Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Master of Engineering in Analytical Instruments, Measurement and Sensor Technology
Coburg University of Applied Sciences

Address Friedrich-Streib-Str. 2, 96450 Coburg, Germany
Tel. No. +49 (0) 9561-317605
Fax No. +49 (0) 9561-317275
E-mail address
Course Master of Engineering in Analytical Instruments, Measurement and Sensor Technology
Type of course Full-time
Length of course 2 years full time
Date of commencement 30th of June and 30th of September
Class size 20
Cost/Fees Tuition fees: 2000 Euros per semester
Accommodation Student apartments available in the dormitories on campus
Student grants / financial assistance Scholarships for outstanding students are available after the first semester
Top recruiters of our graduates Brose, Continental, Evonik, Bosch and more
Exchange Partner Schools University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Admissions requirements - Bachelor's degree in Engineering or Natural Sciences with a “good” final grade at least.
- Unicert II, TOEFL 550, CBTOEFL 213, IELTS 6.0 or equivalent
- Professional experience of at least one year after graduation.
Student profile 1.Countries of origin: Turkey, Rumania, China, Columbia, India, Lebanon, Germany
2. Ratio Men/Women: Men 60%, Women 40%
3. Age Range: 23-27 years
4. Average Age: 25 years
5. Average Work Experience : one year
Contact details for application Inga Emmerling,
Course director Professor Dr. Gerhard Lindner

About AIMS: the Master of Engineering in Analytical Instruments, Measurement and Sensor Technology Systems

Sensor technology is an exciting field of science and engineering as well as a rapidly growing branch in modern industry. The AIMS program offers a very unique chance to learn about this challenging topic in a professional environment, formed by institutes of applied research, global industrial champions and high-tech startup companies. Your curriculum will be enhanced with specific knowledge, international competence and practical experience that will open the door to leading positions in your professional career.

The program comprises two semesters theoretical coursework at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) and at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST): The summer semester takes part in Shanghai and the wintersemester takes part in Coburg. During the third semester, students are required to do a practical internship in a company or a research institute. The fourth semester serves as a time for preparing master thesis either with companies or in laboratories or research teams. The summer school forms part of the curriculum focusing on novel developments in technology and applications in industry with lectures from experts from universities as well as industry. The venue will be selected on the occasion. Locations to be considered may be Nuremberg in connection with the sensor fair, Shanghai or another international hub.

Request For Further Information

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