Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove
Charles University Prague

Dean Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Tomáš Šimůnek, Ph.D.
Address Heyrovskeho 1203, 500 05 Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Fax No. +420 495 512 656
E-mail address (Vice-Dean for Intern. Contacts)
  • Department of Analytical Chemistry
  • Department of Biochemical Sciences
  • Department of Biophysics and Physical Chemistry
  • Department of Inorganic And Organic Chemistry
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug Control
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Department of Biological and Medical Sciences
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology
  • Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Department of Pharmacognosy
  • Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy
  • Type of programme Full time programs:
    Magister (Master) course of Pharmacy (English or Czech)
    Magister (Master) course of Health Service Bioanalytics
    Doctoral (postgraduate, PhD) studies
    Length of programmes Magister courses - 5 years, PhD - 4 years
    Date of commencement 27 September
    Class size 200 students in the Czech course (divided into groups of 20-25 students for seminars, practical and laboratory training), up to 20 in the English course
    Accommodation Available in the University Halls of Residence in Hradec Kralove
    Fees 6600 EUR per academic year - master course (English course, foreign citizens)
    4000 EUR per academic year - Doctoral (PhD) studies
    Student grants/
    Financial assistance
    Waivers (from the 2nd year of study) are granted to students with best and very good study results - up to a minus 20%.
    Admission requirements Successfully passed secondary school with Chemistry, Physics and Biology (educational records), Application (a filled out form), Identity documents, Certificate of medical fitness, Curriculum vitae, Permission for staying in the Czech Rep.; An introductory interview. /Fluent English. Basic Czech taught during the course of studies.
    Student profile Ratio of National / Overseas students: 20:1
    Ratio of Men / Women: 1:3
    Age range mainly 18-30
    Contact for application Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Petr Nachtigal, Ph.D.
    Vice-Dean for International Affairs, English Study Program and Healthcare Bioanalytics Study
    tel +420 777 555 655
    fax +420 495 512 656

    About the course in Pharmacy

    The Pharmacy course of study currently lasts 5 years at present. The study program makes it possible for the undergraduates to specialize adequately according to their interests by choosing from recommended and optional subjects besides the compulsory disciplines. The concept of the program corresponds with the contemporary state and standard of pharmaceutical sciences, the needs of the pharmaceutical practice in the European context, and it creates a base for the postgraduate studies.

    Important note:

    The student should assume that during one year of study the total expenditure excluding tuition fees will be approximately 120,000 Czech crowns (3000 EUR). This sum includes the cost of moderate accommodation, inland travelling, general living expenses, and books. An accommodation at the University Halls of Residence in Hradec Kralove is optional; its cost is 150 EUR per bed per month. For additional 120 EUR per month a full board (3 meals a day) is offered there.

    The postgraduate (doctoral) studies

    The graduate of the university course of studies of Pharmacy or of some related branch (e.g., Faculty of Medicine or of Natural Sciences) can apply for admission to the four-year internal of postgraduate doctoral studies. The postgraduate course of studies is concluded by writing a dissertation and passing examinations.

    The appropriate government committee of the Czech Republic approved eleven fields in which it is possible to obtain the academic-scientific degree of PhD at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University.

    The postgraduate course of studies is completed by writing a dissertation thesis, passing examinations and publication in scientific journals with impact factor.

    Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, offers postgraduate studies in the following fields:

    * Bioorganic Chemistry
    * Drug Control
    * Clinical Pharmacy
    * Pathobiochemistry and Xenobiochemistry
    * Pharmacology and Toxicology
    * Pharmacognosy
    * Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    * Pharmaceutical Technology
    * Social Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice
    * Toxicology of Natural Products


    Associate Professor, PharmDr. Tomáš Šimůnek, PhD


    Prof. PharmDr. František Štaud, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Education

    Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Petr Nachtigal, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for International Affairs, English Study Program and Healthcare Bioanalytics Study

    Prof. Ing. Vladimír Wsól, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Research, Doctoral Studies and Academic Qualifications

    Prof. PharmDr. Alexandr Hrabálek, CSc. Vice-Dean for Public Relations and Technology Transfer

    Prof. RNDr. Petr Solich, CSc. Vice-Dean for Strategic Development

    Secretary: Ing. Lenka Vlčková

    Dean's Office: 500 05 Hradec Kralove, street Heyrovskeho 1203 tel. +420 495 067 111, fax +420 495 512 656

    Outline of the Structure of the Faculty Executive Staff (the Dean, Vice-Deans, Registrar )
    Scientific Council
    Academic Senate
    Dean's Office

