Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Management of Cultural Enterprises

Address Pole de Gestion
2, bd Gabriel - BP 26611
F- 21066 Dijon Cedex - France
Tel. No. +33 3 80 39 52 51
Fax No. +33 3 80 39 52 59
E-mail address
Course Management of Cultural Enterprises
Length of course 12 months, full-time
Date of commencement November to November
Cost/Fees 40,000 FF for tuition plus travel and lodgings.
Accommodation Available.
Faculty The group of Professors is international, composed of academics and professionals.
Career Organisation 90% of the students are employed five months after graduation.
Student grants /
Financial assistance
  • SOROS Foundation
  • Council of Europe (travel bursary system)
  • Partners French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AFAA Paris)
    The Council of Europe (Strasbourg)
    The British Council (Bucharest)
    The Goethe Institute (Bucharest)
    The French Institute in Italy (Florence)
    Interarts (Observatory of Cultural Policy, Barcelone)
    The Forum European Cultural Networks
    The French Association of Cultural Centers (Paris)
    European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam)
    The Association "Transeuropeenne" (Paris)
    Union of Theater People of Romania (UNITER Bucharest)
    Royaumont Foundation (Paris)
    The "Halles de Schaerbeck" (Bruxelles)
    Netherlands Theater Institute (Amsterdam)
    IDEE-Europe (Paris)
    Internet Foundation For Management (FIMAN, Bucharest)
    Teaching methods Both theoretical and practical approach declining itself through five modules
  • Strategy of cultural Enterprise
  • Marketing and communication of the cultural product
  • Heritage
  • International cultural cooperation
  • Management and finance of the cultural enterprise

  • Originality of method combining study periods abroad, different professor nationalities, different students nationalities, using group dynamics and international cultural overview through European cultural networks.

    Students assist classical courses and seminars and meet informally with cultural mediators of a European level. Students realise a "real project" in a chosen country other than France under the co-ordination of one of the course tutors and two organisational audits presented formally to the audited organisations.

    After the theoretical period students are in internship for a minimum of four months in a cultural enterprise in Europe and sustain at the end of the course, in front of a jury, a mission report concerning the stage. The goal of the program is to offer a very large range of strategic and managerial incentives to professionals that are eager to debate and verify their potentialities.
    Contact person Corina Suteu, Director
    Yasmine Holuigue, Assistant

    Course/Program description

    The course was created in 1990 out of the initiative of the French Cultural Centre "Saline royale d'Arc et Senans" and the Dijon Business School (one of the important French "Grandes Ecoles"

    The structural originality of the Mastere is that the course is administrated by the French Association ECUME whose headquarters and central offices are in Dijon but the course functions in several European sites during the study year (saline royale, Dijon, Bucharest, Florence, Amsterdam, Barcelone).

    Since 1995, ECUME opened an antenna for eastern and Central European Countries, the EcunEst programme in Bucharest, Romania and created the EcunEst association launching other short tern training schemes.

    Th aim of these courses is to bring together both policy making awareness in the cultural field and management know how of European dimensions.

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