Philology (B.philol.). Diploma - B.philol. Admission Requirements - Diploma of general secondary education. Entrance examinations - Latvian language and literature– essay, a test in the Latvian language Course Duration - 8 semesters. Degree Requirements - to fulfil the requirements of the department (165 credit points), including thesis for Bachelor's degree, two annual papers, Bachelor's examinations ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME Duration of the programme is eight semesters (four years). The programme consists of the mandatory, mandatory optional and free optional courses (total 165 credits). Their ratio is 50%:40%:10% (83:66:16 credits). The mandatory courses (part A) fall into three blocks: The folllowing basic Latvia University courses are mandatory: foreign language, computer science, philosophy. The mandatory optional courses (part B) contains readings of Roman and Greek authors. After the basic course of Latin and Classical Greek students are offered several Roman prose, poetry and drama courses (from the 2nd study year) and Greek prose, poetry and drama courses (from the 3rd study year). It is required to choose every semester at least one The mandatory elective part includes also courses of ''vulgar'' Latin, Neo–Latin of the Baltic area and West Europe, Modern Greek. Part C – Free choice courses from LU courses catalogue. LU-3. BACHELOR'S PROGRAMME IN RUSSIAN PHILOLOGY Programme Director - Tatjana Liguta, Dr.philol., Associate Professor, phone (+371)–7–224702. Degree - Bachelor of Philology Diploma - B.philol. Admission Requirements - Diploma of general secondary education Entrance examinations - Russian language and literature, a test in the Latvian language Course Duration - 8 semesters Degree Requirements – full coverage of the study programme, – Bachelor's examinations in Russian literature and linguistics – Bachelor's thesis –written and defended ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME The Programme courses are divided into three parts. Part A: Compulsory courses: general: foreign language, Latvian language, practical Russian, computer science, history of philosophy; special: the Russian language courses (Modern Russian, History of Russian, Stylistics, etc.), a course in history and theory of Russian literature. Part B: Elective courses include: Latin, Ancient Greek, a Modern Slavonic languages, history of Russian culture, Modern Latvian language, Latvian literature, history of World literature, Slavonic literature. Part C: Free choice courses can be selected from LU courses catalogue. ANNUAL WORKS: a project in linguistics (written and defended), a project in literature, semester 8 – Bachelor's thesis (written and defended). LU-26. BACHELOR'S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN THEATRE ARTS Director of the programme - Silvija Radzobe,,professor, phone (+371)7225157 Degree - Bachelor of Arts ( Diploma - B. art. Admission Requirements - Certificate of general secondary education Entrance examinations - written essay and a test in Latvian dramaturgy and theatre history Duration of the studies - 8 semesters Degree requirements - students have to cover the programme, to write and to defend Bachelor's thesis and to pass a final examination in history of theatre, dramaturgy, theatre theory of the world and of Latvia. ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME Objective of the programme is to provide higher academic education, to prepare specialists in theatre arts, theatre critics and scholar's. The programme consists of 3 parts: A compulsory courses, B elective courses in specialty, C free choice courses from any other programme. Students have to gain 160 credits in total including10 credits for Bachelor's thesis. LU-27. BACHELOR'S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN LIBRARY SCIENCE AND INFORMATION Programme director - Baiba Sporâne, Assoc. Prof., Dr. paed., phone (+371)2225013. Degree - Diploma - in Library science and Informatics Admission requirements - Certificate of general secondary education Entrance examinations - Latvian language and literature (essay), a test in the Latvian language Duration of studies - 8 semesters Degree requirements - complete mastering of the programme, presentation and defence of Bachelor's thesis (15 credits) ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME The aim of the Bachelor's study programme in Library Science and Information is to provide students with an opportunity to get firstlevel academic education, the Bachelor's degree, in creative study and research work Library Science and Information Science is studied as an united complex of intercommunicated disciplines, wich investigate Library and Information Service as social phenomena, formation of their resources, information processing, retrieval and usage. Theoretical concepts and practical processes of Library Science and Information Science are studied and research work skills are developed. Academic practices, selective optional courses give possibilities to Bachelors of Library Science and Information to work in libraries and information services as well as to carry out research. In reaching this goal students should fulfil all demands of programmes: Candidates of the Bachelor's degree in Library Science and Information should gain at least 164 credits. Part A includes mandatory courses, a.e.: Library in society (Library and society; History of libraries); Information management (Information processing; Information sources); Information distribution (Users services; Information services; Research in library science and information; Library management), as well as block of Social Sciences: Basics of economics theory; Basics of management, Sociology research methods; Psychology; Introduction to information science; Information systems; Automated information retrieval; Philosophy; Basics of informatics etc. Part B Selective courses includes: National bibliography; Reference interview; Information sources in social, human and exact sciences; Business information; Lettica (local studies); Children librarianship; Information society; Library systems abroad; Book science; School library