MA MEAS – Master Program Modern East Asian Studies
Concept of our Program
The Master Program Modern East Asian Studies MA MEAS is an English-language degree program with a social scientific, contemporary and interdisciplinary profile. The program offers research-focused training for highly motivated and qualified graduates with a keen interest in East Asia and a strong knowledge in the field of East Asian Area Studies with an emphasis on Political Science, International Relations, Sociology, Economics or Business Administration. Above all, the MA program aims to train students in the theoretical and problem-centered analysis of social, political and economic phenomena in East Asia. The program's objective is thus to deepen and enrich the student's capabilities to assess contemporary change, the challenges for the East Asian region and the implications of such developments for Europe on the basis of strong language competencies (in Chinese or Japanese) and a sound knowledge in disciplinary methods and theories. The consistent advancement of three specific competencies inform the curriculum of the MA MEAS: (1) The methodological competencies graduated students bring with them will be deepened and applied specifically to analyses of the East Asian context, (2) regionally specific, deeper disciplinary as well as broader interdisciplinary knowledge of East Asia will be further developed, and (3) language skills in one of two East Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese) will be refined.
Students completing the master's degree in the MA MEAS will be prepared
for high-level positions in multinational corporations, politics – including political consulting –, governmental and non-governmental think-tanks, and in international organizations where intensive knowledge of East Asia and language competency is in high demand,
for further studies at the doctoral level.
Our institute offers opportunities to continue studies in a PhD program within the DFG funded Research Training Group Risk & East Asia (
Program Structure
The MA program includes the refinement of language skills on a par with interdisciplinary and discipline-specific modules focusing on Chinese and Japanese Studies. Methodological training in both regional studies and the specific disciplines is integrated into the regional and discipline-specific modules.
Within the 1st semester of the 1-year (equivalent to 2 semesters) master program MA MEAS, students deepen their East Asian language abilities in two classes focusing on advanced readings in East Asian Studies in original languages. Moreover, students choose altogether 3 out of 8 different modules on Advanced East Asian Studies (EAS) on offer, complemented by one elective module to be selected. During the 2nd and last semester of the MA MEAS, students concentrate on writing their master thesis. This effort is accompanied by a seminar. The master thesis will give proof of the attained improvement of theoretical, methodological and regional capabilities as well as language skills on the basis of an independent research project about a cutting-edge theme in contemporary East Asia that has to be elaborated.
Further details on the program, on all modules and classes as well as on application procedures, required documents etc. can be found on the IN-EAST web site at, category “Study programs”.
The Institute of East Asian Studies IN-EAST
The Institute of East Asian Studies IN-EAST, established in 1994, is a Research Center of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), engaged in both research and (graduate) education on East Asia. With more than 30 scholars from different disciplines in the social and economic sciences (and with eight chairs, rooted in different University faculties), IN-EAST is the most comprehensive university institute committed to contemporary East Asian studies in Germany. Chinese and Japanese studies are the main focus of the research program and graduate curriculum. Based on the Anglo-American concept of area studies, the Duisburg East Asian studies pursue the approach to apply the theoretical and research perspectives developed in the methodological disciplines as guiding principle in its studies. Clearly differentiating from philological-historical approaches of regional studies as they are dominant in Germany, basically social and economic sciences oriented East Asian studies have emerged with a distinct focus on contemporary East Asia.
The IN-EAST is engaged in several demanding study programs having in common the study of contemporary East Asian societies and economies on the basis of a solid disciplinary education. The aim is to train highly qualified young people for careers in the fields of economy, politics, society and science. All study programs, which are eligible with either a focus on Japan or China, include the acquisition and/or refinement of an East Asian language, training in methodological disciplines and the transfer of extensive regional expertise.
