Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Master of European Regulation of Network Industries (MERNI)
Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI),
University of Bonn

Address Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI), University of Bonn, Walter-Flex-Str. 3, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Tel. No. +49 (0) 228-73-1734
Fax No. +49 (0) 228-73-1891
E-mail address
Course Master of Laws (LL.M.) - Master of European Regulation of Network Industries (MERNI): Law and Economics of Network Industries
Type of course Full-time
Length of course MERNI is a one-year full-time program, divided into nine months of academic classes and three months of traineeship (optional).
Date of commencement Applications for the forthcoming academic year – which commences in October – shall be submitted no later than May 31 for non-EU applicants and September 1 for EU applicants.
Class size 25 students
Cost/Fees The tuition fee is € 10,000. This fee does not include other expenses, such as general living and accommodation costs.
Accommodation Participants are provided with a possibility to rent reasonably priced rooms and apartments at one of the University's student dormitories.
Top recruiters of our graduates Network and network-related companies
Financial institutions
Regulatory authorities
Industry and consumer associations.
Admissions requirements MERNI applicants have to demonstrate above average academic performance and an advanced command of the English language. They have to hold a degree from an accredited institution of higher education, with degrees in law, economics, engineering, IT and politics particularly welcome. Applicants are assessed by the Selection Committee on the basis of the formal application and, when appropriate, a personal interview. Starting with the academic year 2010/2011, MERNI adopted rolling admission procedures. Thus, it is recommended to apply as early as possible. A detailed description of the application procedure (including relevant application forms), selection criteria and the process of admission is available at the MERNI website.
Contact details for application Please consult the MERNI website for more details and application forms. Inquiries can be addressed to the programme administration via email or phone (See above)
Course director Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Koenig, LL.M.,
MERNI Academic Director


• Open to all disciplines
• One-year postgraduate program
• Linkage of economic and legal analytical approaches
• Expertise in network industries (telecommunications, energy, transport, water and postal services)
• Outstanding international faculty and students from around the world
• Accredited by the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA)
• University of Bonn: close to large network industry companies and agencies


With a policy framework that is moving towards greater liberalization of the network industries, an understanding of the regulatory policy decisions emanating from the European level is increasingly important for those working in these industries across Europe. The same applies to the regulators and policy makers who need to know the limits prescribed by Community law if they are to make optimal use of their regulatory competencies.

Understanding the core issues pertinent to the European regulation of network industries is also of considerable relevance for other countries and regions of the world looking at liberalization and restructuring of these key economic sectors.


MERNI provides participants with knowledge and insights on a per-module basis. Modules denote highly compact and self-contained teaching units dealing with either a general subject matter of analytical importance or with a particular network industry.

BASIC MODULES describe the origins, rationale and intended goals of the liberalization process affecting the network industries in the EU, and show how these objectives can be achieved by means of regulatory mechanisms.

SPECIALIZED MODULES are devoted to a thorough examination of the respective core network industries.

For more information visit the MERNI website.


MERNI's innovative approach has gained the support from a number of leading industry actors. Companies such as Vodafone, PricewaterhouseCoopers, E.ON, Deutsche Telekom, EnBW have all acknowledged the value of the MERNI concept and have become partners of the program.


"MERNI gave me the opportunity to obtain a Master of Laws degree and to deepen my knowledge in the areas of electronic communications and energy. I opted for this program, because my ultimate aim was to find an interesting and challenging job in one of these industries. During my time as a MERNI student I mostly appreciated two things: on the one hand the high number of practitioners, which gave us unique insights into their businesses, and on the other hand the international character of our group. Finalizing the program with an internship at Deutsche Telekom gave me first-hand insights into the business of a regulated company, which was a very valuable experience. When graduating after twelve months of intensive studying, I was indeed able to meet my initial aim - by now I work for the German energy company E.ON, where I can successfully put my academic knowledge into use." - Jaletzke, Lea (Alumna)

"Currently, I am working for a prominent law firm in Athens, Tsibanoulis & Partners, with an exceptional reputation in the areas of financial services, banking, capital markets, securities, EU law and corporate law. It represents big multinational companies in Greece, among them BAYER AG, BOSCH-BUDERUS AG, and it has undertaken several projects for several others, like SIEMENS AG and DEUTSCHE BANK.

MERNI program helped me a lot to make my path in European competition law and sector-specific regulation in the area of network industries. What made me very enthusiastic about it was the interdisciplinary approach of the program, as we had the opportunity to take classes in economics, competition law and business administration, even examine the technological aspects of network industries."- Iliopolous, Georgius (Alumnus)

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