functions; Manuscript and rare edition collection management etc. Part C optional courses 19 credits from other programmes of LU. Candidates must gain 164 credits in total. LU-28. BACHELOR'S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN COMMUNICATION SCIENCE Director of Programme - Inta Brikše, Associate Professor, Dr. paed. phone (+371)7224705, fax(+371)7213405 email Degree - B.soc.zin., Diploma - Bachelor of Social Science (B.soc.zin.) Admission - Certificate of general secondary education Entrance exams - Latvian language (test), creative competition Length of studies - 8 semesters Degree requirements - full coverage of the programme, writing and defense of a Bachelor's thesis ANNOTATION OF PROGRAMME The programme consists of 3 parts. A obligatory part (89 credits). Consists of Introduction to communication science, Interpersonal communication, Organisational communication, International global communication, Visual communication, Psychology of communication, Mass communication sociology, Mass communication theories, Research methods in mass communication, Communication ethics, Media law, Mass media system in Latvia, PR as communication, Advertising as communication, Television as communication, Radio as communication, Information searching methods, News writing, Mass communication practice; introduction courses in economy, political science, psychology, sociology, philosophy, law, history, natural sciences and in theory of culture and supplementary courses to provide knowledge and skills necessary for communication studies suchas Introduction to studies, Culture of Latvian language, Computer's skills. B elective courses in specialty (60 credits). Special courses in mass media theory and practice (journalism, public relations, advertising). C optional courses (16 credits) from other Bachelor's programes. Course papers 3 annual papers in Communication Science ( theory and practice) should be worked out, gained credit points to be entered in part B. Bachelor's thesis empirical research and theoretical studies in Communication Science (10 credits). Practice altogether the students should work 2 practice periods. Specialisation journalism, public relations, advertising. LU-38. MASTER'S PROGRAMME IN LATVIAN PHILOLOGY Programme Director - Dzintra Paegle, Dr.Philol., Associate Professor, phone (+371)7 224811 Degree - Master of Philology Diploma - MA philol. Admission Requirements - BA in Philology or a diploma of 5year higher education in philology or other higher education in Humanities Entrance Exams - examination or discussion Duration of studies - 4 semesters Degree Requirements - a completion of study programme, Master's examination, Master's thesis (written and defended). ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME The programme basically is an in-depth study based upon the course programme outlined for the BA degree. Research and writing of Master's thesis is considered to be the most important part of the programme. The choise of the theoretical courses is subordinated to this main objective. Master's programme is designed to provide knowledge and qualification for further independent research. It includes the following sub-programmes: Latvian Literature; Latvian Linguistics; Baltic Linguistics; Didactics of Latvian language and literature. The programme of studies consists of three parts: Part A compulsory courses according to the chosen major programme. Part B elective courses according to the chosen subprogramme. Part C free choice courses from LU course catalogue. The student should receive at least 75 credit points (incl. 25 for the Master's thesis). LU-39. MASTER'S PROGRAMME IN CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY Programme Director - Vita Paparinska, Dr.Philol., Associate Professor, phone (+371)7224811 Degree - Master of Philology Diploma - MA philol. Admission Requirements - BA in Philology or a diploma of 5year higher education in philology or other higher education in Humanities Entrance Exams - Latin and Greek text analysis according to the requirements of B.philol. in Classical Philology Duration of studies - 4 semesters Degree Requirements - full mastering of programme (76 credits), including writing and defence of thesis for Master's degree, Master's degree examinations ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME Duration of the programme is four semesters (two years). In the first three semesters students must acquire the theoretical programme (46 credits). The 4th semester is envisaged for completion of the Master's thesis (30 credits). The programme consists of the mandatory (20 credits) and mandatory optional (26 credits) courses and Master's paper (30 credits). Mandatory courses (part A) are theoretical courses that provide a deeper insight into the Latin and Classical Greek languages (History of Latin, History and Dialects of the Greek Language, Syntax I and II of the Greek Language, Stylistic Problem Study in the Works of Classical Authors) in connection with the theoretical developments of general linguistics, as well as a literary theoretical course Hellenistic Poetry. Mandatory optional (part B) courses include translation courses of Latin and Greek texts (for poetry also recital), analysis and commentary of these works from the point of view of theory of literature, textology, linguistics. These courses develop skills for practical application of the knowledge acquired in the theoretical courses, as well as consolidate the theoretical material in Latin and Greek text analysis. The Master's study programme envisages analysis of complicated texts from the point of view of language, contents or problems. As the texts offered for analysis in the mandatory optional courses are of different authors and literary geanres, students can choose courses that are useful for their Master's paper. Students choose the theme of their Master's paper at the beginning of their Master's studies. During the two years of the Master's studies students work independently, receiving guidance from the consulting professor. LU-40. MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN RUSSIAN PHILOLOGY Programme Director - Ïevs