Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

M.Sc. Environment and Resources Management
for Latin American and German Young Professionals
Cologne University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) with Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (UASLP)

Address Institute for Technology and Resources Management, in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT), Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Betzdorfer Straße 2, 50679 Köln Germany
Tel. No. ++49-221-8275-2125
Fax. No. ++49-221-8275-2736
E-mail address
Course International Master Programme: Environment and Resources Management for Latin American and German young professionals - ENREM
Subjects studied Students can select one of the following focal areas:

- Germany: Water Management, Land Management, Energy Management, Regional Management
- Mexico: Environmental Toxicology, Prevention and Control, Environmental Assessment and Environmental Management

First semester (UASLP - Mexico)
- Module: Sustainable Development
- Module: Ecology
- Module: Environmental Management
- Module: Statistics

Second semester (UASLP - Mexico)
- Module: Multidisciplinary Student Team Project (case study related to an up-to-date environmental issue or project)
- Preparation of Master thesis
- Electives: Selection of the following focal areas:
*Prevention and Control
* Environmental Assessment
* Renewable Natural Resources
* Environmental Management
* Environmental Toxicology
* Selected Topics (Optional)

Third semester (CUAS - Cologne) - Preparation of Master Thesis - Research Seminar
- Scientific Work
- Selection of four modules from the following focal areas:
* Land Management
* Integrated Water Resources Management
* Renewables Energies
* Regional and Urban Planning

Fourth semester
- Field research either in Germany, Mexico or in another Latin American country,
- Thesis writing
- Colloquium either at UASLP or at CUAS
Type of course Full-time
Length of course The studies cover a period of four semesters. The fourth semester is dedicated to the master thesis. The field research for the thesis will be normally done either in Germany, Mexico or another Latin American Country.
Date of commencement The application must be sent by 29th February 2012
Class size 21 (on average)
Cost/Fees Approx. 700 euro per month to cover personal expenses in Cologne.
Approx. 7000 mexican pesos (450 euro) to cover personal costs in Mexico
Semester Fee:
Germany: approx. 221 EUR
Mexico: approx. 130 EUR
Accommodation Not available, support provided to find accommodation
Student grants / financial assistance Scholarships by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and CONACYT (The National Council for Science and Technology - Mexico)
• German students receive a partial scholarship for the time abroad
• Latin America students receive scholarship to cover their living costs throughout 4 semesters
Top recruiters of our graduates Government Institutions (Ministries, Water, Environment Authorities)
Non-governmental Institutions, International Organisations working in the fields of natural resources management Engineering Companies
Utilities and consultancies
Universities and research institutions worldwide
Admissions requirements • have an academic background (minimum Bachelor degree) related to Environmental Management: natural sciences, engineering sciences, geography, agricultural or social sciences

• for Mexican students, an average grade of 8.0 is required in their degree, for other countries an equivalent average
• preferably be under 36 years old, in exceptional cases up to 40
• proficiency in Spanish for the German participants
• be fluent in English language

Proof of proficiency in English language:
• TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language, USA) of at least 550 (computerized version: 213, internet based version: 79)


• IELTS (International English Language Testing System, UK), level 6
• Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, Level C1
• or a comparable proof
Student profile 1. Countries of origin (number) European Union, South America
2. Ratio Men: Women 50/50
3. Age Range 23 to 36 years
4. Average Age 27
5. Average Work Experience
Contact person for application Alexandra Nauditt
Sandra Milena Avendańo Rondón
Course director Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe

About the M.Sc. Environment and Resources Management
for Latin American and German Young Professionals ENREM

The International Master Programme Environment and Resources Management draws upon the expertise and experience of the well-established and accredited Master programmes Programa Multidisciplinario de Posgrado en Ciencias Ambientales - PMPCA (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, UASLP) and Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics - TERMA (Cologne University of Applied Sciences, CUAS). Both programmes are offered at interdisciplinary units of the two prestigious universities.

The general objective of the Master Programme is to qualify young professionals from Latin America and Germany for a career in the public and private environmental sector as well as for further PhD studies in the field of environmental sciences and natural resources management.

The first two semesters are conducted in San Luis Potosí, the third in Cologne while the fourth is reserved for the field research and elaboration of the master thesis, which may be related to a project in any country in Latin America or Germany. Teaching languages are Spanish in Mexico and English in Germany.

Graduates of the international Master programme will be prepared to perform applied research effectively, to work in the private and public environmental sectors and to contribute to technological development.

Graduates of the Master Programme will be able to:

- understand the environmental sectors and concerns in Germany, Mexico and other Latin American countries as well as the related cultural, institutional, political, and economic realms;
- analyse environmental problems following a systematic approach and using adequate tools;
- identify and implement adequate solutions to environmental problems, taking the natural environmental and human dimensions into consideration;
- work successfully in interdisciplinary teams and projects;
- manage projects of international cooperation.

The graduates will receive a double degree of the two involved universities:
• Master of Science "Environmental Sciences" (PMPCA) issued by the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, Mexico and
• Master of Science “Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics” (TERMA) issued by the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany.

Request For Further Information

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