Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

School of Economics

Address Villa Le Pianore, Capezzano Pianore 55040 LU, Italy
Tel. No. +39 0584 91871
Fax No. +39 0584 915612
E-mail address
Course MBA
Master in Finance
Master in Marketing
Master in European Integration
Type of course Full-time / Part-time
Length of course MBA - 12 months
Master in Finance - 24 weeks
Master in Marketing - 24 weeks
Master in European Integration - 10 months
Date of commencement October, January, March
Class size 4 classes x 20 students each
Cost/Fees MBA - Euro 19000
Master in Finance - Euro 14000
Master in Marketing - Euro 14000
Master in European Integration - Euro 18000
Accommodation Available
Financial assistance Available
Student profile Countries of origin: 32
Ratio Men: Women: 40:60
Age Range: 23-33
Average Age: 26
Average Work Experience: 4 years
Admissions requirements Toefl 550
GMAT or ESE Test
Course director Dott. Ali K. Ayaz
Contact details for application Committee on International Admissions
Villa Le Pianore, Capezzano Pianore 55040 LU, Italy
Tel: +39 0584 91871
Fax: +39 0584 915612

Course/Programme description

Master Your Life

What are universities for? This is one of the most crucial questions of our time.

Beyond academic excellence, cross cultural studies and a very pragmatic approach, European School of Economics aims to facilitate in each and every student a process of inner revolution, encouraging personal development through self-study and individual research into self-knowledge.

"The world is such because you are such."

No political party, religion or philosophical system can transform society from the outside. Only an individual revolution, a psychological re-birth, a healing of the inner self, man by man, cell by cell, will take us towards individual freedom, global well-being and peace.

We need new schools… schools of responsibility for men and women who have a dream to realise. We need universities for pragmatic dreamers.

They'll be the leaders of a new exodus… a "psychological exodus" of planetary proportions… Thousands of young people will abandon the slavery of the conflictual logic of the old humanity in exchange for a vertical vision of a world founded on the ability to harmonise antagonisms.

"The world is a physical projection of our way of thinking."

Request For Further Information

Please fill in the information below and your request will be submitted to the university

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Your e-mail address*
Re-type your e-mail address*
Your phone No. (with dialing codes)
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Address 1
Address 2
Postal code
Country of residence* (where you live)
Existing qualifications*
Work experience
Expected enrollment date*
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