Sidjakovs, Dr.hab.Philol., Professor, phone (+371)7211089 Degree - Master of Philology Diploma - MA philol. Admission Requirements - B.Phil. or a diploma for 5 year higher education in Russian Philology Duration of studies - 4 semesters or 3 semesters for didactics Degree Requirements - Full coverage of the study programme, Master's thesis (written and defended) ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME Specialization is available in the following fields of study: linguistics, literary science, didactics. The programme consists of two parts: Part A: compulsory courses all students acquire courses in general linguistics and in theory of literature. Students of didactics acquire additional courses in concepts of personality, directions of the world education practise. Part B: Elective courses history of linguistics/ literary science (general and Russian), history of Russian literary criticism and special courses in the narrower fields. Students of didactics aquire courses in analysis of fiction text (linguistics and literary), literature for children and in teaching methology of Russian linguistics and literature or in teaching methology of Russian and Latvian as second languages. Master's work is on independent theoretical study. It has to be elaborated through all duration of Master's studies, also acquiring theoretical courses in parallel. A seminar regarding elaboration of research projects is organised in second year of studies. Defending of Master's thesis takes place at the end of Master's programme. LU-62. MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMME COMMUNICATION SCIENCE Director of Programme - Âbrams Kleckins, Associate Professor, Dr. art. phone (+371)7224705, fax (+371)7213405 Degree - Diploma - Master of Social Science ( Admission - Bachelor's degree or higher professional education diploma Entrance exams - interview Length of studies - 4 semesters Degree requirements - full coverage of the programme, writing and defence of a Master's thesis ANNOTATION OF PROGRAMME The programme consists of 2 parts. Part A obligatory part (29 credits). Comprises the scientific context of the communication theories, Mass communication theories, Research methods, Democratisation of the society: theory and practice, Communication processes in transition societies. Part B elective courses in speciality: elective courses in communication theory and practice (18 credit points), analysis of communication theories, research methodology in communication studies, SPSS for Windows in social sciences, media and social management, advertising in contemporary communication, problems of communication ethics, journalist as an individual in mass communication, global communication and societies in transition, culture and development, a special seminar according to the theme of master's thesis. Master's thesis empirical research and theoretical studies in Communication Science ( 25 credits). LU-63. MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN LIBRARY SCIENCE AND INFORMATION Programme Director - Baiba Sporâne, Dr.paed., Docent, phone (+371)7225013 Degree - Master of Social Science ( in Library Science and Information Diploma - Admission Requirements - Academic degree in Library Science and Information or another academic degree or Higher education diploma in Library Science or another scientific branch Duration of studies - 4 semesters Degree Requirements - full coverage of the programme, Master's thesis (written and defended) ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME Master's programme's in Library Science and Information purpose is to ensure those processes with theoretical base, to favour integration of information society and library in rapidly changing informational environment. Study direction investigation of conceptual and theoretical problems of forming of information resources, information processing and management in libraries and information institutions. The programme consists of three parts: Part A: Compulsory courses -(14/18 credit) Part B: Electives options- (55 credit) Part C - Free options(6 credit) Separate courses from the compulsory part are meant for students who have acquired the higher education in other science and informatics in previous years. The students have to choose at least two of the Elective options. To get Master's degree students have to obtain 75 credits (79 credits for students who had not Bachelor's degree in Library science and Information). Master's thesis (35 credits) is an individual scientific or research work which is to be worked out during the whole period of study. Defence of the thesis takes place at the end of studies. The programme includes: Information society theory; Marketing theory of information centres and libraries; Intellectual property, Copyright; Library and information law; Information retrieval languages; Theory of bibliography; Database structure and design. Expertsystems; Theory of communication; Library philosophy, etc. LU-67. MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN THEATRE ARTS Director of the programme - Silvija Radzobe, Prof., phone (+371)7225157 Degree - Master of Arts ( Admission Requirements - interview (if applicant has Bachelor's degree in theatre arts); entrance examination in history of Latvian and European theatre (if applicant has higher education in humanities) Duration of studies - 4 semesters Degree requirements - students have to cover the programme, to write and to defend Master's thesis and to pass final examination in history of theatre in Europe in 20th century. ANNOTATION OF THE PROGRAMME Master's programme's objective is to provide academic higher education, to train specialists in theatre arts and critics. The programme consists of 3 parts: Part A compulsory courses, Part B optional courses in specialty, Part C free choice courses from any other programme. Students have to gain 80 credits in total (25 credits for Master's thesis). Together with the foundation of Latvian State the idea of creating the first national higher educational establishment became real. The University of Latvia named at that time "The Latvia Higher School" was founded on September 