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International Master's Degree in Historic Building Rehabilitation (HBR)

University of Bologna - Ravena Campus, Via Tombesi dall'Ova, 55 – 48121 Ravenna, Italy

University of Bologna

International Master's Degree Program in Historic Building Rehabilitation (HBR)

The need to improve existing buildings for new purposes, and the importance of architectural heritage conservation, are becoming issues of great importance around the world, in the field of rehabilitation of historic buildings. The growing cultural value attributed to the existing building and the economic and environmental benefits associated with its conservation are two crucial topics on this field. Moreover, high-profile skills are required, in order to meet its specific characteristics and constraints.

The HBR (Historic Building Rehabilitation) Programme is an international curriculum of the Masters in Engineering of Building Processes and Systems. It is designed to meet the needs of new professionals, focusing on the critical analysis of the historical heritage, the diagnosis of conservation conditions, the definition of procedures and techniques for consolidation and rehabilitation, by applying new methods and solutions, compatible with the protection of the heritage characters.

The programme is a two-years Master, the courses provided in the first year, are mainly oriented to address basic knowledge on conservation theory of historic buildings, materials and technologies, mechanics of historic masonry and wood structures. In the second year, both compulsory and elective courses are provided on specialized topics, such as Structural Diagnostics, Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation; Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Historic Buildings; Mineralogical and Petrographic Characterization of Natural and Artificial Stone Materials.

HBR Master Students have the opportunity to obtain a double degree with Tongji University, Shanghai, China (MSc in Architecture and Civil Engineering).

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