    Departments and Other Sections of the Faculty:

    * Department of Biophysics and Physical Chemistry
    * Department of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
    * Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology
    * Department of Analytical Chemistry
    * Department of Biological and Medical Sciences
    * Department of Biochemical Sciences
    * Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
    * Department of Pharmacognosy
    * Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug Control
    * Department of Pharmaceutical Technology
    * Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy
    * Scientific Information Centre


    * Section of Foreign Languages

    * Section of Physical Education and Sports

    * Supporting Units

    * Laboratory of Computer Technique
    The Laboratory of Computer Technique ensures the continuous operation of the faculty LAN and paralelly also education in the computer classroom.

    * Bioanalytical Center
    The Bioanalytical Center provides an analytical service involving analyses of pharmaceuticals, biological material and herbs with of classical or instrumental methods. The Centre can offer analytical expertise for research or commercial purposes. The service is offered to all departments of the faculty and for any external customers.

    * Garden of Medicinal Herbs
    The garden with a greenhouse is useful for the practical teaching of students in the subjects of botany, cultivation and pharmacognostic character. It also aids the completion of undergraduates' theses in these disciplines and provides plant material necessary for education, research, or for completing collections of departments. It also takes part in a mutual exchange of seeds with about 200 botanical gardens around the world.

    * Czech Pharmaceutical Museum
    The collection of the museum is now administered by the Pharmacy Faculty of Charles University. The seat of the museum is at the Kuks castle (around 25 km from Hradec Kralove).

    About Charles University and the Faculty of Pharmacy

    Charles University, the first university established in Central Europe, was founded by Charles IV, the Czech King and Roman Emperor, in 1348. From the very beginning, Charles University was characterized as a "studium generale" and the King awarded it all the privileges enjoyed by the other old universities.

    At present Charles University has seventeen faculties altogether, out of which fourteen are seated in Prague while the other three are located in the distinguished important Czech towns of Hradec Kralove and Plzen.

    The Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, with its seat in the town of Hradec Kra1ove, was established by a government decree in 1969. This Faculty of Pharmacy has continued in the old and long-time tradition of the education of pharmacy at Charles University.

    Pharmacy is a medical branch, which is focused on the research, production, control, supply, and dispensing of medicines and drugs. It also deals with information about drugs and pharmaceutical functions, organizations, the management of pharmaceutical functions (social pharmacy), and with the historical development of the branch.

    Hradec Kralove, the biggest town in Eastern Bohemia, has about one hundred thousand inhabitants and is situated at the confluence of the rivers Labe and Orlice about 100 km from the capital of the country , Prague.

    It is mentioned among the oldest Czech towns as early as 1225. At the beginning of the 14th century, it became the dowry and royal seat of Czech queens. That is why since that time it has had the contemporary name - "the Castle of the Queen". The town itself flourished economically in the 15th century, but later it was destroyed in the Thirty Years' War. The historical core of the town has its major buildings: the cathedral of the Holy Ghost dating from the beginning of the 14th century, White Tower from the end of the 16th century, and the baroque Jesuit church of the Assumption of Mary the Virgin with a convent from the 2nd half of the 17th century. Towards the end of the 18th century, the town was changed into a late baroque fortress. Since 1884 the character of the town as a fortress was gradually transformed - the town got rid of the shell of the fortification and further possibilities for its development became available. Between the two World Wars, the town developed into the center of modern Czech architecture.

    After World War II Hradec Kralove became the administrative and cultural center of Eastern Bohemia - with theatres, galleries, museums, high schools, and colleges. Besides the Faculty of Pharmacy it is also the seat of the Medical Faculty, Charles University; Military Medical Academy; and the independent University of Pedagogics. About 4,000 students attend classes in this town every year.

    The students are trained to work on the research of new medicaments and medicinal preparations, in their production, control, and distribution; in the pharmaceutical service; information service; management; pharmaceutical education; and biochemical and other laboratories.

    Research Areas

    One of the most characteristic features of the pharmacy science is its interdisciplinary - pharmacy distributes its attention into interfaces of chemistry, biology, medicine and is closely related also with social life, health care and economy. From this point of view the faculty research activities can be divided into three general scientific areas

    * Chemically or physical-chemically oriented research
    * Biologically and medically oriented research
    * Pharmacy praxis oriented research

    Grants Most of the important scientific projects are financed by form of grants.

    Contact Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University Prague
    Request For Further Information

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