Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

MSc Economics of the Middle East (EMEA)
Philipps-Universität Marburg / Lebanese American University

Address Philipps-University Marburg, Economics of the Middle East (EMEA), School of Business and Economics (FB02), Am Plan 2, 35032 Marburg, Germany
Tel. No. +49 (0) 6421 28-23725
E-mail address
Course MSc Economics of the Middle East (EMEA)
Type of course Full time
Length of course Four semesters (24 months)
Date of commencement October each year
Application deadlines: 30 April 2015 for DAAD scholarships
15 July 2015 for self-financers
Class size Approx. 15 students
Cost/Fees Tuition fees of approximately 8000 USD apply to self-financing participants. DAAD scholarship holders are exempted from tuition fees
Accommodation Support for finding public student accommodation is provided in Marburg. Support for finding accommodation is also provided by Lebanese American University.
Student grants / financial assistance DAAD scholarships including a tuition waiver are available for nationals from following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Germany, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine Territories, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.
Exchange Partner Schools Lebanese American University (LAU)
Major recruiters of graduates of this programme Private and public sector organisations.
Admissions requirements There is a set of requirements that applicants have to fulfil. There are general requirements that apply to all applicants (self-financers and DAAD scholarship applicants) as well as specific requirements that have to be fulfilled in addition by DAAD scholarship applicants.
These requirements are:
• First degree with a focus on economics (all applicants)
• English language proficiency of at least level C1 (all applicants)
• Two letters of reference (all applicants)
• Proof of relevant work experience (additional for applicants for a DAAD scholarship)
• DAAD scholarship eligibility (additional for applicants for a DAAD scholarship)
Student profile 1. Ratio of National / Overseas students
Approx. 2 nationals/ 13 internationals
2. Ratio of Men / Women
Approx. half female and half male.
3. Age range
21 to 38
Contact details for application Boban Aleksandrovic
Course directors Bernd Hayo
Professor of Macroeconomics
School of Business and Economics (FB 02)
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Universitaetsstr. 24
D-35037 Marburg

Michael Kirk
Professor of Development and Cooperative Economics
School of Business and Economics (FB 02)
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Am Plan 2, D-35032 Marburg, Germany

MSc Economics of the Middle East (EMEA)

What is the idea behind EMEA?

EMEA is a unique Master's programme designed for students who want to acquire a solid foundation in economic analysis in combination with specific knowledge about the economies of the MENA region.

For this purpose, EMEA combines an academic focus with hands-on regional experience: lectures are taking place at Philipps-Universität Marburg and Lebanese American University (LAU) and the Master's thesis can be written during a six months stay in the MENA region.

How does EMEA work?

• Four semesters with a total of 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits
• Graduate-level economics and introductory MENA economics followed by specialised courses
• Economics and interdisciplinary electives facilitate specialisation according to individual interests
• Financial support for German and Arab language courses available for DAAD scholarship holders

How is the programme's content structured?

1st Semester | Philipps-Universität Marburg
October – March 30 ECTS credits
• Graduate-level courses in core economics
• Introductory course in MENA economics
2nd Semester | Philipps-Universität Marburg
April – September 30 ECTS credits
• Specialised courses in economics
• Advanced courses in MENA economics
3rd Semester | Lebanese American University
September – March 30 ECTS credits
• Advanced courses in MENA economics
• Politics of the MENA region
4th Semester | MENA Region
April – September 30 ECTS credits
• Master's Thesis
24 months 120 ECTS credits

How do I benefit from EMEA?

• Unique combination of academic studies in economics and economic topics specifically related to the Middle East
• Joint degree (Master of Science) tailored to the job market for economists with in-depth regional expertise
• Small class size and regular exchange with teaching staff facilitate study success
• Training of key qualifications by means of application training, intensive tutorial work, and essay-writing
• Extracurricular activities provide insights and hands-on experience
• Development of intercultural competence through an international class and semesters abroad

How do I finance my participation?

• DAAD scholarships including a tuition waiver are available for nationals of Algeria, Egypt, Germany, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen
• Self-financing participation is open to qualified applicants independent of nationality

What are the application requirements?

• First degree in economics or related studies
• Proof of English language proficiency

For a DAAD scholarship, applicants should furthermore

• have at least 2 years of work experience
• provide 2 letters of recommendation

Programme start is October annually.

Application deadline:

30 April 2015 for DAAD scholarships
15 July 2015 for self-financers

About Philipps-University Marburg

University and Town Landgrave Philipp founded the university in 1527 as the first Protestant university in the world. It started with four subjects: Theology, Law, Medicine and Philosophy. Today it has 17 departments that offer a wide range of subjects in the natural sciences and liberal arts. Numerous famous people studied or taught in Marburg.

Internationalisation has always been a matter of course. Currently more than 12% of the student population are foreign nationals. The University is an integral part of the scenic town of Marburg situated on the river Lahn 100 km north of Frankfurt. The town with its 80,000 inhabitants (approx. 50,000 in the centre) is dominated by the castle on the hill, its 19,400 students and about 4,000 people working for the university. A saying goes "Other towns have a university, Marburg is a university". It reflects the unique historic atmosphere. Wherever you are in the town, you are part of a vibrant academic community.

About Lebanese American University

The Lebanese American university (LAU) is a leading, private and non-sectarian higher education institution in Lebanon. It operates under the charter from the board of regents of the university of the state of New York and is accredited by the commission on institutions of higher education of the New England Association of Schools and colleges.

In the Fall 2012 semester, LAU had more than 8,100 students enrolled.

The Beirut campus is nestled in an urban setting, just steps away from the stimulating cultural, social, educational and recreational opportunities of Lebanon's capital. The hillside campus in Byblos, which opened its doors in 1991, has grown to include nine buildings over about 160,000 square meters. Enrollment stands at about 3,210.

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