Within the IN-EAST, the Research Training Group (or Graduierten Kolleg) Risk & East Asia was established in October 2009 as an international and English language doctoral college, with generous support from the German Science Foundation (DFG) and the UDE. The Research Training Group offers doctoral-level training and post-doctoral research opportunities in contemporary economic and social scientific East Asian studies. Doctoral fellows undergo rigorous training in disciplinary and regional studies, in preparation for completing their own doctoral research projects within the framework of the Risk & East Asia Research Program. Financial support enables them to conduct their own research in East Asia, as a rule in either China or Japan. The Research Program, dealing with the governance of risks triggered by Asian responses to global economic, political and social change, draws on a risk theoretical perspective to better understand the nature of contemporary institutional transformations in the East Asian region, i.e. market transformations, individualization, decentralization and transnationalization. A close cooperation partner of the Research Training Group is the White Rose East Asia Centre at the Universities of Leeds and Sheffield in the UK.
The IN-EAST internationally co-operates with several universities in Asia (e.g. Dokkyo and Ryukoku in Japan, Wuhan and Huazhong in China). In Europe, the IN-EAST belongs to EastAsiaNet, the European Research School Network of Contemporary East Asian Studies, where leading research-oriented institutes of East Asian Studies have joined together (
The research focus of the Institute's scientists is on questions of processes of change in East Asia – frequently in international comparison with developments in other regions of the world, and in co-operation with scientists of other countries. New research projects increasingly consider those issues dealt with in the Research Training Group Risk & East Asia. Members of the Institute publish their work in a variety of books, in leading magazines and other media. The Institute and its scientists also issue different series of monographs and discussion papers as well as reports informing about its recent work. Eventually, the East Asian Studies Library (as part of the University Library) by now holds more than 25,000 monographs and over 200 periodicals, representing an outstanding fundament of East Asian knowledge today.
About the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE)
Arts and Science on the Rhine and Ruhr
Creative inspiration between the Rhine and Ruhr: the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is located in the European region with the highest density of institutions of higher learning. Created in 2003 by the merger of the universities of Duisburg and Essen, the UDE is the youngest university in North Rhine-Westphalia and one of the ten largest universities in Germany. Both campuses are easy to reach and offer some 31,000 students a broad academic spectrum with an international orientation – ranging from the humanities and social sciences to economics and the engineering and natural sciences, including medicine. Students from 130 countries are currently enrolled at the UDE. In many disciplines the UDE ranks amongst the TOP 10 of German research universities. Over the past three years, research income has risen by 150 percent, a development which is also thanks to the five main research areas: Nanosciences, Biomedical Sciences, Urban Systems, Empirical Research in Education, and Change of Contemporary Societies.
The World at our Door
Anybody visiting the campuses of the University of Duisburg-Essen will be sure to hear, in addition to German and English, many other languages. Students from 130 countries attend the University, from A for Argentina through C for China, I for India and T for Turkey, to Z for Zaire. Young people come from every corner of the earth to the centrally located university at the heart of Europe. There are plenty of good reasons for choosing the UDE: the subject, the level of student support and supervision, strong research or the international outlook.
Allround Support
The University of Duisburg-Essen is highly committed to offering students the best possible conditions in which to study and work. With a range of different measures, it helps students to pursue and complete their studies successfully, promotes young talent, and takes the differing backgrounds and needs of its students into account.
Studying: one of the most important tools the UDE uses to support students during their studies is its comprehensive mentoring system. This special programme is designed to lend students precisely the individual support they need in every faculty, particularly during the critical early stages of their courses and at exam time.
Scholarships: any institution expecting high performance from its students must also be willing to invest in it. The UDE therefore takes part – very successfully – in the North Rhine-Westphalia Scholarship Programme. Since its inception in 2009, this programme has been supporting talented and ambitious students from at home and abroad.
Diversity to the Power of Three
When the three universities of Bochum, Dortmund and Duisburg-Essen joined forces to form the Universitätsallianz Metropole Ruhr (University Alliance Metropolis Ruhr – UAMR), they created the best teaching and learning conditions for their 90,000 students and 1,250 professors and an even greater choice of subjects and courses in the region. With simplified procedures for admissions and recognition of course credits within the UAMR, students can be cross-registered with the partner universities at no additional fee.
Key Data of the UDE
faculties: 11
total number of study programs: 100
students: 31,806
(51% women; 16% international students)
number of employees: 3,974
(with 410 Professors, 2,291 Academic Staff)
degrees: Bachelor, Master,
Diploma and Magister (being phased out),
State Examinations in Teaching and
in Medicine, Doctorates