University of Tartu (UT), Estonia - Co-ordinator
Uppsala University (UU), Sweden
Åbo Akademi University (AAU), Finland
Univeristy Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), France
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) programme Excellence in Analytical Chemistry (EACH)
The EACH programme is a two-year, 120-ECTS master’s programme that aims to educate specialists in the field of analytical chemistry qualified to work in industry (food, pharmaceutical, materials, energy, etc.) and chemical analysis laboratories (environment, food, health, etc.) worldwide.
The EACH programme provides knowledge and skills in fundamental and applied aspects of modern analytical chemistry and aims to produce entrepreneurial and ”innovation-prone” graduates, not only capable of finding a job, but also creating jobs themselves.
The programme is taught in collaboration with four universities: University of Tartu (Co-ordinator), Uppsala University, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, and Åbo Akademi University.
Students spend the first study year at UT learning the fundamental concepts and skills of analytical chemistry, metrology in chemistry, and the quality and socio-economic aspects of analytical chemistry. The second year is specialization-oriented and is spent either at UCBL, UU or AAU. The particular strengths of the partner universities are:
- UU: organic analysis, separation methods and mass spectrometry, especially as applied to biological/medical samples;
- UCBL: industrial analytical chemistry and process control;
- AAU: sensors, advanced analytical instruments and electrochemistry.
The complementary competences of the universities enable the students to acquire fundamental knowledge and practical skills at the highest level.
The EACH programme has a well-established cooperation with a number of companies: Solvay, Bruker, Perkin Elmer, Arkema, Estonian Environmental Research Centre, Finnish Environment Institute, Neste, Total, etc. Their active involvement via teaching courses and supervising internships ensures that EACH responds to the needs of industry and analysis laboratories, including in the newly emerging areas:
nano-analysis, in vivo microanalysis, “-omics”, process control, etc. This "practical touch" ensures good employment prospects of the graduates (see more:
About the Consortium of Universities
University of Tartu (UT)
University of Tartu is Estonia’s leading centre of research and training. UT Institute of Chemistry is an established centre of analytical chemistry and metrology in chemistry (MiC) at European level, has initiated and/or is participating in several European collaboration projects.
UT is the initiator of the Euromaster analytical chemistry consortium “Measurement Science in Chemistry”, participates in the pan-European training platform TrainMiC and is the Estonian designated institute in metrology in chemistry of the European Metrology organization EURAMET and participates in the European Metrology Research Programme EMPIR. In addition to local teaching, UT Institute of Chemistry co-ordinates two massive open online courses (MOOC) on estimation of measurement uncertainty and LC-MC method validation.
UT has established an ISO 17025 accredited unit – Testing Centre, which besides offering analytical and metrological services to industry, also serves for students as model accredited laboratory environment. See for more information.
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL)
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), named after the French physiologist Claude Bernard, is one of the three public universities of Lyon, France. UCBL is situated on 14 different geographical sites in the Rhône-Alpes region of France.
The University largely contributes to the development of this region through its partnerships with local and national companies and the regional authorities. UCBL is multidisciplinary institution that is involved in the fields of higher education and research.
The high academic level, in a wide variety of subjects ranging from the health sciences to science, technology, and sport studies, means that UCBL can count itself among the best of French universities. UCBL’s student population is nearly 48 000 of which 11 % are foreign students (representing 134 nationalities).
In the EACH programme, UCBL provides second-year specialisation in applied analytical chemistry, specifically focusing on industrial analytical chemistry, process control, and monitoring. At UCBL, the large Master Analyse et Contrôle study facility is used for studies. It is equipped with all modern instrumental techniques (LC-MS, ICP-MS, ICP-OES, …), as well as facilities for sampling and sample preparation.
In addition, the industrial facilities of the partners nearby Lyon will be extensively used as large part of the experimental and thesis work will take place in industry.
Uppsala University (UU)
Uppsala University is the oldest higher education centre in Scandinavia and one of Northern Europe’s most highly ranked universities. With its extensive experience in running several major international projects in research and education, UU is actively involved in the EU cooperation programmes such as Lifelong Learning, Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Asia-Link, and Leonardo da Vinci.
UU is a host to several world-leading research departments, among them the largest biomedical campus in Northern Europe, which is the home of the UU-s world-famous biomedical research direction. The field of separation science and mass spectrometry, playing the key role in the EACH programme, is a part of that research direction.
In EACH, UU provides second-year specialisation in basic and applied analytical chemistry, specifically focusing on advanced separation science, mass spectrometry, and their applications in a variety of fields, such as proteomics, lipid analysis, and molecular diagnostics.
With the common aim to enable solutions to diverse analytical problems, the master’s thesis topics offered by UU represent novel analytical possibilities for sampling, enrichment, nondiscriminating sample transfer, selective and efficient multidimensional separation, high-resolution mass spectrometry detection, and data handling.
Åbo Akademi University (AAU)
Åbo Akademi University offers both undergraduate and graduate studies and extensive research opportunities to ca 6000 students. The Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry belongs to the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Division for Natural Sciences and Technology. Analytical Chemistry is one of four units that constitute the Process Chemistry Centre (PCC), a Centre of Excellence of the Academy of Finland in 2000-2005 and 2006-2011.
The Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry at AAU is a European leader in basic studies of chemical sensors and process analytical chemistry as well as environmental and healthcare applications. In the area of chemical sensors, the laboratory is a world leader with 120 international publications and ca 3300 citations during 2006-2010.
The laboratory coordinates several pan-European projects of chemical sensor design. AAU provides second-year specialisation in applied analytical chemistry, specifically focusing on electrochemical sensors, electroanalytical chemistry, and advanced analytical devices.