Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Master of Project Management and Data Science (MPMD)
HTW Berlin

Address Treskowallee 8 10318 Berlin, Germany
Tel. No. +49 30 5019 - 2618
Fax No. +49 30 5090 - 2825
E-mail address admission-mpmd(at)
Web address Programme website
Programme Master of Project Management and Data Science (MPMD)
Course directors Prof. Dr. Tilo Wendler
Type of programme Full-time, on-campus
Length of programme 4 Semesters
Date of commencement 1st October
Class size 25 students
Cost/fees ≈16,000€
Exchange Partner Schools The programme does not include a student exchange, voluntary exchanges and visits are supported.
Major recruiters of graduates of this programme Siemens, Bombardier, Bosch, Toyota, Daimler, Microsoft and Accenture, Volkswagen, BMW, Allianz etc.
Admission requirements - Previous Bachelor's degree (with 180 or 210 ECTS) or higher
- Minimum one year of working experience – NOT necessarily in the fields of project management or data science.
- English language skills
Student profile Ratio of Men/Women: 70% Men & 30% Women
Age Range: On average 24 years
Contact for application HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences
MPMD Admission Team
Treskowallee 8
D-10318 Berlin
Phone: ++49 30 5019-2618 admission-mpmd(at)

About the Master of Project Management and Data Science (MPMD)

The graduates of the master programme Project Management and Data Science will be able to successfully manage and supervise projects in the international environment as well as felicitate, consolidate, process and interpret extensive datasets and carry out analyses across different disciplines.

Upon completion, students will be qualified for the tasks in the fields which are closely connected with procedural and analytical thinking, including project management, marketing, controlling, HR and data analysis.

With the help of application-oriented teaching staff, the master programme gives students the applied knowledge they require to solve complex tasks in companies/organizations in fields such as: manufacturing, services, consulting and in the field of healthcare on both national and international level.

The study programme Project Management and Data Science builds upon the skills and knowledge acquired from students’ respective bachelor studies as well as in the field of professional activities, and expands this previous knowledge by providing students with analytical know-how skills and competence in business administration. The programme is taught completely in English and is internationally-oriented. German language skills are not necessary.

The scientific knowledge helps the graduates to deal with complex analytical problems in the corporate environment and to solve them in a professional manner without outside assistance. The integration of the two key subjects Project Management and Data Science in the study programme allows for an interconnected and problem-oriented working method. The graduates will have at their disposal the necessary skills for working in a team-oriented and proactive work-atmosphere and for performing ethically. During the master programme, professional skills and the fostering of managerial competence are developed. The skills necessary for teamwork and conflict-management are developed and supported with the help of intercultural knowledge.

University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin

The HTW Berlin, a multi-disciplinary application-oriented university of applied sciences boasts a student body of over 14.000, thereof many of them are international students. The students of the master study programme Project Management and Data Science profit from large university’s resources combined with the flexibility of a dynamic study programme.

Wide Spectrum of Courses in Five Departments

The HTW offers an impressive range of study programmes in five different departments spanning fields from engineering, computer science and economics, to culture and design. Traditional applied sciences like mechanical engineering, automotive engineering and business administration go hand-in-hand with more contemporary and innovative studies such as Information Technology/Networked Systems, Construction and Real Estate Management or Renewable Energy Systems Technology.

High Quality Education

The HTW is regularly distinguished for the high quality of its study programmes. Together with other key qualifications, foreign language training is an integral part of each student's experience at the HTW. Many events are arranged by the HTW's Career Service Centre. Students who wish to spend a part of their studies abroad will find that the HTW offers ideal conditions: it cultivates ties with over 100 other universities worldwide, thus maintaining strong bonds with collaborative partners.

Research at the HTW

The HTW encourages research and development projects, as well as other innovative education and cultural programmes. Business-related research concentrates on promoting entrepreneurial start-ups and improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, other research addresses social-economics and political policies, such as European and national labour market policies, or the effects of globalisation. Projects on the preservation of cultural heritage and projects from the field of design round off the spectrum of research. Within Berlin, the Federal Republic of Germany and Europe, the HTW works together with small and medium-sized businesses, unions, administrations, associations, research and training institutions, and other individuals to fulfil these objectives and goals.

The HTW research profile is also distinguished by exclusive research institutes plus a variety of other interdisciplinary competence centres. All of them collaborate with one another on joint projects.

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