Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

US Business School Prague Logo

Dean Jana Ryšlinková
Address US Business School Prague, Truhlářská 13-15, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel. No. +420 / 2 / 2231 6960
Fax No. +420 / 2 / 2481 4527
E-mail address
Courses AACSB accredited MBA program
Type of courses Full-time
Certificate Programs
Length of courses 10 moths (full-time)
1-4 years (part-time)
44 days (certificate programs)
Class size 35 students
Date of commencement June 30
Accommodation University finds for students appropriate flats
20,000 USD
Student grants /
Financial assistance
Scholarships available, bank loans for Czech citizens
Admission requirements University degree from an accredited university
GMAT 550
Ratio of National /
Overseas students
Ratio of Men / Women 3 : 1
Age range 25 – 38
Contact for application Martina Melíšková
MBA Program Manager

The MBA Course

The MBA degree at USBSP can be obtained in two different lengths of study, (i) 10 months full-time MBA program, (ii) or one to four years part-time MBA program. MBA program offers an exceptional education in general management, with particular strength in finance and strategy, but with complete course offerings in all the fundamental disciplines such as accounting, marketing, operations and organizational behavior. The program consists of 16 courses in business and economics, each for 44 hours. All classes are taught in English.

The school builds close relationships with major corporations in the Czech market to satisfy both its students: offering them perspective job opportunities and internship programs, and partner companies: providing them with direct access to bright young professionals. Major recruiters of our alumni are: Česká pojišťovna, Český Telecom, Komerční banka, McKinsey&Company, Raiffaisenbank, ING Group, GE Capital, Eli Lilly, Citibank, CSFB, Eurotel, A.T. Kearney, T-Mobile, Accenture, Plzeňský Prazdroj, Škoda Praha, etc.

Request For Further Information

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