Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

MSc in ProWater Distance Learning
Technical University of Braunschweig

Address Leichtweiss-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering
Beethovenstr 51a, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany
Tel. No. +49 (0)351 391 3954
Fax No. +49 (0)351 391 713
E-mail address
Course MSc. Prowater Distance Learning Course
Type of course Distance learning, either full-time or part-time
Lenght of course 2 Years full time
Date of commencement 15. March, 15. September
Class size Not applicable
Cost/Fees approx. 4.200 €
Accommodation Not applicable
Student grants / financial assistance For attendance phases from 2009 onwards
Admissions requirements *Qualified Bachelor Degree,
*TOEFL 550 points,
*IELTS 5.5
Contact details for application International Office at TU Braunschweig
Course director Prof. Dr.—Ing G. Meon

Distance Learning Course (MSc)

The ever increasing demand on water resources management and protection requires network thinking and sound expertise. Practical application of such knowledge and developed communication skills are essential for the successful manager of projects in the field of water resources management and protection.

For this innovative and promising field of work we offer our distance learning course ProWater, which leads to the degree of a Master of Science (MSc).

ProWater was developed for engineers and scientists working in the consulting business, in authorities, administrations and in the industry dealing with water protection and management issues.


Stud-IP is a learning-, information-, and project management system on the internet and is available for ProWater students without charge. It offers a number of communication facilities, access to study documents and additional tools which are useful for ProWater students

Master of Science

After successful participation in the distance learning course the internationally accepted university degree Master of Science is awarded. It qualifies for a further PhD study.

Distance Learning Course

Students will select study modules and receive scripts and send-in tasks for selected courses via mail or email. The lecture notes contain explanations, examples and excercises particularly suitable for self study. Multimedia study aids are available for some modules. Successfully completed send-in tasks will qualify for written and oral exams.

Any questions will shortly be answered by the tutors via email, fax and telephone.

Phases of Attendance and Examinations

In each term two phases of attendance are offered. The first phase (one week, voluntary) contains repetitions and practical training. In the second phase (one week) examinations and excursions take place. For students studying abroad, examinations will usually take place at the German embassies, consulates or local DAAD offices. Travel costs to Braunschweig will be born by the students.

Request For Further Information

Please fill in the information below and your request will be submitted to the university

Your first name*
Your last name*
Your e-mail address*
Re-type your e-mail address*
Your phone No. (with dialing codes)
Your fax No.
Address 1*
Address 2*
Postal code*
Country of residence* (where you live)
Existing qualifications*
Work experience
Expected enrollment date*
Additional information

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