28, 1919 on the basis of the former Riga Polytechnic (founded in 1862). The new Higher School inherited from the Polytechnic the building, the teaching staff and other intellectual and material values. In 1923 this school received its now resumed name - the University of Latvia (Universitas Latviensis). The former building of Riga Polytechnic in 19 Raina Boulevard serves as the symbol of the University even nowadays. During World War II when Riga was occupied by the German troops the University of Latvia got the name Riga University. When Riga was incorporated in the Soviet Union according to the traditions of that time the University was named Latvian State University, later another title was added: since 1958 it was P.Stucka Latvian State University. In the course of time such higher educational establishments as Latvian University of Agriculture, Latvian Academy of Medicine, Riga Technical University separated from the University of Latvia and became well-known centres of education and research. With Latvia regaining freedom the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia confirmed the Constitution of the University of Latvia on September 18, 1991. It stated that the Higher School is "the state establishment of academic education, science and culture which serves the needs of Latvia and people". Alongside with the Constitution the flag, the hymn, the University emblem, the Rector's chain and the official garments for the Rector, prorectors and deans were renewed as attributes of the University of Latvia. At present about 10,000 students are taking 62 study programmes: 7000 full-time students and 3000 part-time students. University of Latvia offers study programmes for achieving of Bakalaurs (Bachelor's) and Maìistrs (Master's) degrees as well as programmes of professional higher education which lead to certain professional qualifications. Doctoral studies on top of most Master's (or equivalent) degrees are available as well. According to the bulk branches of sciences there are study programmes in Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural sciences at LU. Study programmes are offered at 12 faculties of the LU with an active involvement of research institutions integrated into the structure of the LU. University of Latvia uses a credit point system where one credit point corresponds to a workload of one week of full-time studies. 32 Bachelor's degree programmes are offered at LU. Bakalaurs studies require at least 160 credit points that correspond to 4 years of full-time studies. Programmes consist of three parts. Part A (compulsory part) is mandatory to all the students of a give programme. In Part B (elective part) the students can choose courses (or groups of courses) in order to ensure a sub-specialisation within the programme. Part C is the part of options where the students can freely choose from the courses offered at University of Latvia. Elaboration and defence of Bakalaurs' thesis is a compulsory requirement for award of a Bakalaurs degree. University of Latvia offers 32 programmes for Maìistrs degree. Maìistrs degree programmes require up to 80 credit points or 2 years of full-time studies. They are usually designed for in-depth studies in a sub-branch of a science and the research units of the LU play an important role in realisation of Maìistrs programmes. Maìistrs thesis is elaborated and defended at the end of studies. Professional programmes at University of Latvia can be one to five years long depending on the way how the studies are structured: a)professional training can take place as a 1-year programme of professional studies on top of a Bakalaurs degree; b) a full professional study programme (5 years) without a strict division between academic and professional courses. Design of study programmes usually begins at the departments. After assessment at the Faculty and with accept of the Faculty Board the programme is moved towards the Academic Council of the University. If Academic Council supports the programme, it is moved further to the Academic Commission of the University Senate and is finally submitted for Senate approval. A system of credit points was introduced to replace listing of contact hours in order to provide a possibility to measure study workload in the programmes. The concept used at University of Latvia is the following. The average study workload at the university is 40 hours per week, out of which 20 hours can be planned as contact hours while the other 20 hours are foreseen for the independent work of student at laboratories, library etc. One such "study week" corresponds to one credit point. Taken that the duration of the study year (including the examination sessions) lasts 40 weeks, the study workload of 1 year of full time studies is 40 credit points. Introduction of the credit point system brought a number of advantages: it allows to compare the intensity of study work in different programmes, it allows to measure the workload of the independent studies pursued by the students, it makes it easier for the students to use study courses offered at different faculties in the option part of their programmes, it allows to introduce European Credit Transfer system (ECTS) for recognition of study courses acquired in international student exchange programmes. Under PHARE multi-country programme in higher education University of Latvia has already joined an international project aimed at introduction of ECTS. Introduction of a system of credit points also allows to harmonise the study workload between the full-time and part-time studies. Each study programme at LU can be carried out either as full-time or as part-time studies. University of Latvia offers two types of part-time studies for those students who can not devote whole of their time for studies: a) studies with a great share of independent work, using survey lectures and consultations at the university. These are usually regarded to as extramural studies; b) studies with a reasonably diminished amount of contact hours and classes in the second half of the day. These are usually regarded to as evening studies. |
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