Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses


Structure of Educational System
Pre-higher Education System
Higher Education System
Administrative structure of higher education  
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition

 Pre-higher Education System

     Duration of compulsory education
     Age of entry: 6
     Age of exit:  15

     Structure of school system

     Type/level of education:     Primary
     Type of school:                    PRIMARY
     Length of program (years): 4
     Age level:                              from 6 to 10

     Type/level of education:     Lower Secondary
     Type of school:                    INCOMPLETE SECONDARY
     Length of program (years): 5
     Age level:                              from 10 to 15

     Type/level of education:     Complete Secondary
     Type of school:                    COMPLETE SECONDARY
     Length of program (years): 2
     Age level:                              from 15 to 17
     Certificate awarded:             SVIDETEL'STVO/O SREDNEM OBRAZOVANII

     Type/level of education:     Vocational
     Type of school:                    VOCATIONAL SCHOOL
     Length of program (years): 2
     Age level:                              from 15 to 17

     Type/level of education:     Specialized Secondary
     Type of school:                    SPECIALIZED SECONDARY (STUDENTS WITHOUT
     Length of program (years): 4
     Age level:                              from 15 to 19
     Certificate awarded:             DIPLOM O SREDNEM SPETSIALNOM OBRAZOVANII

     Type/level of education:     Specialized Secondary
     Type of school:                    SPECIALIZED SECONDARY SCHOOL (STUDENTS WITH
     Length of program (years): 2
     Age level:                              from 17 to 19
     Certificate awarded:             DIPLOM O SREDNEM SPETSIALNOM OBRAZOVANII

     Description of secondary school system
Secondary education is provided by general, vocational and specialized secondary schools. There are 'incomplete' secondary (compulsory) schools lasting 5 years, and 'complete' secondary schools (non compulsory) lasting 2 further years. For those students who have finished the 'incomplete' secondary school there are 2 to 3-year courses in vocational schools. Successful completion of vocational training is also considered as an alternative way of completing secondary education. 257 secondary specialized institutions are open both to students with 'incomplete' or 'complete' secondary schooling. For the former, courses last three to four years, for the latter two to three years. There is an entrance examination specific to each higher education institution.

Higher Education System

     Structure of system
There are sixty-eight higher education institutions in Kazakhstan. Two of them are universities and the others are polytechnics (specializing in engineering, science and technology), academies, conservatoires, etc. The Law on Higher Education passed in 1993 allows for considerable liberalisation within higher education, the establishment of non-state institutions and the granting of much greater institutional autonomy. The new law does not foresee the restructuring of degrees (Diploma, Candidate, Doctorate), but there is a general move towards establishing a system comparable to the shorter, more intensive degree pattern common in the West, with a three-year undergraduate degree followed by a two-year Master's course. Some institutions already run Master's courses, particularly in business fields, with support from the Western Aid Agency.

     Main types of higher education institutions in country

     Type of institution:       UNIVERSITY

     Type of institution:       POLYTECHNICS

     Type of institution:       ACADEMY

     Type of institution:       CONSERVATOIRE

     Main laws/decrees governing higher education

     Name of law/decree:        Law on Higher Education
     Date:                      1 November, 1993
     Institution type:  Public and private higher education institutions

Administrative structure of higher education

     Name of body:      Ministry of Education

          Street: Ul. Jambyl 25
          City: Almaty
          Postal code: 480100
          Telephone: 7-327-2611643
          Fax: 7-327-2636664

     Academic year
     Classes start:     September
     Classes end:       June

     Languages of instruction
     Kazakh, Russian

Stages and Organization of Higher Education Studies

     University level studies

     Stage 1:     First degree

Description: A Diploma of a specialist (Diplom ob Okonchanii Vyssheg(v)o Uchebnog(v)o Zavedeniya) in a particular field of study is generally awarded at the end of a five-year course.

     Stage 2:     Postgraduate studies (Aspirantura)

Description: Full-time postgraduate studies (Aspirantura) leading to the qualification of Candidate of Sciences (Kandidat nauk) normally last for three years. Submission of a thesis is required.

     Stage 3:     Doctorate (Doktoratura)

Description: The diploma of a Doctor of sciences (Doktor nauk) is awarded after completion of a thesis concerned with original research.

     Non-formal studies

     Distance higher education

Distance education techniques are widely used.

     Lifelong higher education

Many higher education institutions have special departments responsible for running professional updating courses.

Grading system

     Usual grading system in (upper) secondary school
1 - 5 scale. 5: excellent; 4: good; 3: satisfactory; 2: unsatisfactory; 1: totally unsatisfactory.

     Highest on scale:  5
     Pass/fail level:           3/2
     Lowest on scale:   1

     Main grading system generally used by higher education institutions
Marking is on a 1 - 5 scale. 5: excellent; 4: good; 3: satisfactory; 2: unsatisfactory; 1: totally unsatisfactory

     Highest on scale:  5
     Pass/fail level:           3/2
     Lowest on scale:   1

Admissions to Higher Education

     Admissions to university level

     Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

     Name of sec. school credential: SVIDETEL'STVO/O SREDNEM OBRAZOVANII
     Total number of years of primary and secondary school study: 11

Student expenses and financial aid

 Tuition and fees for national students  Tuition and fees for foreign students 
 Minimum:   Minimum: US Dollar 2000
 Maximum:   Maximum:


     Date:         1995/1996
     Source:     International Association of Universities (IAU)