Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Master Programme IT/IP-Law (EULISP)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hannover

Address Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Rechtsinformatik, Master Programme IT/IP-Law (EULISP), Königsworther Platz 1, 30167 Hannover, Germany
Tel. No. +49 (0)511 762-8161
Fax No. +49 (0)511 762-8290
E-mail address
Course Master Programme IT/IP-Law (EULISP)
Type of course Full-Time
Length of course One year
Date of commencement September
Application deadline:
- 15th July (EU-nationals)
- 31st May (international applicants)
Class size 20 - 25
Cost/Fees For the first semester tuition fees of € 1500.00 will be charged. Additionally, the University of Hannover levies a registration fee (€ 321,59, per semester). This includes a student transit pass valid for the city of Hannover as well as the region of Lower Saxony. For the second semester tuition fees depend on the partner university chosen
Student grants/Financial assistance Students have the option to apply for a scholarship that amounts to a € 750 fee reduction.
Exchange partner schools Eleven universities are participating in EULISP including:
- Bologna (Italy)
- Edinburgh (UK)
- Glasgow (UK)
- Hannover (Germany)
- Leuven (Belgium)
- London (UK), Namur (Belgium)
- Oslo (Norway)
- Rovaniemi (Finland)
- Stockholm (Sweden)
- Vienna (Austria)
- Zaragoza (Spain).
Major recruiters of graduates of this Program - Law firms
- Companies, information technology companies
Accommodation Students may apply for student accommodation. There is accommodation available to suit all requirements regarding size, type of apartment and cost.
Admissions requirements The prerequisite for the admission of German university graduates is the first state law examination, for foreign graduates an equivalent is required as well as English and/or Other requirements for the stay abroad are foreign language skills as well as an interest in legal approaches to problems within the field of IT-law.
Student profile • Ratio of National/Overseas students - 1/1
• Ratio of Men/Women – 2/1
• Age range – 21 - 35
Contact for application Benjamin Schuetze, LL.M. (Wellington)
Course director Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó

About the Master Programme IT/IP-Law (EULISP)

The LL.M. IT-Law offers a one-year Master program for postgraduate students. The students spend the first semester in Hannover and the second semester (3 - 5 months) at one of eleven EULISP partner universities such as Bologna (Italy), Edinburgh (UK), Glasgow (UK), Leuven (Belgium), London (UK), Namur (Belgium), Oslo (Norway), Rovaniemi (Finland), Stockholm (Sweden), Vienna (Austria) and Zaragoza (Spain).

Many of the courses offered in Hannover are held in English. So far, students not only from other European countries, but also from Africa, Asia and South and North America have successfully graduated from the programme.

In the first semester students will be familiarised with the basics of European and German IT/IP Law. In the second semester, at one of our Partner Universities, you have the chance to advance both your professional as well as your language skills. With the completion of the semester abroad, students focus on their final thesis, which is due at the end of July. The year of studies concludes with a final graduation ceremony, usually in early November.

Among the lecturers teaching on the programme, are not only Professors of the University, but also lawyers from renowned law firms and public agencies. So far, this mixture has proved to be a great advantage for the students as they get to know different approaches to legal problems. Our graduates are employed with telecommunications and media enterprises, in IT/IP-Law practice groups with top-tier law firms and as well as public agencies. This programme is fully accredited by an independent accreditation agency (ZeVA).

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Donors' Association for the Promotion of the Sciences and Humanities also conferred the award on the programme of being in the “Top 10 International Master's Degree Courses, made in Germany“

There is also the opportunity to enrol in “Double Degree Oslo-Hannover” Programme (DDOH) in which students can obtain two degrees: LL.M. (Hannover), LL.M. (Oslo). The study phase in Hannover is followed by a study period at Universitetet i Oslo. It comprises an integrated and modularised curriculum, supplemented by a jointly-taught seminar and a final exam (master thesis).

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